Tuesday, September 02, 2008


HUMANE - ISRAEL - Israel's extraordinary maintaining humane nature, policy, army, despite the 'life & death' challenges it constantly faces since its rebirth in 1948

Israel's extraordinary help for the Arab "Palestinians" should overshadow any consequences in its war on terror stemming out of "Palestinian" initiated violence


 Let alone current contributions and aid, even in the years that the "Palestinians" love to refer to as "occupation", just How "bad" was it really for them?


1967 - 1993


* Economic prosperity, Israeli investment in "Palestinian" business, industry and infrastructure helped the PA GNP grow 13% annually between 1967 and 1980, per capita income grew tenfold, unemployment dropped from 40% to below 5%.


* Standard of living soared, Health gains: Israel built 166 clinics, provided universal insurance and medical programs for "Palestinians". Mortality rates plummeted by 2/3 (1970-1990). Israel also expanded water, sewage and electric systems.


* Political and civil freedoms, Freedom of association, trade unions, civic organizations and opposition parties permitted. Voting rights extended to poorer classes and to women for local elections (for the first time in 'Palestinian" - Arabs' history).


* Freedom of the press, even for extreme anti Israel opinions.


* Educational development, Israel built 6 universities and 20 community colleges for the "Palestinians". illiteracy dropped from 50% to 30% between 1967 and 1980.


* Jobs, Except during terrorists upsurges, Israel employs about 120,000 "Palestinians" from the disputed territories. Their earning accounts for the chunk of the income of their overall population.


* Funding, Israel allocated $90 million between 1993-1999, facilitated investments in "Palestinian"' private sector and granted 2,522 fellowships to "Palestinians" for professional training between 1995-1999.Israel contributed more annually than even Saudi Arabia until 1973. Kuwait and Libya did not match Israeli donations until 1980. (Bard pg. 182).


* Refugees, Between 1949 and 1971, Israel repatriated 140,000 "Palestinian" refugees who are now full Israeli citizens.




ISRAEL'S IMPRESSIVE AID TO ARABS Without any feedback from the other side


CNN.com - Israeli shipper endorses DP World - Mar 2, 2006

Hillary Clinton obtained exclusively by CNN, Israel's Zim Integrated Shipping ... A Dubai government official said no goods or containers enter UAE ports

http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/03/02/port.security/index.html NPR : The President's Unlikely Allies in UAE Ports DealIt's from the CEO of Israel's largest shipping company. Dubai Ports World, that they had never experienced any security issues...



It was Lieberman, Zogby said, who helped to involve Arab Americans in President Bill Clinton's 1992 run for the White House, personally calling campaign officials who appeared reluctant to allow Arab Americans to associate publicly with the campaign.



In shift since Hezbollah war, Jewish Agency aids Israeli Arabs http://www.jewishagency.org/JewishAgency/English/Home/About/Press+Room/Jewish+Agency+In+The+News/2006/5/sep06cjta.htm


Israel helps rescue Arabs in Saudi desert, Thanks to Israel the Israeli Arabs where helped




Israel helps Palestinians in escape from Gaza (from Palestinian Hamas terror) - CNN.com The Israeli army said Monday it has helped approximately 85 Fatah-allied ...




Already in 2000 Israel was struggling so hard to keep on being...

Israel's Humane Army

Israel's Humane Army

The head of the International Law Branch of the Israeli Defense Forces talks about Israeli restraint, and efforts to reduce Palestinian casualties.

Jerusalem - November 15, 2000

Many people tend to compare between the current situation and the Intifada of 1987-92. I would like to explain to you in a few words the differences, from my perspective, in relation to the current situation and the Intifada in 1987...






Israel Is Much Too Nice

By Irwin N. Graulich   July 30, 2006

Just like America, Israel is much too kind to its enemies. Had America fought the war in Iraq in the same manner used by Roosevelt during WWII, Iraq would have been over 2 years ago--and it would be much closer to a real democracy. Israel--the only country to use rubber bullets against evil; the only country to use pinpoint targeted assassination to destroy monsters who plan mass murder against civilians; the only country to drop leaflets written in Arabic to warn population centers that the bombs are coming; the only country to absorb rocket attacks against totally innocent civilians for 6 years with almost no response, gets labeled, "the bad guys." Imagine, tiny Israel continuously being blamed for using "excessive, disproportionate force" by the media, the Arab/Muslim world, the Vatican, Ireland and that ultimate p___, Jacques Chirac.


Please, I need a barf bag! These bleeding heart leftist/liberals want us to believe that the innocent (sic) Lebanese government and its people never saw any of the 13,000 rockets being shipped around their country which were pointed towards Israel. No Lebanese ever came across 20,000 Hezbollah fighters with weapons over their shoulders and heavy artillery, which covered 90% of the territory south of Beirut. Prime Minister Fouad Siniora knew nothing about large weapons shipments sent via plane, ship and truck from Syria, Iran and Egypt. Please, I need a barf bag! The reason that the Arab/Muslim world uses the terminology, "excessive force on innocent civilians," is because according to the Koran they are supposed to be tough and win the battles. Yet a small bunch of bible studying Yeshiva boys and "weak looking" Jews in Israel completely decimated all those tough Arab countries in 1948, 1967 and 1973.


The Muslim world of over 1 billion people can never defeat 5 million Jews, no matter how hard they try--and they all know it. So they have turned to the Joseph Goebbals method of "Propaganda Weaponry," and most of the world, except for America, has fallen for it. America is without question, a much better, more moral country than all the rest of the world combined, by a factor of 1000.


 The entire world sees this fact quite clearly, which is the reason why America is constantly being criticized. It is difficult for other nations to see goodness prevail, when they had absolutely nothing to do with it. So how and why did all this begin? As usual, it is blamed on the age old Arab-Israeli problem, a code word for the Muslim-Jewish battle, aka Islam versus the Judeo/Christian world. According to the Koran, it should be a lot easier for Islamicists to prevail, since they have Mohammed on their side. Well, the God of Moses seems to be superior, a smack in the face to over 1 billion people. There is a man in Iran who considers himself to be a present day Messiah, a prophet cut from the same kaffiah as Mohammed. His name--Ahmadinejad (pronounced "A--mad--dog--on--Jihad"). Denying The Holocaust, calling Israel a Nazi state, labeling Americans infidels are just a few of his many talents. Unfortunately, it is people like him and Osama that make Islam appear to be a total fraud.


The crazy mullahs throughout the Arab/Muslim world refuse to acknowledge the direct, obvious involvement in current events of the One true God on earth, who began his reign in the Old and New Testament. Of course the secular media will never acknowledge an obvious truth when it emanates from a religious perspective. They are simply too sophisticated to believe in so called "voodoo."


 The key message of Judaism and Christianity is to make God's world a better place. It seems that God checked his "Moral Radar" here on earth, only to discover the evil of Radical Islam, a cancer matasticizing throughout the Middle East. To protect this terrific world from evil, God initially used the Palestinians, who He first tried to placate by permitting Israel to give up some land which He originally promised to the Jews. God made the Jews leave Gaza "temporarily," in order to show the world that even when Israel painfully gives up territory without getting a thing in return, peace is still impossible. Instead of taking the greenhouses that Jews built in Gaza to create an industry which would cultivate and export flowers to Europe, thus creating a vibrant economy, the Palestinian Arabs immediately destroyed all the irrigation piping and greenhouses because "the Jews" built them. No thank you's, no gratitude--only terrorism in return. Please--I need a barf bag! God was not very happy with the deeds of Palestinian Arabs heaped upon the original Palestinians--the Jews. So, the God of the Torah made the evil Palestinian Arabs sneak into Israeli territory and kidnap Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier. Big mistake, because this action gave Israel the moral authority to "burn evil out of the Palestinian midst," as the Bible teaches.


Somehow, the world reaction to this event was not the usual overreaction condemning Israel. Palestinian ingratitude was recognized and except for a few radical leftists, the coffee shops throughout Europe ignored the situation, allowing the socialists to drink their morning kava and read the newspapers. Again, the secular world has not paid attention to one of the most important statements in the Bible--"Those who bless the Jews will be blessed, and those who curse the Jews will be cursed."


No country in history has blessed the Jews more than America, and no country is as blessed today. No countries throughout history have cursed the Jews more than the Arab/Muslim world, and no countries have been more cursed than those nations today. With Southern Evil being contained, Northern Evil was now growing uncontrollably to Israel's north. So again, God pulled a few more strings and "allowed" evil men to cross the border into Israel and kidnap two Israeli soldiers. Unfortunately, those Hezbollah terrorists have "Free Will," which resulted in four dead Israelis. So now the cancer is finally being cleaned out by the IDF surgeons, in one of the most ethical war surgeries on record. Decent religious people around the world understand that there is no need to worry about goodness being triumphant, since the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is with Israel.


This is the reason why Israel can do virtually whatever it desires against the evil terrorists and the nations that harbor them, without much of a response. Let the critics say whatever they want. Ahmadinejad is just a hooker for the mullah pimps in his country, who all realize that the prophecies found in the Koran are just not happening. Quite a rude awakening for those Islamic religious figures who see more truth and strength in the Old and New Testament; which is why they are trying to go nuclear. What these Iranian fools do not realize is that if they attack Israel or America, they will receive the same results as the Palestinians and Lebanese. So bring it on Mr. Mad Dog Jihad, and you can rest assured that the Iranian oil fields will have signs in Hebrew very shortly. And the world will not complain much when they see their gas pumps reading $1.00 a gallon.






Israel - good vs evil


More on humane Israel the giver and Arab Palestinian the exploiter


December 26, 2006


Reality Check


Excessive restrain not "excessive force"


The restrained Israel that is only branded with ridiculous charges of "excessive force".Since the cease fire broken between Israel and all "Palestinians" (December 2006), more than 55 rockets were launched from "Palestinians" on Israeli civilians including on a nursery school in Sderot, that particular attack was immediately after Israel pledged for releasing 100 Million dollars to them.But the UN can never seem to find any time to pressure "Palestinians", the same UN will jump all over Israel as soon as some Arabs get hurt by Arab militants' cruel tactics.


The cycle of responding fire for olive branches not "cycle of violence"


But this cycle of Israel giving and giving and Palestinian Arabs only responding with more and more violence is as old at least as this group started to call themselves as 'Palestinians". Take for example this biggest give away for the "Palestinians" that no Arab nation was ever willing to do, which is giving them land that was never theirs as a 'sovereign land', the Gaza give away in 2005, What was the Palestinian Arab respond?You guessed it, more and more violence, stabbing civilians, bombing or continuous attempt-to-bomb, massacres.Let alone the "Palestinian" almost collective dark voice for more crimes, in so shamefully overwhelmingly supporting the radical racist Hamas, at the time that Israel's heroic painful dramatic sacrifice of evacuating families was seen & heard around the globe, when compassionate Israelis overwhlmingly were thinking ahead for a brighter future, when these courageous Zionists decided overlooking narrow borders so vital to it's security for the sake of peace, these Arabisn bloodthirsty war mongers hurried only to vote in these masters of genocide, for the cruel endorsers of mass suicide, for the cult of death, another huge step backwards, just as Israel makes another giant step forward, towards a slight chance of peace & the betterment for the coming generations of both people.But this of course is hardly a recent picture, this has been happening time & time again, each gesture & good will Israel has been presenting the Arabs, whether it is releasing dangerous prisoners, or more financial help, it never saw/sees anything positive feedback.


The Arab Palestinians see Israel's gesture as "weakness"


Undoubtedly the more Israel gives them the more their Arab adversaries see it as a weakness, and not as a natural good hearted Israel, just as these cold hearted terrible Arab racists that have been brainwashed into 'not seeing the Zionists as humans', can't seem to see the humanity that motivates Israeli soldiers' hesitation to fire when Arab terrorists hide among civilians, they interpret it of course as "cowardice"..This reaffirms the danger, appeasing Islamic terrorists contain.






Tuesday, July 25, 2006

From John Podhoretz in the NY Post: WHAT if liberal democracies have now evolved to a point where they can no longer wage war effectively because they have achieved a level of humanitarian concern for others that dwarfs any really cold-eyed pursuit of their own national interests?What if the universalist idea of liberal democracy - the idea that all people are created equal - has sunk in so deeply that we no longer assign special value to the lives and interests of our own people as opposed to those in other countries?


What if this triumph of universalism is demonstrated by the Left's insistence that American and Israeli military actions marked by an extraordinary concern for preventing civilian casualties are in fact unacceptably brutal? And is also apparent in the Right's claim that a war against a country has nothing to do with the people but only with that country's leaders? Can any war be won when this is the nature of the discussion in the countries fighting the war? Can any war be won when one of the combatants voluntarily limits itself in this manner?Could World War II have been won by Britain and the United States if the two countries did not have it in them to firebomb Dresden and nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Didn't the willingness of their leaders to inflict mass casualties on civilians indicate a cold-eyed singleness of purpose that helped break the will and the back of their enemies?


Didn't that singleness of purpose extend down to the populations in those countries in those days, who would have and did support almost any action at any time that would lead to the deaths of Germans and Japanese?What if the tactical mistake we made in Iraq was that we didn't kill enough Sunnis in the early going to intimidate them and make them so afraid of us they would go along with anything? Wasn't the survival of Sunni men between the ages of 15 and 35 the reason there was an insurgency and the basic cause of the sectarian violence now?If you can't imagine George W. Bush issuing such an order, is there any American leader you could imagine doing so?And if America can't do it, can Israel?


Could Israel - even hardy, strong, universally conscripted Israel - possibly stomach the bloodshed that would accompany the total destruction of Hezbollah?If Lebanon's 300-plus civilian casualties are already rocking the world, what if it would take 10,000 civilian casualties to finish off Hezbollah? Could Israel inflict that kind of damage on Lebanon - not because of world opinion, but because of its own modern sensibilities and its understanding of the value of every human life?


Where do these questions lead us?What if Israel's caution about casualties among its own soldiers and Lebanese civilians has demonstrated to Hezbollah and Hamas that as long as they can duck and cover when the missiles fly and the bombs fall, they can survive and possibly even thrive?What if Israel has every capability of achieving its aim, but cannot unleash itself against a foe more dangerous, more unscrupulous, more unprincipled and more barbaric than even the monstrous leaders of the Intifada it managed to quell after years of suicide attacks?


And as for the United States, what if we have every tool at our disposal to win a war - every weapons system we could want manned by the most superbly trained military in history - except the ability to match or exceed our antagonists in ruthlessness?Is this the horrifying paradox of 21st century warfare? If Israel and the United States cannot be defeated militarily in any conventional sense, have our foes discovered a new way to win? Are they seeking victory through demoralization alone - by daring us to match them in barbarity and knowing we will fail?

Are we becoming unwitting participants in their victory and our defeat? Can it be that the moral greatness of our civilization - its astonishing focus on the value of the individual above all - is endangering the future of our civilization as well?








YouTube - Israel humanitarian acts 2 Videos. ISRAELI ARMY MOST HUMANE ARMY IN THE WORLD ...



Humane war is costly



How did the most humane state in history become demonized? - Opinion Feb 7, 2008 ... How did the most humane state in history - facing comparable threats - become demonized and accused of apartheid? ...





Arabs should kiss kind Israel's feet


"Taking it" for so long.

Looking for, trying, sweating in efforts NOT to hit at ANY CIVILIANS (in anti terrorists operations).

For taking care of Arabs in their country far better than they're in their own -- most -- Arab countries.

For not pushing US to boycott the Arabs as Arab-Muslims do so with Europe.

For taking in the Arab "Palestinians" when no Arab nation wants them while the guilty part of those 'refugees' is still Arab Leaders', that have chased them out in 1948 with promises of 'defeating' Israel, and all these years did NOT let Western aid to reach those poor in order to defame Israel.

For giving land to the Arab SETTLERS (with no more than a recent history there) while NON of the ARAB GOLIATH LAND-COUNTRIES would give them an inch.

For being overly morally right in feeling guilty for DEFENDING THEIR lives against Arab Muslims mass murderer-terrorists, that comes on the terrible expense of some Arabists using it to tarnish in a silly false "pointing-finger' at kind Israel.

For not treating the Arabs in a racial discriminatory even though danger is at every restaurant, bus, bus-stops, markets, etc., Would they differentiate, no Arab Genocide Bomber would be able to mingle in & Comit the atrocities.

For NOT behaving like their "brotherly" Arab-Syria Arab Jordan (& others) that have just simply massacred 10,000 (some estimate 25,000) in one month after Radical Muslim "Palestinians" started uprising.

For not AS banging daily the UN & International media with real charges on "Palestinian" Arab leaders' crimes on their own people's kids & on Israeli civilians, While Islamo Arab world feels a 'duty' to defame this struggling victim Israel via blatant vicious libels & lies & never apologize even when exposed.

Doing It the Arab Way


Faces of the Israeli Army


By Brett Goldberg

304 pages. Modan Publishing House.


In March 2002, Israel suffered the worst month of terror attacks in its history. Over two hundred people were killed and many hundreds more injured. This wave of attacks climaxed at Netanya?s Park Hotel, where on Seder night a suicide bomber murdered thirty people and injured scores more. In response to this horrifying crime, the Israeli government undertook the sort of military operation many Israelis had been clamoring for during the previous months. Operation Defensive Shield was launched; it turned out to be decisive in greatly reducing Palestinian terror in the following days and months. The most well-known focus of military action during this operation was Jenin, the West Bank city considered the capital of Palestinian suicide-bombing...

Goldberg does not confine himself to the military action alone but also tells the stories of the soldiers' families. He depicts the ethnic mix of Israelis and their moral and religious strengths. The unit he concentrates upon consists in large part of what are known in Israel as "national-religious" soldiers, though it includes a good mix of other types, as well.

Remarkably, Goldberg shows soldiers fighting for their lives and, at the same time, contending with moral issues, seeking to fulfill their extremely unpleasant duties in the most humane way possible. Despite snipers nests, booby traps, ambushes, and above all their own losses and injuries, these soldiers maintain their own dignity and consideration for their enemies. Many within Israel claim this consideration was taken too far in Jenin: had Israel acted as "normal army," some say, and bombed the camp from above (as, for example, the U.S. did when it razed a building in Baghdad in an effort to kill Saddam Hussein), sixteen of the Israelis soldiers who were killed in an ambush in the camp would still be alive today. 

Goldberg's book illustrates the thesis that to truly understand the way an army works, one must look at relations within platoons and small units. The friendship networks Goldberg presents enforce our sense of how loyalty and courage play a central role in the life of the everyday soldier. There are no superheroes here, but plenty of quietly courageous people, a number of whom regrettably are lost in the battle.

Clearly and movingly written, Goldberg's book is a must read for anyone who wishes to understand the challenges Israel, its people, and its soldiers have faced in the past three years, and continue to face now.




January 22, 2008

No one has been talking in the mainstream media about the daily "Palestinian" barrage of missiles aimed specifically at Israeli kids, the southern Israel under siege of "Palestinian" occupation, the trembling fear of Israeli women for their children's safety in Sderot (Fear and trauma as rockets impact Israeli town), but everyone is up in arms

if Israel acts.

No one has been talking in mainstream media as Israel has been successfully eliminating terrorists [with unimaginable efforts in carrying it out] without any damage upon civilians in hundreds of operations, but I bet you, you'll hear them loud and clear, if its humane precision-tactics fails just once.

Just as no one in the mainstream media talks about the constant Israel VS Arab, as humanitarian vs un-humanitarian war, "Palestinian" and Hezbollah Arabs always try to draw Israel into responding in operations, awaiting cheerfully such responds to play the fake "victim" card, Israel - however - is never happy to carry out any anti terror activities, and when reluctantly it has to go ahead with it, it puts immense efforts to fail Arabs' desire for mass casualties among its civilians, Israel's struggle against Arab cruelty on its population is

relentless, but never appreciated.

Why is humanitarian Israel still (January 2008) supplying two

thirds of fuel supply to un-humanitarian "Palestinians"?

I mean, What would one expect from a self hating sickening hypocritical typical whining of the NPR reporting about a "humanitarian crisis" in Gaza? (Jan. 2008 at the height of Arab attacking rockets) What's "humanitarian" about Hamas-tan? [as twisted NPR is, it first reports of what Hamas "says" that all fuel supply is shut down, only thereafter is quotes Israel's declaration and harsh accusation that the "Palestinians" simply LIE, and that two thirds are still supplied, as if the world hasn't seen enough of the minus zero credibility of "what Palestinian Pallywood says"], the cruel terrorist militant Islamic totalitarian regime? The oppression of non Muslims (Christians per se)? The investments of its limited resources into deadly Jihad, or the criminal use of its civilians to attack Israeli civilians via rockets and other cowardice methods?

Try and make a survey, a poll on how many are really aware of the targets by the Arabs, kids! how they fire exactly when and where the children go to kindergarten (Barrage of rockets hits Sderot as kids go to school), the fact that with God's grace the damage is low is of course totally irrelevant to Arabs' [usual] genocide attempts.

As it is rare for the NPR, it shockingly did interview some Israelis about the Hamas attack of Israeli civilians and how Israel should respond to it, as one Israeli has put it very real: "We Israelis have been setting us up in high moral standards we have a huge dilemma on how to respond".

Yet, it is rather the Arab Palestinian "victim-hood" that still manages to

generate fans.

Amazing how the terrible unromantic cult of destruction is still not seen by some as what it is, a self inflicted cult, and that no one else can ever be blamed on whatever is going on there.

And just as you thought that the Fatah is much better, you hear that the "moderate" Abbas regime decided to allocate 40% of the billions of dollars in aid [the Europeans have pledged to give] to the Hamas terror "government".

I have got news for the fake "humanitarian" singers - reporters in biased media: There's nothing humanitarian about pointing fingers anywhere outside the "Palestinian" cruel leadership and

those that elect them.




Israel suffers because Israel is BETTER!

(Written in 2003)

What happened when the Palestinian Arabs tried to take control of Jordan?

King Hussein of Jordan ejected Arafat's Palestinians in September 1970, called Black September because they were trying to take over his kingdom. King Hussein drove them into Lebanon after killing more than 10,000. The Lebanese welcomed the fleeing Palestinians into their bosom, but suddenly found themselves under attack by Arafat's Palestinians who set up a mini Terror State within Lebanon. For the next 12 years terror raged and over 100,000 Lebanese were murdered by their Palestinian brothers.

But BEAUTIFUL Israel: risks lives going DOOR to DOOR on the look out for Arab TERRORISTS.

Door to Door Risky Operations

(In Jenin...) You [IDF] went door-to-door, risking young Israeli lives, in a town that was booby trapped with explosives from top to bottom. In any other war, rockets from the air force would have been launched, demolishing everything in sight, with no regard for civilian lives. Remember Nagasaki and Hiroshima? But you - Israel, a country built on family-oriented, freedom loving people - you had to worry about civilian casualties.


Jan 6, 2006 ... In Jenin in 2002 the Israeli army sent soldiers to locate terrorists in door to door fighting rather than risk innocent civilian lives by ...


Again HUMANE & Super- restrained Israel only attacks terrorists after warning to civilians for evacuate

Instead of the mass excitement in most of the mass media to attack Israel for daring to defend itself with that silly charge of "excessive force", you never hear one word of appreciation of the immense sacrifice in its lives and it's security for the customary warning to non combatants to leave the area before operations, including often cases of alerting even the Hamas terror leaders' wives...

An Israel Air Force aircraft bombed two structures in the Gaza Strip late Wednesday after warning their occupants to evacuate the premises http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3328799,00.html (Nov, 15 2006)

More on this:

Cox & Forkum: Disproportionate Response http://www.coxandforkum.com/archives/000889.html

Restraint after suicide blast in Israel,The army said the fugitives had drawn pistols before they were shot. ... Israeli officials had said they would show restraint in military operations - World News - MSNBC.com http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6379588/

Israel's Humane Army - Israel Update http://www.aish.com/Israel/articles/Israels_Humane_Army.asp

Israel's restraint in case of an attack could harm its deterrent http://www.tau.ac.il/jcss/sa/v1n2p1_n.html

The call-up came as Israel dropped leaflets on southern Lebanon warning residents to immediately evacuate an area approximately 32km (20 miles) wide http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/5202142.stm

Israel warning to Lebanese civilians: get out http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=nation_world&id=4370345

Racist Islamo Arab Terrorist Leader Warns Only ARABS to Evacuate; Media Who Condemned Similar Non-Racist Warnings From Israel Say Nothing http://ginacobb.typepad.com/gina_cobb/2006/08/racist_terroris.html

Israel calls on northern Gaza residents to evacuate http://english.people.com.cn/200512/29/eng20051229_231469.html


http://www.israelnewsagency.com/palestinechildterrorismisrael88480521.html Israel Tears For Palestine Child http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0806/kay081006.php3?printer_friendly Jonathan Kay: How Israel fights --- What the media does NOT report, humane methods


Israel's Restraint



By Ambassador of Israel to the United States

His Excellency

Ambassador David Ivry

Published in the Washington Post

Friday, October 27, 2000; Page A35http://www.israelemb.org/press/2000/October/2000102704.html


'We exercised restraint in Lebanon war'



Olmert: Don't interpret Israel's restraint in Gaza as weakness ...Olmert: Don't interpret Israel's restraint in Gaza as weakness-News and commentary relating to events in Israel, the occupied territories, and the world, ... (01/07/2008)



[2007] ...In the face of Israeli restraint, Hezbollah grew bolder. ...



A Tale of Two

By Dennis Prager
FrontPageMagazine.com | Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The long-suffering Tibetans have been in the news. This happens perhaps
once or twice a decade. In a more moral world, however, public opinion would be
far more preoccupied with Tibetans than with Palestinians, would be as harsh on
China as it is on Israel, and would be as fawning on Israel as it now is on
But, alas, the world is, as it has always been, a largely
mean-spirited and morally insensitive place, where might is far more highly
regarded than right.


Consider the facts: Tibet, at least 1,400 years old, is one of the world's
oldest nations, has its own language, its own religion and even its own
ethnicity. Over 1 million of its people have been killed by the Chinese, its
culture has been systematically obliterated, 6,000 of its 6,200 monasteries have
been looted and destroyed, and most of its monks have been tortured, murdered or


Palestinians have none of these characteristics. There has never been a
Palestinian country, never been a Palestinian language, never been a Palestinian
ethnicity, never been a Palestinian religion in any way distinct from Islam
elsewhere. Indeed, "Palestinian" had always meant any individual living in the
geographic area called Palestine. For most of the first half of the 20th
century, "Palestinian" and "Palestine" almost always referred to the Jews of
Palestine. The United Jewish Appeal, the worldwide Jewish charity that provided
the nascent Jewish state with much of its money, was actually known as the
United Palestine Appeal. Compared to Tibetans, few Palestinians have been
killed, its culture has not been destroyed nor its mosques looted or plundered,
and Palestinians have received billions of dollars from the international
community. Unlike the dying Tibetan nation, there are far more Palestinians
today than when Israel was created.


None of this means that a distinct Palestinian national identity does not
now exist. Since Israel's creation such an identity has arisen and does indeed
exist. Nor does any of this deny that many Palestinians suffered as a result of
the creation of the third Jewish state in the area, known -- since the Romans
renamed Judea -- as "Palestine."


But it does mean that of all the causes the world could have adopted, the
Palestinians' deserved to be near the bottom and the Tibetans' near the top.
This is especially so since the Palestinians could have had a state of their own
from 1947 on, and they have caused great suffering in the world, while the far
more persecuted Tibetans have been characterized by a morally rigorous doctrine
of nonviolence.


So, the question is, why? Why have the Palestinians received such
undeserved attention and support, and the far more aggrieved and persecuted and
moral Tibetans given virtually no support or attention?


The first reason is terror. Some time ago, the Palestinian leadership
decided, with the overwhelming support of the Palestinian people, that murdering
as many innocent people -- first Jews, and then anyone else -- was the fastest
way to garner world attention. They were right. On the other hand, as The
Economist notes in its March 28, 2008 issue, "Tibetan nationalists have hardly
ever resorted to terrorist tactics…" It is interesting to speculate how the
world would have reacted had Tibetans hijacked international flights,
slaughtered Chinese citizens in Chinese restaurants and temples, on Chinese
buses and trains, and massacred Chinese schoolchildren.


The second reason is oil and support from powerful fellow Arabs. The
Palestinians have rich friends who control the world's most needed commodity,
oil. The Palestinians have the unqualified support of all Middle Eastern
oil-producing nations and the support of the Muslim world beyond the Middle
East. The Tibetans are poor and have the support of no nations, let alone
oil-producing ones.


The third reason is Israel. To deny that pro-Palestinian activism in the
world is sometimes related to hostility toward Jews is to deny the obvious. It
is not possible that the unearned preoccupation with the Palestinians is
unrelated to the fact that their enemy is the one Jewish state in the world.
Israel's Jewishness is a major part of the Muslim world's hatred of Israel. It
is also part of Europe's hostility toward Israel: Portraying Israel as
oppressors assuages some of Europe's guilt about the Holocaust -- "see, the Jews
act no better than we did." Hence the ubiquitous comparisons of Israel to


A fourth reason is China. If Tibet had been crushed by a white European
nation, the Tibetans would have elicited far more sympathy. But, alas, their
near-genocidal oppressor is not white. And the world does not take mass murder
committed by non-whites nearly as seriously as it takes anything done by
Westerners against non-Westerners. Furthermore, China is far more powerful and
frightening than Israel. Israel has a great army and nuclear weapons, but it is
pro-West, it is a free and democratic society, and it has seven million people
in a piece of land as small as Belize. China has nuclear weapons, has a trillion
U.S. dollars, an increasingly mighty army and navy, is neither free nor
democratic, is anti-Western, and has 1.2 billion people in a country that
dominates the Asian continent.


A fifth reason is the world's Left. As a general rule, the Left
demonizes Israel and has loved China since it became Communist in 1948. And
given the power of the Left in the world's media, in the political life of so
many nations, and in the universities and the arts, size=3>it is no wonder vicious China has been idolized and humane Israel


The sixth reason is the United Nations, where Israel has been condemned in
more General Assembly and Security Council resolutions than any other country in
the world. At the same time, the UN has voted China onto its Security Council
and has never condemned it. China's sponsoring of Sudan and its genocidal acts
against its non-Arab black population, as in Darfur, goes largely unremarked on
at the UN, let alone condemned, just as is the case with its cultural genocide,
ethnic cleansing and military occupation of Tibet.


The seventh reason is television news, the primary source of news for much
of mankind. Aside from its leftist tilt, television news reports only what it
can video. And almost no country is televised as much as Israel, while video
reports in Tibet are forbidden, as they are almost anywhere in China except
where strictly monitored by the Chinese authorities. No video, no TV news. And
no TV, no concern. So while grieving Palestinians and the accidental killings of
Palestinians during morally necessary Israeli retaliations against terrorists
are routinely televised, the slaughter of over a million Tibetans and the
extinguishing of Tibetan Buddhism and culture are non-events as far as
television news is concerned.


The world is unfair, unjust and morally twisted. And rarely more so than in
its support for the Palestinians -- no matter how many innocents they target for
murder and no matter how much Nazi-like anti-Semitism permeates their media --
and its neglect of the cruelly treated, humane Tibetans.



Israeli Restraint Continues to Enrage Muslim World

AZCONSERVATIVE http://www.azconservative.org/Semmens1.htm

Israel's restraint in the face of Kassam rockets launched from Palestinian territory is said to be heightening tensions in the Middle East.

Two rockets slammed into Sderot, one of them striking a community center and another hitting a bus. Three people were injured. A separate attack hit the port city of Ashkelon. In total, 45 rockets have been launched from Gaza into Israel since the November 26 truce went into effect.

Israel's lack of retaliatory response has been widely decried as "provocative." 'The failure of the Jews to strike back reveals their evil scheming nature,' said Sheik Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah. "It's inhuman to adhere to a truce under such conditions. The evidence of the Jews' link to satanic powers couldn't be clearer. For the love of God they must be exterminated."

Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad called Israel's actions 'sinister.' "Throughout recorded history the Jews have tried to lull the unwary by their nonviolent responses to pogroms and repression," Ahmadinejad warned. "Their diabolical cunning brought down the great Adolf Hitler. It will bring down the world if we are not careful."

The United Nations has promised to look into the matter. "We should not allow ourselves to be fooled by Jewish trickery," outgoing Secretary-General Kofi Annan advised. "If Jews are being attacked there must be a good reason. We will get to the bottom of this."

(Excerpt) Read more at http://www.azconservative.org/Semmens1.htm


IDF ordered not to change Gaza RESTRAINT policy (DESPITE TERROR ATTACK) Jerusalem Post, Israel - Despite Monday's suicide attack in Eilat, the government will maintain its policy of restraint in Gaza. (Janurary, 31, 2007)


Humane Israel multi-racial democracy to grant legal refugee status for Sudanese escaping Arab-Islamic APARTHEID

MKs pledge to grant legal refugee status for Sudanese prisoners



One must wonder how Musa sees the world. A black Muslim refugee from the Sudan, Musa's refusal to be drafted into the Sudanese army to fight the Arab janjaweed militiamen led to the burning of his village and the murder or disappearance of his 16-member family.

Yet those who carried out the retribution killings were not government forces, but Arab militiamen themselves, armed by the Sudanese government, the very men whom the Sudanese military was trying to defeat.


Just Remember that Darfurians are Muslims, not Jewish... in fact, they are black Muslims, kudos to Israeli democratic pluralistic multi-racial heroes of (that small little beautiful country "David", struggling to survive against the sea of "Goliath" terror surrounding it only to wipe it off) accepting the victims of the racist Arabs, escaping the Arab-supremacists comitting the genocide on non-Arabs in sudan.

Heard that Arabist Jimmy Carter the faslsifier, the pro Islamic-apartheid liar???

The one that had a hand in the Islamic evil apartheid totalitarian Iran republic & its current menace on the world. no wonder that such a twisted guy will use the term "apartheid" rather where it's never justified.

Darfur Refugee Debunks Israeli Apartheid



Pajamas Media » Israeli Army Doctors Heal the Enemy

May 19, 2008 ... Medicine trumps politics for the Israeli army doctors serving on a West Bank military base near Ramallah who run an emergency clinic for local Palestinian villagers.



Hamas's Human Shields

(Updated Mar 4, 2008)

...That same month, the IAF warned Muhammad Weil Baroud, responsible for firing Kassam rockets at Israel, to evacuate his home in Beit Lahiya in advance of an air strike. Instead, hundreds of locals, mostly women and children, were recruited to Baroud's house. Israel suspended the air strike, lest these human shields be harmed. In response to the incident, Hamas crowed: "We won. From now on we will form human chains around every house threatened with demolition."

The above episode illustrates the potential problems with Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilna'i's proposal to bulldoze houses from which rockets are fired. The same goes for suggestions such as warning systems giving Gazan civilians time to get out. Even smoke bombs directed at precise coordinates to further warn civilians to depart - in advance of live fire and the destruction of launch sites - could be thwarted by human shields.

Principled despite its vilified reputation, Israel wrestles with a wrenching quandary callously imposed upon it. But Israel shouldn't be the only one to grapple with the ruthlessness of terrorists toward their human shields. Democracies the world over need to internalize what is taking place here, to pin blame where it is due, and to condemn Hamas for its heartlessness toward its own people.


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