Iran's sputnik [no negotiations w/ fanatical Mullahs bend on world domination!]
Iran's sputnik [no negotiations w/ fanatical Mullahs bend on world domination!] Monitor
02/25/2007 Iran's sputnik Christian Science Monitor - Its space launch shows Tehran wants to be a global military player - one more reason for UN sanctions. Negotiating isn't always done in words.
Labels: Ahmadinejad, Caliphate, Iran, Islamic Hitler, World domination
3 Arab states in gulf say would help Israel attack Iran
3 Arab states in gulf say would help Israel attack Iran
3 Arab states in gulf say would allow Israel to enter airspace to attack Iran
February 25, 2007
Labels: Arabs, Iran, Islamic Hitler, Islamic Jihad, Israel, Moderates
Islamic Shrek "shrine" [EuroNews, what Islamization has gotten over you?]
Islamic Shrek "shrine" [EuroNews, what Islamization has gotten over you?]
Dear EuroNews, Hello!
Regarding your report on 23 February 2007: Police and Palestinians clash at Islamic shrine in Jerusalem
What an outrageous approach & language?
What on earth has anti-Israel fascism & gross lies gotten in to you?
Even if you would like to appear as a radical Arabist, at least don't change historic facts.
At first I thought it was a satire, "Islamic shrine" is What? the Jewish temple?
Even in usual anti-Israel standards, this is pretty pathetic.
Really scary, in fact.
So you want to buy Islamic-Jihad propaganda that the Jewish temple is also revered by Muslims, just because of what Muhammad has said that "he had a dream about it?"
OK! we have been used to that PC.
But an "islamic shrine"?
Even for European site, you have gone too far.
The least a propagandist that bows [in any case, be it cartoons, Pope's branding Islam as nothing but violent, arresting terrorists in Europe, Arab Muslim immigrants' intifadah in Paris, etc.] to "whatever the violent Muslim protesters/murderers claim" could do is that "the site is holy for both", but not to make it flat out:
Where's the lies-limit?
In fact this pattern of changing facts because of fear/terror, is nothing but Islamic terrorism at it's best, a SHREK in deed.
Now, that's an Islamic shrine alright!
Labels: anti israel bias, Arabs, Eurabia, history, holy sites, Jerusalem, Jews, MSM, Muslims, palestinian lies, palestinian Propaganda, Temple, Temple mount
Humane Israel multi-racial democracy to grant legal refugee status for Sudanese escaping Arab-Islamic APARTHEID
MKs pledge to grant legal refugee status for Sudanese prisoners
One must wonder how Musa sees the world. A black Muslim refugee from the Sudan, Musa's refusal to be drafted into the Sudanese army to fight the Arab janjaweed militiamen led to the burning of his village and the murder or disappearance of his 16-member family.
Yet those who carried out the retribution killings were not government forces, but Arab militiamen themselves, armed by the Sudanese government, the very men whom the Sudanese military was trying to defeat.
Just Remember that Darfurians are Muslims, not Jewish... in fact, they are black Muslims, kudos to Israeli democratic pluralistic multi-racial heroes of (that small little beautiful country "David", struggling to survive against the sea of "Goliath" terror surrounding it only to wipe it off) accepting the victims of the racist Arabs, escaping the Arab-supremacists comitting the genocide on non-Arabs in sudan.
Heard that Arabist Jimmy Carter the faslsifier, the pro Islamic-apartheid liar??
Heard that Arabist Jimmy Carter the faslsifier, the pro Islamic-apartheid liar???
The one that had a hand in the Islamic evil apartheid totalitarian Iran republic & it's current menace on the world. no wonder that such a twisted guy will use the term "apartheid" rather where it's never justified.
Labels: anti israel bias, anti Israel bigotry, Arab supremacy, Arabs, Carter, Democracy, Good vs evil, Humane Israel, Israel Multi-racial, Israel palestine 101, Israel the gem, refugees, Sudan
Activist blasts Muslims, Arabs over Darfur stance
Activist blasts Muslims, Arabs over Darfur stance
Web posted at: 2/20/2007 2:7:51
Source ::: The Peninsula / By MOBIN PANDIT Mohamed Adam Yahya
Doha • A human rights activist from Darfur yesterday blasted the Arab and Muslim world for what he described as its hypocritical stand on the troubled region in Sudan.
He said Muslims from the rest of the world should be ashamed of their indifference towards fellow Muslims being persecuted in Darfur.
Ironically, it is the Jews and Americans who are supporting the 'innocent Muslims being targeted' in the region and providing food and shelter to nearly 250,000 Darfur refugees who have fled to neighboring Chad, said Mohamed Adam Yahya.
Yahya is the founder and executive director of the US-based ‘Damanga Coalition for Freedom and Democracy’, a body committed to preserving human rights and ethnic communities in Darfur.
Speaking to The Peninsula on the sidelines of the US-Islamic World Forum here, he said: "The silence of the Arab and Islamic world on the Darfur issue is not only baffling, it is shameful. Do the Arabs and Muslims have any right to criticise America?"
Situated in the west of Sudan and spread over an area of 173,000 square miles, Darfur is double the size of France and has seven million people, mostly 'black' Muslims, living there.
According to Yahya, Sudan's total population is around 36 million and 26 per cent of the people are of Arab origin. They have been dominating politics, education, military, government jobs as well as business and the economy ever since the country attained freedom in January 1956.
Even though ‘black Muslims’ account for 75 per cent of Darfur's population, they do not enjoy any freedom. They are denied opportunities of education and cannot enter politics. They cannot become religious leaders or take up higher posts in the army or even become teachers.
“All a black Darfur Muslim can hope to become is a soldier in the Sudanese army,” said Yahya. "The Arab Sudanese consider themselves as superior. They have been discriminating against us for long."
Earlier, Yahya's scathing criticism of Muslims for their alleged silence on the plight of fellow Muslims in Darfur at the concluding session of the US-Islamic World Forum at the Ritz-Carlton yesterday was greeted with hearty applause.
The problem in Darfur actually began in 1991 with violent clashes between 'black and Arab Muslims' taking place. Taking advantage of the widening cleavage, the present government in Khartoum began supporting a local Arab militia, called the 'Janjaweed', with arms and funds. The problem was aggravated.
Yahya said that over the past four years alone, some 450,000 people have been killed in the region and another 250,000 have become homeless. They have been forced to take refuge in neighbouring Chad. “There is a genocide going on in the region and the Jews and the Americans are opposing it, while the Arabs and Muslims have chosen to be conveniently mum. It is ironical that Muslims are killing Muslims there,” said Yahya.
Technorati - Arab racism Arabization Arabs slavery Freedom 911 Sudan Mauritania Chad Darfur Sudan genocide Al Qaeda Al Qaida Bin Laden Anti west Anti American Terrorist oganization 'palestinian' terrorism Suicide bombing Saddam Hussein Torture chambers WTC bombing Homicide bombing London bombing Bali bombing Muslim clerics Mullahs Islamic Hitler jihad Sudan genocide Islamic slavery Arab slaver masters Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel Islamic Jihad Hamas "palestinian" Animalism "palestinian" cruelty "palestinian" Savagery "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Jewish refugees Victims of terror Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred Nubians Kurds Berbers Marsh Arabs Maronites Assyrians Arabism Racism Anti Israel Racism Ahwazi Azeris Balochis "palestinian" Racism Rape Jihad Israeli Arabs Race Clashes Akhdam Non Arabs Hilali Labels: Africa, Americans, Arab racism, Arab supremacy, Arabs, Chad, Genocide, Jews, Mauritania, Slavery, Sudan
Political Candidates Receiving Contributions from ARAB AMERICAN LEADERSHIP COUNCIL PAC
Political Candidates Receiving Contributions from ARAB AMERICAN LEADERSHIP COUNCIL PAC
41 record(s)
Name; Office; Party; State; $ Amount
DAVIS, DANNY K HOUSE Democrat IL 1,000
HOLT, RUSH HOUSE Democrat NJ 1,000
HONDA, MIKE HOUSE Democrat CA 1,000
HYDE, HENRY JOHN HOUSE Republican IL 1,000
ISSA, DARRELL E HOUSE Republican CA 3,500
JOHN, CHRIS SENATE Democrat LA 5,000
LAHOOD, RAY HOUSE Republican IL 3,500
LEE, BARBARA HOUSE Democrat CA 3,000
MORAN, JAMES P JR. HOUSE Democrat VA 6,000
OBEY, DAVID R HOUSE Democrat WI 2,000
PAUL, RONALD E. HOUSE Republican TX 2,000
STARK, PETE HOUSE Democrat CA 2,000
UDALL, TOM HOUSE Democrat NM 1,000
WATT, MELVIN L HOUSE Democrat NC 2,000
Democrats: 33
Republicans: 7
Independents: 1
Political Candidates Receiving Contributions from NAAA-ADC INC POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
NAAA-ADC, Inc. is the government affairs affiliate of the American-Arab
Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC).
10 record(s)
Name Office Party State $ Amount
JOHN, CHRIS SENATE Democrat LA 1,000
MORAN, JAMES P JR. HOUSE Democrat VA 1,000
Political Candidates Receiving Contributions from MUSLIM AMERICAN POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (MAPAC)
3 record(s)
Name Office Party State $ Amount
Political Candidates Receiving Contributions from PAKISTANI AMERICAN PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE PAK-PAC
4 record(s)
Name Office Party State $ Amount
Labels: Arab Lobby, Arab money, islamic lobby, pac
Carter's crime of language on South African real victims of Apartheid
Carter's crime of language on South African real victims of ApartheidIn a more perfect world, you'd expect S. Africans to march against Arab-funded Carter calling 'war on terror' "apartheid"
But since PC is leading the charge, Islamic terrorists have managed to do just that, to instill fear & terror especially into lefty "intellectuals", all is fine then, no Israeli, or Zionist or even Christian will bomb/behead that confused propagandist: Jimmy Carter, so everything is just fine, so what if he admitted he used the "apartheid" slur on victim Israel only to provoke? the deal with the devil is done, the money is in the pocket, the "honor" that was never his turf inside Carter's home country, the loser found always friends that are anti west (from those that would have him & all the west under Islamic Inquisition,) the most radicals among them, as a matter of fact.
Thus, not only does Jimmy Carter commit a terrible crime in dehumanizing victims of anti-Israel, anti-Jewish Islamic-Fascist ("apartheid" is too delicate, actually) terrorists, in a country that it's Arabs not only are not second class but even have far more rights than Israeli Jews, (especially regarding access to holy sites in Jerusalem, court cases involving land disputes & benefits vis-a-vis obligation to serve in the army), but on the historic victims of the real apartheid, those of S. Africa, that is.
Labels: apartheid, Arabs, Carter, Islamic apartheid, Islamofascism, Israel, Israel Multi-racial, Israeli Arabs, Jimmy Carter, Muslims, war on terror
'Palestine': UNITED WE STAND IN EVIL!'Palestinian' unity
Israel, US rebuff Makkah accord some "unity"... some common ground, evil-intention people can agree upon.
For the only 'unity' among 'Palestinian Arabs' is the anti Israel fascism of not even recognizing the "stranger", the "other", the non Muslim (mainly), the non Arab (mostly).
A "unity" Orchestrated by those that export to the world the textbooks as "Christians being Pigs, Jews apes", the wonderful "moderate" Saudi Arabia, the Hatred kingdom, of course.
Did you ever think this oily rich Goliath would ever lift a finger for it's Arab brothers (besides aiding genocide bombers' vicious parents)?
"Next to the Jews, we hate the 'Palestinians' the most."
said Saudi King Fahd.
What else is there "unity" among Arab, Muslim, bitter bloody eternal enemies of neighbor vs neighbor, brother vs brother, sect vs sect?
Humanity? Goodwill? Are you kidding?
As in Hezbollah Islamists terrorists that made sure Arab kids died with their tactics in a way to blame it on Israel.
The normal world says: "what unites us is far greater than what divides us."
The death cult says: "What unites us [for now...] is to smite them".
What unites evil is, 'wiping off map', 'no right to exist', 'drive them all into the sea', second holocaust, you name it!
Labels: Abbas, Apes and Pigs, Arab racism, Fatah, Hamas, Islamofascism, Israel, Israel palestine 101, Makkah, nazification of palestine, palestinians, Saudi Arabia, textbooks
More Palestinians entering (HUMANE/HUMANITARIAN) Israel on health grounds
More Palestinians entering (HUMANE/HUMANITARIAN) Israel on health grounds
ISRAEL-OPT: More Palestinians entering Israel on health grounds 90% of applicants granted permits when reason is medical
ISRAEL-OPT: More Palestinians entering Israel on health grounds BEIT EL/TEL AVIV, 15 February 2007 (IRIN - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ) - More and more Palestinians are gaining permission to enter Israel and East Jerusalem for medical reasons - one of the few ways they can still obtain a permit.
Behind an oversized desk, Dalia Bessa, the Health Coordinator for the Israeli Civil Administration in the West Bank, answers her numerous phones in Hebrew, English and Arabic. One woman needs a permit to go to Jerusalem for cancer treatment; on another line, a report comes in about a car accident near Nablus. A moment later a Palestinian director of an East Jerusalem hospital files his request.
"We got 81,000 Palestinians permits to enter Israel for health reasons in 2006, a rise of 61 percent from 2005," Bessa says from her office in Beit El, near Ramallah. Without those permits, no hospital will grant entry to a Palestinian patient.
She believes the increase is due to the Israeli security barrier, which limits Palestinians' movements, and a strike in the medical sector. She expects even more Palestinians to require permits in 2007.
While fewer and fewer Palestinians from the West Bank, and none from Gaza, are able to enter Israel to work - a situation unlikely to change - Bessa says 90 percent of applicants are granted permits when the reason is medical.
Aid blocked
Karni Crossing, the main commercial crossing into the Gaza Strip, is frequently closed by Israel due to intelligence alleging imminent attacks.
The Israeli human rights organisation Gisha has filed a High Court petition demanding that Karni be open longer so that aid can get through to Gaza. A hearing is set for the end of February.
Meanwhile, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) owes more than US$1 million in penalty fees to storage companies at the Ashdod Port in southern Israel, since it is unable to transfer containers in and out of the Gaza Strip quickly enough. This is wasted aid money, UNRWA officials say.
Shlomo Dror, a spokesman at the Israeli Ministry of Defence, says that without the international aid organisations there would be a humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian areas. "We don't want a crisis like that," Dror emphasised. "But, if one did emerge, we would have to go in [to the Palestinian areas] and help. But we want the Palestinian Authority to take responsibility, not us."
Gabi Ashkenazi replaced Dan Halutz on Wednesday as the Israeli Chief-of-Staff but the coordination branches are expected to remain the same. However, work with the Palestinian side may improve if the Palestinians establish a unity government, as the military will not deal with Hamas.
Major Peter Lerner, in charge of humanitarian coordination in the Gaza Strip, explains that the army has implemented changes. "Before 2003, we had three people doing this. Now 21 people coordinate humanitarian affairs in the Palestinian areas," he says, "leading to better services and operations."
Labels: Arabs, Good vs evil, Israel, Israel Humanitarian, Israel palestine 101, Israel the gem, Israel the Saint, Jews, Muslims
Abbas comments on Israel recognition [more fascism & pro genocide talk from "moderate palestinians"]
Abbas comments on Israel recognition [more fascism & pro genocide talk from "moderate palestinians"]
NDTV ^ Feb, 18, 07
Abbas comments on Israel recognition Associated Press
Sunday, February 18, 2007 (Ramallah, West Bank):
The world will have to deal with a new Hamas-Fatah coalition even if its platform falls short of international demands such as recognition of Israel, Mahmoud Abbas told a US envoy, according to an aide...
Labels: Abbas, Al aqsa Martyrs brigade, anti Israel bigotry, fascism, Fatah, Genocide, Moderate Muslims, palestinians
Islamofascism & Arab racism, pro genocide, still dominates most "Palestinians" - February Poll: 75% of Palestinians don't "give" Israel right to exist
Islamofascism & Arab racism, pro genocide, still dominates most "Palestinians" - February Poll: 75% of Palestinians don't "give" Israel right to exist 12-15 February Poll: 75% of Palestinians do not think that Israel has the right to exist
NEC's monthly bulletin on Palestinian perceptions
towards politics and economics
Bulletin # II-2 - Main Findings
February 2007
In the period 12-15 February, 2007, Near East Consulting (NEC) conducted a
phone survey of over 1200 randomly selected Palestinians in the West Bank,
the Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem of which 806 were successfully completed. It
is worth noting that the margin of error is +/- 3.4% with a 95% confidence
.. 51% of Palestinians feel less secure since the January 2006 elections,
as compared to 48% last month, and 44% in December 2006.
.. The majority of Palestinians (85%) of the Palestinians continue to be
either extremely concerned (55%) or somewhat concerned (30%) about the
current situation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. This constitutes a
decrease of 6% since NEC's January 2007 survey.
.. 19% are concerned because of the economic hardship that their household
is facing (+1% since January), 31% are concerned because of the general
absence of security for their families (+5% since January), while 29% remain
concerned because of the internal power struggle (-13% since January).
.. Despite the recent Mecca agreement, 75% continue to feel insecure with
respect to themselves, their family, and their property (+1% since NEC's
January 2007 survey).
.. 82% of the Palestinians believe that the Executive Force should be
integrated within the other security forces (+3% since January).
.. While in NEC's January 2007 survey, 43% of Palestinians believed that a
civil war was likely, since the Mecca agreement 77% think that this
likelihood has decreased, 8% believe that the likelihood of a civil war
since the Mecca agreement has increased, and 15% feel that it remained the
B. The Mecca agreement and the future developments:
.. The overwhelming majority of Palestinians (94%) support the Mecca
.. 79% believe that the Mecca agreement will hold.
.. Equally, 79% believe that the envisaged Unity government in the Mecca
agreement will succeed.
.. 63% believe that the embargo against the PA will be lifted as a result of
the Mecca agreement.
.. 20% believe that Fateh most benefited from the Mecca agreement, 19% feel
that Hamas most benefited from the Mecca agreement, while 38% believe that
both benefited equally. Although originally not an option to answer in the
survey, 23% of the respondents insisted that the Palestinian people most
benefited from the Mecca agreement.
.. Despite the optimism surrounding the potential of the Mecca agreement, an
exact equal percentage of Palestinians as last month (76%) believe that the
crisis between Fateh and Hamas will end. In other words, the Mecca agreement
did not further influence Palestinian perceptions on this issue.
C. Factions and leaders:
.. Between trust in Abu Mazen and trust in Ismael Hanieh, 51% most trust the
former, while 49% most trust the latter. However, when - more generally -
Palestinians are queried about their trust in Palestinian personalities, 22%
most trust Ismael Hannieh, while 19% most trust Abu Mazen. Some of the other
personalities who receive trust from a proportion of the Palestinian people
include: Marwan Barghouti (16%), Khaled Masha'al (9%), Mustafa Barghouti
(8%), and Mohammad Dahlan (6%). Although his name was not included in the
list of Palestinian personalities, 9% of the respondents still insisted that
they most trust the late President Yasser Arafat.
.. Very similar to NEC's January 2007 results, 43% believe that the people
in their neighbourhood mainly trust Fateh, 33% believe that they mainly
trust Hamas, while 21% believe that the people in their neighbourhood do not
trust any faction.
.. Personally, 34% of the respondents place their trust in Fateh (a drop of
6% in comparison with NEC's January results), 28% most trust Hamas (compared
to 26% in January), while 33% do not trust any faction (an increase of 6%
since last month). In other words, last month's high level of trust in Fateh
has receded as an increasing percentage of respondents again opt not to
trust any of the existing factions.
D. The Palestinian-Israeli context:
.. 70% support a peace settlement with Israel, compared to 72% in January
2007 and 77% in December 2006.
.. 51% believe that Hamas should change its position towards the elimination
of Israel (a drop of 5% since January 2007, and a 10% drop since December
.. 63% of Palestinians believe that Hamas should use all its efforts to
reach a peace agreement with Israel.
.. 85% of Palestinians believe that there is a Palestinian peace partner.
This indicates an increase of 8% since December 2006, and is the most
positive answer since NEC began asking this question in its May 2006 survey.
.. Meanwhile, 26% believe that Palestinians have a peace partner in Israel.
This indicates a downward trend as in December 2006 still 30% believed that
there was a peace partner in Israel, while this was this the case for 36% of
Palestinians in November 2006. The current results consist of the least
pronounced belief that there is a peace partner for Palestinians in Israel
since August 2006 (at the height of Israel's war against Hezbollah).
.. 62% of Palestinians support the planned meeting on 19 February between
Abu Mazen, Ehud Olmert, and Condaleeza Rice.
.. While principally 75% of Palestinians do not think that Israel has the
right to exist, 70% support a one-state solution in historic Palestine where
Muslims, Christians and Jews live together with equal rights and
E. Poverty conditions
.. The percentage odd Palestinians who live under the poverty line is lower
than previous months and it stands now at 64% (32% are hardship cases and
32% are below the poverty line).
.. Supporters of Fateh seem to be less privileged than other respondents.
While the national rate for those below the poverty line is 64%, the
percentage is 67% for Fateh supporters and 62% for Hamas supporters. This
tendency has been rather consistent every month since March 2006.
.. Poverty level is higher in the Gaza Strip (72%) than in the West Bank
Technorati - 'palestinian' terrorism War on terror Terror victims 'palestinian' propaganda jihad Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Good VS evil Israel "Palestine" 101 Jewish refugees Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation PLO Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred Indoctrination 'Palestinian' Child abuse Death cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Hebron massacre Arab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Hebron massacre "Palestinian" propaganda Arab propaganda Arafat Al Aqsa Al Aqsa martyrs brigade Fatah Hamas Arab racism mufti Islamic Jihad Jerusalem Jihad Holyland Netanya bombing Jerusalem bombing Passover massacre Jerusalem massacre Death cult Israeli democracy Jenin hoax Abu Abbas IDF IDF Moral Achila lauro Arafat Black September Damour Arafat Yasser Arafat IDF Humanitarian IDF Moral Israel humanitarianMunich 1972 Gaza beach hoax Gaza Beit hanoun Human shields Wall Fence Arabism Pallywood Labels: Arab racism, fascism, Genocide, Islamofascism, Israel palestine 101, palestinian education, palestinian Terrorism, palestinians
Fatah's Al-Aqsa Brigades fire projectiles at Sderot ("moderate" Palestinians, my ass)
Fatah's Al-Aqsa Brigades fire projectiles at Sderot ("moderate" Palestinians, my ass)
Fatah's Al-Aqsa Brigades fire projectiles at Sderot and western Negev in
"retaliation for Al-Aqsa aggression"Date: 16 / 02 / 2007 Time: 16:26 - Ma'an - The Al-Aqsa Brigades, the main military wing of Fatah, have claimed responsibility for launching four homemade projectiles at the Israeli town of Sderot and into the western Negev on Friday around noon.
In a statement, the brigades said that the projectile launching was in reaction to Israel's violations of the truce and the "the aggressions against the Palestinians, in addition to the mosque of Al-Aqsa".
Labels: Abbas, Al Aqsa Brigade, Al aqsa Martyrs brigade, Fatah, palestinian Terrorism, palestinians, terrorism
Education! Education! Spot the difference
Education! Education! Spot the difference
Labels: palestinian child abuse, palestinian education, palestinians, seeds of hatred
Visiting Muslim academic defends Israel’s existence
Visiting Muslim academic defends Israel’s existence Bashan
A VISITING Muslim academic from Bangladesh has called on all Muslims to accept Israel’s right to exist.
Associate Professor
Ehsanul Haque, 42, made the remark at the Australian Association of Jewish Studies annual conference at the University of Sydney’s Mandelbaum House earlier this week.
Associate Professor Haque – whose homeland has no diplomatic ties with the Jewish State – criticised the Bangladeshi Government for being “too conservative” and rife with “extremists”.
The academic, who openly lauded Israel’s right to statehood in his presentation, titled “The Jewish leaders: in search of a just peace with the Muslims”, told the AJN: “The problem is that Bangladesh is an extremely conservative society and people are largely ignorant about other religions.
“So that’s why misunderstandings often come up between people,” he said.
The Australian Association of Jewish Studies sponsored Associate Professor Haque to fly to Australia for the conference after he submitted his paper – with the inherent risks he may face when he returns home.
Bangladesh is the third-largest Muslim nation in the world and one of 31 states which refuse to establish diplomatic ties with Israel. In the past, the government has detained people attempting to visit the Jewish State.
A fellow countryman, journalist Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, is currently facing sedition charges for attempting to visit Israel in 2003 for a conference.
He was reportedly detained, tortured and kept in isolation for over a year under suspicion that he was an Israeli spy.
Eventually released, he was later assaulted at his newspaper’s office by members of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, who have alleged ties with Jemaah Islamiah. If found guilty, he faces the death penalty.
But Associate Professor Haque said that despite his outspoken views, he has no qualms about returning to the country this week.
“I strongly believe that what I feel is not wrong.
“A gulf of misunderstanding exists between the Jews and the Muslims. And there are moderate Muslim groups as well who always speak for greater harmony and cooperation.”
A lecturer of international relations at the University of Dhaka, he said anti-Israel rhetoric dominated academic debate, and said it was his duty to balance his students’ biased perspectives.
“A lot of my students show their intolerance toward Jews and Israel. So I thought as a faculty member I should give a balanced view to students as a moral responsibility.”
Acclaimed international scholars at the two-day conference included Islam expert Professor Raphael Israeli and Holocaust scholar Professor Yehuda Bauer. The conference also attracted academics from Germany, Wales and New York.
The event, convened by Associate Professor Suzanne Rutland, has taken place annually for the past 19 years and will be held at Melbourne’s Monash University next year.
Labels: Moderate Muslims, Moderates, Pro Israel Muslims
Making a "criminal"; out of Saint Israel
Making a "criminal" out of Saint Israel
When it comes to Victim Israel, the media "justice" turns 360 degrees.
A fascism that selects Israel for unfair harsh terms & gross language.
When it comes to victim Israel, all hell break lose.
- Not only don't they appreciate Israel's reluctance from going on the lose like Arab neighbors, Syria & Jordan that "dealt" with violent "uprising" by just massacring thousands randomly.
But it calls Israeli restrained minimal defense-of-lives actions against terror aggression as "aggressive".
- Not only don't they appreciate Israel's beautiful treatment of it's minorities including favoring it's Arab citizens over Israeli Jewish majority in court cases, in access to the holy-site of the temple mount, (not excluding known Muslim fascists living inside Israel that call for racist genocide of the Jews & ethnic cleansing & voice their opinion openly in Israel's free equal democracy) & in the imbalance unfairness in obligating Israeli Jews to serve in the army, whereas Arabs are exempt.
But it calls Israel's security check points after arresting Israeli Arabs in terror activities as "racism".
- Not only don't they appreciate Israel's aid & humanitarian help for "Palestinians" including free treatment in hospitals for many "Palestinian" kids injured due to "Palestinian" -- crimes against humanity -- adults' violent intifadah... using their kids as weapons or as shields, as well as basically feeding much of their population.
But it interprets Israeli shielding themselves from Arab attackers, shooting behind little kids as "crimes against humanity".
- Not only don't they appreciate Israel's ongoing gestures to "Palestinians" crossing over to the Israeli side, looking away strict anti terror measures, when "Palestinians" not only practice apartheid against Jews, but Hamas raises it's Islamic Apartheid against Christian Arabs too.
But it calls it's anti-genocide-bombers barrier an "apartheid wall".
- Not only don't they appreciate Israel's multiracial nation that has Arab Muslims representatives in it's highest offices in the government, even at the height of racism from Israeli Arabs towards Israeli Jews manifested in protests and in aiding bombers.
But these ungrateful Israeli Arabs cry "racism".
- Not only don't they appreciate Israel's evacuating Gaza from non Arabs, from Jews, when fascist "Palestine" doesn't allow any Jew to live in it's so called "territories", but it's these ethnic cleansing masters that cry "ethnic cleansing".
What's good for Europeans & the rest of the world is never good for Israel even on the expense of saving lives
Gen. Giora Eiland: Israel Should Adopt Policy of Holland, Switzerland & Denmark In Barring Automatic Citizenship To Palestinian Spouses Of Israeli Arabs
Two More Fatalities From Palestinian Suicide Bombing On April 17th At Tel Aviv Bus Station
IsraCast: Natan Sharansky Blasts Canadian Unions Anti-Israeli ...He cited that when Israel took legitimate measures to defend its citizens from Palestinian suicide bombers this was branded as apartheid. ...
These Arabs lack citizenship because of their actions, not their race or ... their own Palestinian state - a country where all Israeli settlements would be ...
In no way can the treatment of Arabs by the State of Israel be compared to the treatment of the Blacks of South Africa under apartheid. There is no Israeli ideology, policy or plan to segregate, persecute or mistreat the Arab population. Democracy is the cornerstone of the State of Israel. Israel makes no distinction between its Arab and Jewish citizens. Israeli Arab citizens enjoy the same rights as their Jewish neighbors. They are also free to practice their religion without discrimination, in accordance with Israel's commitment to democracy and freedom. As in every country, much more needs to be done to promote greater educational and employment opportunities for minorities, particularly for Israeli Arabs. The Israeli government has committed to investing in the necessary infrastructure and assistance for these communities.
CAMERA: Guardian Defames Israel with False Apartheid Charges (The Palestinian statistical abstract claims that the Israeli figures understate Arab population growth, so that would further undermine Mr. McGreal’s case.
The 2,500-kilometre-long defensive wall built by Morocco constituted a de facto annexation of the larger part of the Territory. That “apartheid wall” had been humiliating the Saharawi people for two decades and had converted the Sahara into a ghetto.
International campaign against the apartheid wall and Moroccan colonial occupation of Western Sahara:
If you guessed that the barrier in question was Israel’s West Bank security fence, guess again. It surrounds the Spanish enclave of Melilla, on the Mediterranean coast of Morocco, a remnant of Spain’s colonial past. Morocco argues, with considerable regional support, that Melilla and another Spanish coastal enclave, Ceuta, are in fact occupied Moroccan territory, and must be returned.
As the Wall Street Journal—Europe pointed out in a recent editorial (Sept. 26), there are two major differences between the fence around Melilla and Israel’s security barrier. One is that no-one is protesting that this fence is illegal, a barrier to peace or a land grab, and no-one calls it an "apartheid wall", even though its intent is very much to separate people along largely ethnic lines. In fact, the EU, which has protested so vigorously against Israel’s barrier, is actually helping Spain to fund the fence.
The other difference is the intent — the Melilla barrier is not intended to save lives or prevent terrorism. It is there to keep out largely sub-Saharan Africans looking for a better life in Europe, and who become free to move about Europe once they get into Melilla, which is a part of Spain and thus a part of the EU.
Labels: anti Israel bigotry, Humane Israel, Israel, Israel Multi-racial, Israel the gem, Israel the Saint
US diplomat says Palestinian deal complicates peace efforts (the myth of "moderate palestinians")
US diplomat says Palestinian deal complicates peace efforts (the myth of "moderate palestinians")US diplomat says Palestinian deal complicates peace efforts
International Herald Tribune AP. WASHINGTON: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reaffirmed US support for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas even as she said his plan to govern alongside Hamas militants complicates US peacemaking efforts.
Labels: Arab racism, Fatah, Genocide, Hamas, Islamofascism, Israel palestine 101, palestinian lies, palestinians
BROWN non "white" MUSLIM NAZI calls:] "Kill All Kikes"
[BROWN non "white" MUSLIM NAZI calls:] "Kill All Kikes"
From: (Janurary 2007 issue)
[BROWN non "white" MUSLIM NAZI calls:] "Kill All Kikes"
This comes from Debbie Schlussel's website
( ).
[...] death threats from four diverse members of the "Religion of Peace," threatening to murder me and my family members, after raping and torturing me. And I take them very seriously.
Last week, one of them--Robert Mustaq John--pled guilty in the U.S. District for the Eastern District of New York, and the previous week, another--Wasil Burki--was indicted in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. I've posted the court documents associated with both, herein, as well as a reposting of their death threats.

It's important to note that justice for me did not come nearly as easily as it comes for American Muslims who get action from the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice, upon the whine about a hangnail. Mr. John sent his death threat to me almost 3.5 years ago. And I am only now finally getting justice, after going through a lot of baloney. I also believe that were it not for my having a loud and influential voice on this site and elsewhere in the media, nothing would have happened at all.
I compare this to the lightning speed that FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers moved in indicting and convicting two New York men who sent largely benign, anti-Muslim e-mails to extremist, hate-mongering Imam Hassan Qazwini, on the weekend of Nicholas Berg's televised beheading. Within a month of their e-mails, FBI agents raided both men's homes, and they were indicted shortly thereafter. Unlike my cases, they were not given plea deals. One of the men, Michael Bratisax, is a quadriplegic veteran in a wheelchair. (As I've written, the USDOJ has a special affirmative action prosecution program for Muslim "victims"--you and I aren't equal to them in "Justice"'s eyes.)
The case should have been assigned to the FBI's civil rights agents in Detroit. It was, instead, sent to Ouellet, a lackluster agent in a satellite office.
Agent Ouellet told me that I remind him of his daughter who was in a University of Michigan sorority and who hated the Jewish sororities (for the record, I've never been in one). He elaborated on "the Jews" at Michigan. If I were Muslim, that conversation never would have taken place. Agent Ouellet went on to do nothing. After 6 months of him not investigating the case, he informed me that he gets death threats every day and I should just deal with it, hanging up on me. I guess he was just too busy writing his book about "right-wing" Michigan militias to actually investigate this death threat I took very seriously.
I complained to Agent Ouellet's supervisor, Bill Edwards. Agent Edwards was not much more help. He first told me that the e-mailer was a woman, that FBI agents in Brooklyn had "her" driver's license and located her. Eventually, "she" was a he, and in fact agents really hadn't seen the driver's license or done any work on the case until that point. Then, Agent Edwards called and told me that Robert Mustaq John "didn't really mean it," promised not to harm me, and could I just drop this and move on.
Agent Edwards also told me the case was being overseen by Assistant U.S. Attorney Sheldon Light. To date, I've never spoken with Light because he never returned a single phone call (he was too busy prosecuting the men who e-mailed Imam Qazwini). He transferred the case to Brooklyn, where it would languish for over three years, and that was the point.
I since learned that U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III a/k/a "Abu Porno" personally opposed prosecuting any death threats involving me and recused himself and his entire office from the cases for two reasons: 1) He didn't like what I wrote about him and his strange "liaisons" with the most extremist members of Detroit's Islamic community, including a "former" terrorist; and 2) it would get in the way of his office's relations with Muslims to actually prosecute them for hate crimes. He didn't want to relinquish his role as the Fed's chief Pander Bear to Islamists in town. Incredible.
Justice for Debbie's would be murderers? Good. But and there is a huge but. This is a particularly disturbing story not merely because of the disgusting, vile death threats. We have come to expect that from the savages of religion of peace. No, what is frightening, truly, is the reluctance and downright hostility the FBI exhibited in not pursuing these crimes by Islamists.
Useful idiots over at the FBI
Go over to Debbie Schlussel's blog at
( ) and check out the new antisemitism and just how far Islam has infiltrated the FBI and the criminal justice system.
Now, How interesting it is, this is the BLOND WHITE JEWESS that the ignorant BROWN NAZI MUSLIM has threatened... using that slur.
Debbie Schlussel's photo:

Schlussel has also reported
and posted threatening emails
from (Arab Muslim) Lola Elzein,
an officer of the "Arab American
Political Action Committee", who
threatened to rape and murder
members of Schlussel's family.
Here's more about the ARAB "activist" that threatened Debbie:
[Image - Lola Elzein: Muslim Arab American PAC Official who threatened Debbie Schlussel's life (what she said will astound you)}
Debbie Schlussel has a suggestion for those who believe that all or even most Muslim Arabs in America are peaceful, and says that we must ask ourselves why they elect leaders who not only support terrorism, but, themselves, make violent threats against other Americans.
Technorati - Freedom 911 Al Qaida Al Qaeda Al Qaida Bin Laden Al Zarqawi Anti west Anti American Intolerance Terrorist oganization Hamas 'palestinian' propaganda Al Aqsa Alaqsa 'palestinian' terrorism Suicide bombing Saddam Hussein Torture chambers WTC bombing Homicide bombing London bombing Bali bombing Beheading Abu Sayyaf Honor killing Muslim clerics Mullahs Islamic Hitler Iran Regime Ahmedinejad Iran nukes Human rights War on terror jihad Sudan genocide Islamic slavery Arab slaver masters Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel Islamic Jihad Hamas "palestinian" Animalism "palestinian" cruelty "palestinian" Savagery "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Jewish refugees Victims of terror Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred 'Palestinian' Child abuse Jewish refugeesDeath cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Passover massacre MuslimArabsArab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Muhammad "palestinian" propaganda "Palestinians" Netanya massacre Hamas Abu Sayaaf Beheading Honor killing Jerusalem massacre Passover massacreBus bombing Islamists Mufti Koran Quran Radical Islam Islam Islamophobia Beslan massacre CAIR Islamic phobia Sharia Fatwa Mullah Kafir Infidels Islamofascism Islamic fascism Whabbism Whabbist Wahabbi Saudi Arabia Islamofacism "religion of peace" Huzbullah Arabism Ahmadinejad Appeasement Apes & pigs
Arab Americans PAC Human shields ]
Labels: Arab Americans, Arab bank, Arab Lobby, Arab racism, Islamic Hatred, Islamo Nazism, Islamofascism, pac, terrorism