Monday, June 30, 2008

Time for Arabs to recognise the Jewish 'nakba'

Time for Arabs to recognise the Jewish 'nakba'
In this Jewish Chronicle comment piece timed to coincide with this week's Justice for Jews from Arab Countries founding congress in London, Lyn Julius puts the case for recognising the Jewish refugees: This week, delegates from 10 countries convened in London for the first-ever Justice for Jews from Arab Countries Congress.
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Sudanese woman: (racist) Arabs murder, Israel defends

Sudanese woman: (racist) Arabs murder, Israel defends

VIDEO - The moderate voice of Islam has been heard once again on Arab media, and it appears Israelis can add some of Sudan’s population to the list of its new friends.

…Taraji Mustafa, Sudanese human rights activist living in Canada, sparks row in Arab world when she announces establishment of Israeli-Sudanese fellowship association. ‘All the stereotypes I heard about Jews and Israelis were wrong,’ she says in interview with al-Arabiya network, where she was invited to ‘defend’ her stance,7340,L-3337609,00.html

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[Racist Arabs] Following Hitler’s playbook

[Racist Arabs] Following Hitler’s playbook

June 12, 2008 Ted Belman

Arab’s play offense while Israelis play defense. Nowhere is this more evident than in the field of propaganda.

...negotiations. Can anyone tell me what the Israelis are demanding. I’m waiting.

On the other hand,the Arabs are demanding the holy city in Jerusalem, the greenline... “right of return”.. Israel always struggling to meet their demands in part, hoping it will suffice.. They have a sense of entitlement while the Israelis have a sense of way to win a ball game.. The Arabs always rejected the State of Israel & made a conscious decision to convince the world... So they began a propaganda war to demonize and delegitimate Israel & Zionism.. infamous, Zionism is Racism, resolution at the UN -the first volley.

...famed human rights lawyer from ..reviewed attacks on Jews, Israel throughout the world, asked how could this happen sixty years after the Holocaust? answers,

1. “The root cause of the revival of antisemitism is anti-Zionism. Zionism is the expression of the right to self determination of the Jewish people. Anti-Zionism, by definition, denies and rejects this right by denying the right to a state by the Jewish people. Anti-Zionism is a form of racism. .denial to the Jewish people of the basic right to which all people of the world are entitled.

2. ..because of the Holocaust..antisemitism and as a place of refuge for Jews fleeing persecution.... the ties of the Jewish people to the land of Israel.. of international acceptance and recognition.. logic of anti-Zionism requires attacking every one of these reasons for the existence..”

Thus the Holocaust is denied or trivialized and the creation of Israel is discredited as western colonialism or a "mistake"... the Arabs have created a narrative to compete with the Jewish .. The Arabs deny... Temples...Temple Mount...They also deny the peoplehood of the Jews while at the same time claiming their own...

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Anti-Semitic Hate Speech in the Name of Islam

Anti-Semitic Hate Speech in the Name of Islam Sowing the seeds of hate: The Hamas satellite station Al-Aqsa recently used a Mickey Mouse clone to teach Muslim children — in Gaza and Europe — to hate Jews… May 9, 2007 … A Jihadist Mickey Mouse shows children how to hold an AK-47. …. ‘Wipe Out the Jews’,1518,553724,00.html

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Friday, June 27, 2008

(Pallywood style journalism) Propaganda, Lies, and Wire Service Articles

(Pallywood style journalism) Propaganda, Lies, and Wire Service Articles

By Barry Rubin

[INTERNATIONAL] Today, journalism students, in our course, "Absolutely Introductory Basic Rules of Journalism, we will discuss the absolutely introductory basic rules of journalism. I don't think I'm an old fogey but in my hazy memories of the good old days I think there was a time when reporters were supposed to represent both sides of the story. I hear some gasps of amazement in the classroom. Yes, it is true. Nowadays we are more enlightened and the process goes something like this:

1. Decide which side is the good guys. This can be based on your ethnic-communal background (unless you are Jewish since then you must lean over backward to prove yourself fair by supporting the other side), political ideology, or--if all else fails--whichever side is weaker. (The word "underdog" might not be PC any more so I will avoid it.)

2. Slant your article completely in favor of the "good guys" because they are after all the good guys. Writing an advocacy article for them is thus a good and moral deed. There can be no compromise with evil and since the bad guys lie all the time why even bother to listen to their arguments.

Incidentally, questions of past credibility are irrelevant. If one side can be shown to have lied repeatedly that doesn't count. Pointing this out could get you accused of racism or imperialism, while the "good guys," once so designated, are allowed to lie because they are pursuing a "good cause." Governments are held to lie always, especially if they are democratic ones.

While the above is written to be humorous and is no doubt somewhat exaggerated it does give a pretty good idea about the genesis of all too many newspaper articles nowadays.

Consider, for example, Dalia Nammari, "Israel curbs Palestinian building on disputed land," AP. The article has 1,107 words long which by contemporary standards is quite long. Number of words used to explain Israel's position: 76. Number of words used to advocate the Palestinian cause? You do the math.
Basically, as so often happens, the reporter serves as the mouthpiece for one side (it always seems to be the same side) in language calculated to tug at the readers' heart-strings. Here's the lead:

"AQABEH, West Bank - The elders of this West Bank village hold their meetings under a carob tree, sitting on boulders arranged in a circle. It looks idyllic, but is born of necessity, the council doesn't have a meeting hall."

"Aqabeh, home to 299 people, has never received Israeli construction permits despite many requests, its mayor says. After losing a battle in Israel's Supreme Court in April, the village now lives with the threat of seeing 37 of its 47 structures demolished, according to a U.N. count. That includes 27 homes, a clinic, a mosque and a kindergarten that was co-financed by a U.S. charity, the Building Alliance. All were built illegally, Israel says."

Let's stop here a moment and rest under the shade of that carob tree. Israel's Supreme Court has often ruled against the Israeli government. For example, in response to Palestinian suits, the route of the security fence has often been altered at great expense to the Israeli taxpayer so as to make the lives of Palestinians easier. (Occupying powers usually don't let people from the side carrying out terrorist attacks against them to sue and win in court. Why, that might even be a good topic for a 1,107 word article some day!)

Why, then, did these villagers lose in court? The reporter might be expected to tell us, but that could ruin this touching story.

The article continues:
"Aqabeh's plight is similar to scores of Palestinian villages in `Area C,' the nearly two-thirds of the West Bank that remained under full Israeli control following a 1990s interim agreement with the Palestinian leadership."

Very cute. But wait a minute. Perhaps the reporter could tell us what percentage of the West Bank villagers live under Israeli rule in Area C. If we are talking about villages (not the town of Hebron) I would suspect the answer would not be much above 1 percent.

But wait, the article continues:
"On that land are Israel's 121 West Bank settlements, as well as military bases. But so are 150 Palestinian villages, home to tens of thousands of people."

So which is it? The answer is that even if villages are located in Area C, local control in most cases belongs to the PA, not Israel.

Note the deliberate dishonesty: yes, lots of land is in Area C but by the Oslo agreement's design Israel has full control over unpopulated land. Virtually all the villages are under Palestinian Authority (PA) rule.

And by the way, what is the housing situation for 99 percent of the West Bank villages? I would bet that they either have to pay off PA officials or just do what they want without regard to regulations.

But in one of the two sentences in which Israeli officials are allowed to speak, we get an interesting hint about that:

"Maj. Peter Lerner, an Israeli military spokesman, said demolition orders are usually issued early in cases of illegal construction, but are often ignored by residents."

So in fact Israel does not try to enforce these orders most of the time.

Why would Israeli authorities try to stop buildings from being constructed? The article tells us it is pure meanness or because it wants to take lands in future. But the overwhelming main reason for such denials is that the buildings would be close to roads or in other strategic locations where they could be used for ambushes. We aren't told this, in fact there is no mention of the fact that the Palestinian side is carrying out a war on Israel involving terrorism, which makes conditions significantly different than in a peaceful environment.

To a large extent, this article is merely an extended version of an interview with the village's mayor who is allowed to say whatever he wants, no matter how fantastic. For example, he says:

"Since Israel occupied the West Bank in 1967 eight villagers have been killed by stray bullets or by picking up unexploded munitions, and 42 have been wounded. The Israeli military could not confirm those numbers."

Now there are 299 people in the village. We are to believe that 50 of them--which would in practice mean one person in each family--has been killed or wounded by Israeli bullets. Is there any documentation for this? Are there any newspaper clippings, reports to humanitarian organizations, etc? And if so why aren't these cited.

I feel confident in suggesting that the mayor is lying and that the reporter is going along with the lies. As an Arab proverb goes: "How do you know it is a lie? Because it is so big."

Or this one:
"Aqabeh Mayor Sami Sadiq says Israeli officials told residents in 2004 that only buildings in the center, on 3 percent of the village's land area, would be safe from demolition. If all demolitions are carried out, two-thirds of the village's residents would be left homeless, he said."

Well, did they or is this a propaganda fantasy? The important thing to remember here is the test of logic. The village must be many decades, even centuries, old. So does this mean that 97 percent of the village dates from the last few years? It appears to be nonsense.

The article states, "Sadiq has been confined to a wheelchair since being hit by three stray bullets while cultivating his family's land in 1971, he said." Well, it should have been easy for the reporter to check this out since he would have filed compensation claims with the Israeli government. There would be documentation.

Sadiq's credibility doesn't strike me as being too good:

"In the past four decades, some 700 residents have left Aqabeh because of the many troubles, he said, mostly moving to neighboring villages outside of Area C that have approved zoning plans and where it is easier to build."

So there were 1,000 residents and now there are 300 but--let's use our brains, people--if that were true the village wouldn't need to be expanding, would it? Seventy percent of its housing would be empty. It would look like a ghost town. So why didn't the reporter mention this?

Why go on with more examples? This is nonsense on the face of it. In a world where professional standards applied, AP would be humiliated at making mistakes unacceptable in a high school newspaper. The reporter would be immediately fired and a stern memo sent to all staff members on avoiding such stupidities in future.

I must be an old fogey because I keep expecting things like this to happen.

And what really scares me is that I didn't even have to go hunting to find such propaganda masquerading as journalism--it was the first article I read in a 25-page compilation of AP stories.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What (Islamic Hitler: Mahnoud) Ahmadanijad REALLY says about Israel

What Ahmadanijad REALLY says about Israel
Ahmadinejad Was Not Mistranslated
What Iranian Leaders Really Say about Doing Away with Israel: A Refutation of the Campaign to Excuse Ahmadinejad’s Incitement to Genocide

Ahmadinejad Was Not Mistranslated
By Joshua Teitelbaum

• Over the past several years, Iranian leaders – most prominently, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – have made numerous statements calling for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. While certain experts have interpreted these statements to be simple expressions of dissatisfaction with the current Israeli government and its policies, in reality, the intent behind Ahmadinejad’s language and that of others is clear.
• What emerges from a comprehensive analysis of what Ahmadinejad actually said – and how it has been interpreted in Iran – is that the Iranian president was not just calling for “regime change” in Jerusalem, but rather the actual physical destruction of the State of Israel. When Ahmadinejad punctuates his speech with “Death to Israel” (marg bar Esraiil), this is no longer open to various interpretations.
• A common motif of genocide incitement is the dehumanization of the target population. The Nazi weekly Der Stürmer portrayed Jews as parasites and locusts. Ahmadinejad said in a speech on October 26, 2005: “In the Middle East, they [the global powers] have created a black and filthy microbe called the Zionist regime.”
• Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who succeeded Ayatollah Khomeini in 1989, has made statements about Israel similar to Ahmadinejad. On December 15, 2000, he declared on Iranian TV: “Iran’s position, which was first expressed by the Imam [Khomeini] and stated several times by those responsible, is that the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region.”
• Michael Axworthy, who served as the Head of the Iran Section of Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, notes that when the slogan “Israel must be wiped off the map” appeared “draped over missiles in military parades, that meaning was pretty clear.”
• There is an ample legal basis for the prosecution of Ahmadinejad in the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court for direct and public incitement to commit genocide and crimes against humanity.

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The usual, GOOD Israel vs EVIL Arab "Palestinians" - The Mistakes That Launched 3000 Rockets

(the usual, GOOD Israel vs EVIL Arab "Palestinians")

The Mistakes That Launched 3000 Rockets

American Thinker, WA - Jun 17, 2008

The Mistakes That Launched 3,000 Rockets

By Richard A. Baehr
When Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon withdrew 8,000 residents and all of its defense forces from the Gaza Strip in the late summer of 2005, he offered several rationales to support what he called "disengagement." Regrettably, all but one have proven to be illusory. The result has been disastrous -- leading to the creation of a lawless terrorist haven in the Gaza Strip from which the controlling Hamas faction has lobbed thousands of crude rockets indiscriminately into southern Israel, precipitating a new generation of terror attacks against the Jewish state.


One argument cited was the need to take the teeming Gaza Strip out of the Israeli-Palestinian demographic equation. It was estimated that some 1.5 million Palestinians live in Gaza, 2.5 million Palestinians live in the West Bank, and one million Arabs lives inside Israel's green line. This population of 5 million Arabs roughly matched Israel's Jewish population of 5 million. Thus, Sharon reasoned, with just the West Bank under Israeli control, the concern that Israeli Jews would soon be a minority between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River appeared less foreboding, or at least not for several decades.

As it turns out, the demographic scenarios promulgated by those who advocated for an Israeli withdrawal from both Gaza and the West Bank were wildly off the mark. As noted by researchers Bennett Zimmerman and Michael Wise in the pages of inFocus Quarterly, the Palestinian census counters inflated the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza, while also exaggerating the annual population growth rate for the Palestinians.

In retrospect, the Gaza withdrawal may have lifted the Jewish percentage in the remaining areas under Israeli control, but the move was premature if not completely unnecessary.

Preventing Terror

A second rationale was that if Israeli settlers were removed from Gaza, the Israel Defense Force (IDF) would have no civilian population to protect, thereby relieving the army of the need to remain. Gaza, after all, had never been a major source of the suicide bombing attacks that had occurred inside Israel's green line. In fact, throughout the "al-Aqsa intifada" that began in 2000, only one such attack originated in Gaza, when foreign nationals traveling to Israel from Gaza with British passports devastated Mike's Bar, a popular pub near the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv in 2003. The IDF had simply erected a fence to surround Gaza, preventing untold numbers of suicide attacks.

In the years since its 2005 withdrawal, the IDF has learned a difficult lesson: suicide bombing is not the only way for terrorist to inflict harm upon Israeli civilians. Indeed, a fence cannot prevent projectiles such as rockets, missiles, or mortars aimed at close-by Israeli communities.

These attacks began soon after the Gaza fence was completed in 2001, but increased substantially year after year. Over the last seven years, Palestinian rockets have become increasingly lethal, with longer trajectories. Conservative estimates suggest that 3,000 rockets have been fired into Israel, not to mention mortars and missiles. The rockets now reach Ashkelon, a city of over 100,000 people, with key infrastructure, including a major Israeli port.

It is unclear whether Israel assumed that the Palestinian Authority would want to keep a lid on rocket fire from Gaza, since a period of "quiet" might encourage further Israeli withdrawals from the West Bank. If this ever was the case, things certainly changed in June 2007, when Hamas' one week military coup decimated the PA's grip on power in Gaza. Since then, rockets have been landing at an increasingly rapid rate.

Public Relations

A third rationale for Gaza disengagement was that Israel, often maligned in the mainstream media, would win a public relations victory from its unilateral withdrawal. This was wishful thinking. While the media has occasionally heaped scorn upon Hamas for its indiscriminate rocket attacks, the disengagement has done little to improve Israel's steady drubbing when it defends itself.

Sadly, the occasional criticism of Hamas violence seems to suggest that indiscriminate attacks on Israeli civilian targets were somehow more justified during the period when Israel controlled Gaza. Meanwhile, Israel is still castigated by the United Nations, left-leaning Human Rights groups and NGOs, and, of course, the Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference. These groups can no longer castigate Israel for occupying the Gaza Strip so they now level new charges of collective punishment against Palestinian civilians in Gaza, when Israel responds with military operations in the areas where the rockets are launched.

A Gesture For Peace

A fourth rationale for the Gaza withdrawal was that it would lead to an improved atmosphere between Israel and the PA, and perhaps nudge both parties towards negotiating peace. The Olmert and Abbas governments are now busy negotiating a "shelf" agreement, but it is one in which even the most ardent peace pundits have little to no faith.

There are currently two Palestinian entities: Hamastan in Gaza, and the PA under Mahmoud Abbas, which maintains only tenuous control in the West Bank. If not for a steady IDF presence, analysts believe Hamas could easily take over. The PA is negotiating with Israel as if it controls Gaza , and Israel plays along. Only, Hamas is as much at war with the PA, as they are with Israel.

Let Gazans Control Their Destiny

The final rationale for the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 may prove to be the only one with validity. Optimists viewed Palestinian "sovereignty" in Gaza as a way for the Palestinians to demonstrate that, once in control of their own destiny, Gazans could take responsibility for their quality of life and their economic condition.

At least in one way, this has been a successful experiment. Hamas has demonstrated ingenuity in two areas: construction of smuggling tunnels under the border crossing between Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and Gaza, and mass-producing rockets with more precise targeting ability, greater firing range, and more destructive capability. While both endeavors have increased Hamas' ability to strike at Israeli civilians, they have done little to help the Palestinian national cause. By their own admission, Gazans are awash in misery and poverty.

Before its landslide electoral victory in 2006, Hamas was described by naïve observers as the one Palestinian group free of corruption. Compared to the ossified and corrupt Fatah party, Hamas could claim that it was the good government party, particularly since it had been providing social services to Palestinians through its da'wa (outreach) system for years.

Since the election Hamas has proven that feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, and providing medicines to the sick are among its lowest priorities. Rather, Hamas has focused all of its resources on attacking Israel - and even Fatah.

Lessons Learned

There are two painful lessons that can be learned from the daily rocket fire on Sderot, Ashkelon, and other population centers in Israel's south. First, Israeli gestures of good will signal weakness, and can lead to greater Palestinian hostility and violence. Second, half measures never solve any underlying problems.

Indeed, every one of the rationales for the 2005 disengagement envisioned a quiet border, and an improved security situation. Hopefully, the Israelis have learned two more lessons from the Gaza situation: know your enemy, and no more wishful thinking.

Richard Baehr is political director of American Thinker.


Non Arabs

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Friday, June 20, 2008

(Islamic Palestinians attack Israeli civilians hours before "truce") Rocket barrages day before truce: Sderot house hit; IDF retaliates. 18 Jun 2008

(Islamic Palestinians attack Israeli civilians hours before "truce") Rocket barrages day before truce: Sderot house hit; IDF retaliates. 18 Jun 2008
With less than 24 hours to go before the ceasefire, Palestinian terror groups opened fire at Israelis on the border and launched at least 29 Qassam rockets and ten mortar shells towards the western Negev. Seven rockets were fired within hours...

‘palestinian’ terrorism

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Arab racism & Bush's admin. pro Arab-"Palestinian" foreign policy

Arab racism & Bush's admin. pro Arab-"Palestinian" foreign policy

The same Arab racism & Islamic bigotry that can't get itself to accept Jews' existance in the middle east, is the same Arab racism that has posted a personal racist anti-black cartoon in "Palestinian" Arab official media.

So now [June, 2008] Condoleeza Rice is buying 'Pallywood' that expanding Jewish neighborhoods are "obstacles"?

Maybe one should ask the admin. to start being really balanced in the middle east, and denounce as strongly any Arab "settlements" in E. Jerusalem?

Does anyone in this Bush admin. really believe that we'll buy one Arab's love for uttering such anti-Israel nonsense statements?

Name one Arab nation that became more "friendly" to the US, since Bush's pro 'Palestinian' policy, his powerful push to give the Arabs [who are mostly grandchildren of immigrants that started to call themselves as] "Palestinians" [in the 1960's] something they never had in history, a state.


'Black spinster' label pinned on Condi Rice Palestinian media use racist terms including 'colored dark skin lady' ... A cartoon last week in the PA controlled Al Quds depicted Rice pregnant with a ...

Black Activists Condemn Racist Rice Cartoons in Palestinian Press

CULTURE OF HATE–JIHAD RACISM ACROSS THE WORLD Culture of Hate A racism which denies the history and sufferings of its victims. … of the Jews in their ancestral homeland is interpreted as racism, …Arab racism consists of calling the Land of Israel, Arab land, whereas no Palestinian province, village, or town, including Jerusalem is mentioned either in the Koran or in any Arabic text before the end of the ninth century. On the contrary, these locations are mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, which represents the religious and historical heritage of the Jewish people. The Bible, which tells the history of this country, tells it in Hebrew, the language of the country, and not in Arabic. Palestinian racism consists of asserting that the whole history of Israel, biblical history, is Arab, Islamic, and Palestinian history. The kings and prophets of Israel were Arab, Palestinian, and Muslim kings and prophets, as were Jesus, his family, and the apostles. This Arabization and Islamization of the Bible thus robs not only the Jews but also the whole of Christianity of their history. New theologies of substitution are developed, transferring Israel’s heritage to Arab and Muslim Palestine.

The role of bigotry in the Israel Arab conflict

Arab racism must go!,7340,L-3478505,00.html

palestinian anti-semitism and racism.

Israel has Arab judges, diplomats, and Members of the Knesset. Arabic is an official language of the state and 20% of the student body of Hebrew University is Arab. Full and equal status. Jews however still cannot get a visa to most Arab Muslim countries because of their religion. And in those Arab lands with remaining Jewish populations, Jews live under a secondary legal status called "dhimmitude". So exactly who is practicing apartheid Ms. Nastovski? And where is your moral voice on Arab racism?

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Israeli on Arab TV: Jerusalem Was Ours When Muslims [still] Worshipped Idols

Israeli on Arab TV: Jerusalem Was Ours When Muslims [still] Worshipped Idols INN ^ 06/04/08, Israeli on Arab TV: J'lem Was Ours When Moslems Worshipped Idols ... Jerusalem is our city forever and is not an issue for you, for Al Jazeera or for anyone ...Dr. Kedar: "Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Koran even once. You can't rewrite the Koran on air on Al Jazeera."...


Why Jerusalem is Not Holy to Muslims

Jerusalem is "not holy to Muslims at all," nor has it ever been, and the claim that it is Islam's third holiest site, after Mecca and Medina, is aimed simply at stealing the city from the Jewish people... "They simply want to take away our heart and our soul," ... in a speech he gave before 200 congregants shortly before the 40th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem.

American Thinker: Islam's mystical claim on Jerusalem Yet many Muslims today claim Jerusalem as theirs. Islam's claim on Jerusalem can be questioned because of two dubious reasons and because these shaky ...

Jerusalm has no significance in Islam. It is significant to Jews ...Dome of the Mosque in Jerusalem was never an important Islamic site. There is no reference to Jerusalem in the Koran. There was no pilgrimages of Muslims to ...

False Moslem ClaimsThe Moslem "claim" to Jerusalem is based on what is written in the Koran, which although Jerusalem is not mentioned even once, nevertheless talks (in Sura ...

The Islamic connection to Jerusalem began much later in history, during the 7th century CE. The central personality of Islam, Mohammed, was born and raised in the area of present-day Saudi Arabia and founded Islam in the early 7th century. (The first year of the Moslem calendar, or the Hajira, corresponds to the year 622 CE of the Christian calendar.)
Scholars agree that Mohammed was influenced by Judaism (and Christianity). This influence was significant enough that Mohammed's original plan for the direction of prayer (Qibla) was also Jerusalem. Mohammed later changed the direction of prayer to Mecca in Saudi Arabia -- a place that was converted from a pagan pilgrimage site to the 'eternal city,' and the center of the Moslem religion. (Moslems also placed Mecca as the spot where Abraham nearly sacrificed Isaac's brother Ishmael.)
Mohammed never made it to Jerusalem, and the word 'Jerusalem' appears nowhere in the Koran.

Rael Isaac Reviews The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism... Mohammed began by wooing Jewish tribes (Jews were numerous in Medina, which was originally a Jewish city), adopting Jewish ceremonies, even stipulating that his followers turn to Jerusalem in prayer. But the Jews dismissed him...

Jerusalem Means More to Jews Than to Muslims

The Greatest Lie Ever Told About JerusalemMohammed never again mentioned the word Jerusalem in his compilation of Islam"s holy book, the Koran and directed his "quibla" (prayers) to Mecca. ...

The Fight for Jerusalem: Radical Islam, the West, and the Future of the Holy city
Radical Islam has long desired to seize Jerusalem and cut it off to Christian and Jewish believers. In this book, Israeli diplomat Dore Gold explains why the battle for Jerusalem is intensifying today. Gold shows why only Israel can preserve its holy plac

In the last decades, radical Islam has been fed by its sense of victory in the face of repeated withdrawals: a re-division of Jerusalem would not only endanger its holy sites, but also unleash new jihadist momentum, on a scale that most political leaders have not begun to consider.

[Muslim sheik] Palazzi cites Koran passages showing that the Land of Israel was given to the Jews

'The Koran Says The Jews Would Return To Their Land': Exclusive Interview With Sheikh Abdul Palazzi§ionid=15&contentid=14905&contentName='The%20Koran%20Says%20The%20Jews%20Would%20Return%20To%20Their%20Land':%20Exclusive%20Interview%20With%20Sheikh%20Abdul%20Palazzi

Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran. Jerusalem is mentioned in Jewish prayers three times daily. It is mentioned every time a Jew eats, ...

The Muslim Claim to JerusalemWhere does Jerusalem fit in Islam and Muslim history? It is not the place to which they pray, is not once mentioned by name in prayers, and it is connected ...

The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem

Muhammad's Night Journey wasn't to Jerusalem, so why all the fuss?

Historical Truths About Jerusalem and the Temple MountIn fact, the Koran says nothing about Jerusalem. It mentions Mecca hundreds of times. It mentions Medina countless times. It never mentions Jerusalem! ...

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