Tuesday, March 27, 2007

On: Goals of Arabs in media, The Notorious Arabist

On: Goals of Arabs in media, The Notorious Arabist
paper 'The Independent' intentional confusion,  Iraq, Sudan, Slavery &
Arab racism


Monday, March 26, 2007


Actually, what I am about to write on, I could, unfortunately, go on &
on about most days when referring to such media outlets as
the biased-dependent "Independent".

However I feel that once & a while you reach that point that you just
have to say something about it.


I read the article by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown "It's understanding we need, not
apologies". (Re: Tony Blair's apology for slavery).


Actually she starts off not too bad, but then she makes that turn, that
typifies her kind all too well.


Arab writers are all about influencing the west not to be objective


I was amused only until I actually, finally got angry, this seemingly so
"innocent" piece is so typical by Arab writers, by Arab (international lobby)
policy shapers & global pushers, in EU, UN & all over the world.


As oppose to a Jewish writer you'd ask?
Yes, actually, most Jewish
writers in ANY media are not to delicate when it comes to criticize harshly the
only Jewish state/refuge, and they hardly make a secret about it.

Be it in own Israeli newspapers, [much is being only used by anti-Israel
bigots to tarnish Israel without ever appreciating this Israel's own very
openness],  Israel is probably one of the most, if not the most self
criticized countries in the world.

As well as the vat majority of Jewish writers in NYTimes, LATimes, CNN
reporters, etc. will never hesitate to be tough on the Zionists, albeit it's
actually too much of it.


[Most] Arab writers however can never bring themselves to objective
true moments, the heck with journalism, fairness, or any value of sincerity for
that matter, No! I am not referring to the Al Jazeera/Arabyia, but rather the
Arab writers, in the western media, with a few rare exceptions,
they'll routinely diminish Arab made crimes as non-existing or even as
"victimized", the primer example is of course the "Palestinian" aggression that
causes Israeli defenders to put up walls/checkpoints to protect themselves from
genocide by Islamofascists, but Arab international lobby is successfully coining
drama words, (invented in-between one plan of a deliberate attack on innocent
Israelis and another,) like "apartheid" or other mushrooms wording on Israel's
life-savings methods, it is enormously successful in pushing the UN to
"criticize" Israel, never mind this multi-racial country that has Arab
representatives in all government branches,  or the phenomenon in
the opposite direction in the democratic country like the long
list of Israeli government's favoritism on... Arabs over Jews, when real
apartheid in Arab Muslim world goes ignored, even the 'Palestinian' one that has
the ethnic cleansing policy of 'No Jews, or no non-Arabs allowed'.


At times it reminds me of those staged media scenes in Gaza where they
orchestrate a woman crying before the cameras, or ' heroic stone throwing',
sometimes the reporter will even give them the sign when to start, it
has been documented as 'Pallywood'.


Every interview is seen by them as nothing but one more tool in their
propaganda, there is no free thinking, honesty ha \s no place at most occasions
when they speak to us.


One of the few exceptions are those of the likes of Joseph
Farah & his href="http://wnd.com">http://wnd.com .


How's that related to Yasmin's piece you wonder?
Well, I suggest you pay
attention to her criticism of Tony Blair's historic apology on Britain's part in
What could be so wrong about such a positive thing you might wonder,
no, Yasmin manages to put dirt on this too, as long as she can squeeze in the
'Iraq issue' (' Arab victim-hood' syndrome, and just Who kills her Muslim
brothers & sisters everyday, Is it the Christians, Crusaders, is it the
Zionists, Is it Buddhists, Is it Tony Blair, Is it Bush, or is it her own so
dear Arab Muslim brethren? And why Don't I see any Arab Muslim writer decrying
their brothers on brothers crimes? But the low part is really her attempt to tie
it all to 'Arab & Muslim victimhood' without mentioning thje real
She writes:
"How can Tony Blair say sorry for slavery when he
will never apologise for Iraq"?
In other words, blacks' suffering are
null & void, the Arabs'  & ONLY their condition is what
Ever heard of Arab supremacy?
Keep on reading, here she twists
the facts entirely to hide the facts of Arab racism on non-Arab Africans in
Sudan, Chad, Mauritania &, yes Slavery today by... Arab slave
She writes:
"how does the EU let the genocide in Darfur carry
on? Easy, they are only blacks..."

Wow, I could have sworn she was
talking about the racist Arabs that slaughter their "brethren" Muslims that
their sin is 'not being of the Arab super-race', gang-raping them while calling
them "abid" & zurka", I am pretty sure Yasmin knows what the Arab racist
slur for "Abid" & "Zurka" is, far better than non-ArabTony Blair would ever


Why on earth wouldn't Yasmin mention the fact that it's Arab powerful
nations that don't let the UN & other bodies to do anything about Arab
Janjaveed's & Arab backed government in Darfur?
Is it about "Darfurians
being blacks", or is it really about "covering for Arab crimes", whether it's
Sudan, Chad, or in Lebanon by Hezbollah's human shields (we all saw UN's outcry
at Qana, but not on the real perpetrators that are the only ones that always
rejoice when their ploy of causing Arab kids' deaths finally comes through
successfully and in a manner they can smear Israel for it) or the same type
of crimes by 'Palestinian' Hamas on their own children.

Did any of us hear the term 'human shields by Arabs on their own kids' as
at a fraction of as many times we have all heard again & again, the pathetic
"apartheid" slur in vain?

And Why in fact does' the UN convene on the real crimes against humanity
but on balloons & slurs?


There you have it, 1) The Arab racism in demonizing the west, 2)
Wish-washing Arabs' crimes.

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Islamo Arab fascism: For Arabs only, For Muslims only & Anti-Israel as an integral part of it

Islamo Arab fascism: For Arabs only, For Muslims only & Anti-Israel as an integral part of it


Have you ever wondered what drives a Saudi, Jordanian, 'Palestinian' to come over to a completely foreign country: Iraq to 'fight the infidel' US/UK?

After all they don't fight for 'their country' at all?
What's the special bond then?
The intolerance of Jihad, or more powerful the twin evil of Arab racism & Islamic Jihad, if you are a non Arab, a non-Muslim, you 'don't belong here', They are saying: '(No matter where we were born) We are here in our land', the middle east is ours, and ONLY ours.


Their 'freedom fighting' now takes a whole new diabolical meaning, doesn't it? How about 'free from the other race/religion/creed'? but it's actually quite old, ancient bigotry.


The Overwhelming proof that Arab Muslims' anti-Israel campaign is nothing but bigotry, racism, fascism.

The pure facts of Arabs not wanting non Arabs, Muslims not wanting non Muslims, especially in their neighborhood, A.K.A. The Middle East.

Why else would major Arab countries unify to destroy Israel since it's inception & the same time persecute the Arab 'Palestinians' living among them?

Trust me, as much as the myth of 'Arab unity' is in the west, you wouldn't want to be a 'Palestinian' Arab in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, you name it.

Let's not kid ourselves for one moment the fact and the reason why none of the Arab Muslim leaders ever wanted sincerely for a 'Palestinian' solution, 1) anti Israel galvanizing power among Arab populous is far of a great asset to their oppressive regimes on their resentful citizens, 2) It makes sure their bigoted anti-Israel campaign goes on 'without end', until even westerners can admit to 'Palestinian' misery.

Arab leaders knew/know full well that most grandfathers of today's 'Palestinian Arabs are no natives to Israel, the holy-land, of course they immigrated from other Arab countries.
But, you get the point, they are Arabs, they are Muslims, therefor they belong in all of the middle east, the Arab Muslim (fascism) land.

That's also why Jews have to give up part or all of it's land to the Arabs, even though Jews were there first historically, but, yes, again, they are not Arabs, they are not Muslims.

Explain to me what the Arabian anti-non-Arabs racist, anti-Kurd, anti-Iranian, anti-Jewish Arabian butcher Saddam Hussein meant in his final bloody legacy's phrase: "Palestine is Arab'?
It means 'no non Arabs in 'Palestine', period! ethnic cleansing, genocide, you find the definition for it.

The Islamic Republic of Iran that is not even a neighbor of Israel's has nothing against Israel BUT the problem with 'It being amidst Muslim land'.

Though the slow driving out of the Christian Arabs started off by the Arab Egyptian turned 'Palestinian' (somehow), Yassir Arafat, & continued by current 'Palestinian' Islamfscism-Hamas, anti-Christian is still not as powerful, no match to the fire motivatred by the added fuel of Arab racism, the added anti Jewish push.

Speaking of Arafat, you'd wonder How come an Egyptian could have been/become the most classical (so called) 'Palestinian' icon, again, there's no contradiction, an Arab is an Arab, a Muslim is a Muslim, the middle east is pure Arab, pure Muslim, remember?

Arab racism is actually also tide much to Islamic radicalism, it's nationalism is always fueled & glorified by the 'cult{ure} of radical Islam', even Iraq's Saddam & Syria's Asad, supposedly some seculars in their private practice, resorted to Islamic inspiration in their horrendous crimes against humanity, on their own people & fascistically on minirities.

{There are two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The first is Arab racism, which rejects any presence that is not Arab in its neighborhood; the second is Islamic intolerance which leads to the same rejection http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=7268 }


What's this constant talk about winning the hearts & minds of Islamo Arab world?

Long before the disappointment in US at the ugly ungrateful reaction by Iraqis' after being freed from Saddam, Israel learned it the hard way, in the early 1980's when being attacked by PLO terrorists from Lebanon, entered Lebanon as liberators from the jungle the 'Palestinians' have left Lebanese to deal with, hard to believe, but the Shiite Muslims actually threw flowers at the Israeli heroes, but as soon as they prolonged their stay, they were attacked by the very Lebanese Muslims, brutally.
The message was clear: OK, Thank you but good bye, Bush didn't hear that, it seems, or he was kidding himself that the excitement would take a long time, answer: deeply rooted Arab racism & Islamic facsiom for the "OTHER", is far greater than any obligated gratitude.
Don't get me wrong, I am not against trying to 'win their hearts/minds', even [in reality it can not surpass] for just a limited success, but I am against illusions that it might simply take away their fascist motivation against us, against the other.


Think, western leaders!
Think really hard, that they're simply NOT ABLE to like us,we don't belong in their neighborhood, that's simply how they're raised, leave aside the anti-colonialism revolt that has swept that world, there is a totally other factor, the fascism mentioned, no matter if you are a French in Algeria/Morocco, an American, Englishman in Afghanistan/Iraq, Swiss tourists in Egypt, ANY Westerner in the 'Palestinian' West bank, etc. (all of the above have been attacked by Islamists).

And as long as the west won't GET IT we'll keep on living in false imaginations & endless self-examinations of 'how they might like us', here's a short answer for you:
They hate us (because of their bigotry, if our policies inflate this already factor, that's already an entire different discussion), but they hate us even more when we are so close to them.

'Keep your friends close & your enemies closer', is way too sweet for their despicable bitterness, a bitterness yet so hypocritically masked as 'holy'.

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

'Apartheid' MUSHROOMS VS 'Genocide' NIGHTMARE, Because Arab - 'Palestine" is worse than any "apartheid", because Arab - "Palestine" means Genocide

Because Arab - 'Palestine" is worse than any "apartheid", because Arab - "Palestine" means Genocide

When will matter win over theater? reality over fantasy?

Enough of the games of silly definitions, of sheer absurdity, slanderous attack, smear campaign over & over again, time for assessment of reality, clarity amids confusion, calling a spade a spade.

I wonder when some in the UN will finally break away from the mighty grip of Arabian oil lobbyists mafia giants (Kofi Annan's legacy) forcing/pushing as to what should be an "agenda" or even a "burning subject" on the UN's diary, no matter how silly the "accusation" are & finally talk about real issues of real culprits.

Leave aside the "toy" 'apartheid' coined by the "Palestinian" drama-queens that grew into an all out Arabian Goliath propaganda machine, the criminal -- not only ridiculous -- slur on a people that merely try to survive against Arabs' genocide campaign since 1920. (yes, that's right, long before the "occupation" & other excuse were invented).

More importantly this serious question is to those robotic-echoing the "apartheid" slur without even thinking.

What does the overwhelming support among "Palestinian" Arab-Muslims for Hamas & it's genocidal ideology tell you?

Does this mean that only the "Palestinian" leadership is so evil in-fascism or is it that most "Palestinians" are no better?

Now try as hard as you can comparing the harsh reality & vivid campaigning from the Arab Muslim "Palestinian" side VS the Israeli struggle against terrorists on the other.

A Judenrein Palestine? By Rachel Neuwirth January 7, 2004 ... The same people and countries that condemned ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, Cyprus, Rwanda, ...

Views: "Judenrein" Comes to Israel The aim was to make all of Europe, and eventually the whole earth, "Judenrein". The Nazis did not invent mass murder or ethnic cleansing of Jews. ...

'28% of Israel's Arabs deny Holocaust' Jerusalem Post
Israeli Arab Holocaust denial? Michael Greenberg - Canada (03/19/2007 17:09)

'No Hamas leader will ever recognize Israel' The ruling "Palestinian" faction Hamas has reiterated, yet again, that none of its members will ever recognize Israel's right to exist. ...

Hamas vows to 'drink' Jewish blood See terrorist group's video with messages for ... "and we know that there is no blood better than the blood of Jews. ..." http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=48844

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Whose fault is it that the 'war on terror' is so hard to overcome?

Whose fault is it that the ‘war on terror’ is so hard to overcome?

1) The Islamists brain washers, from those that teach that non Muslims are Apes, Pigs, Cows, those that teach that the west in the enemy and one mush wage war on all non Muslims kafirs, those that instill extreme hatred & death cult to be glorifying death & mass murder over the value of any life, those that build up the fantasy on among young Muslims to be striving for an all out Islamic Caliphate, to be dominating the entire world.

2) Mainstream Muslim leaders, the “normal” mosques saturated with hate sermons & Satanic - Jihadism, even those considered “moderate”, no matter how far they proclaim to be “denouncing terrorism” always manage to find the explanation ‘why Islamists terrorists’ commit the crimes against humanity.

3) The Arab venomous media that incite their world with true or fake extremely graphic photos of dead or injured Arab kids, without any explanations on Arab terrorists Hamas/Hezbollah/AlQaida inhumane tactics that are the main guilty party in causing it.

4) Last but not least, Those right over here in the west, (in the media or in office) that adopt perpetuate Islamists’ excuses, their so called “grievances”.

Each time you utter the “occupation” slogan or any other by that style of wording, you automatically give more ammunition to the criminal terrorists, their motivation & justification, they are only waiting for such statements from such cowards to be able to hang on to & carry one their massacres with even greater might.

Included are the anti American, anti UK, “activists” that pretend to be caring for Iraqi Arabs, or those anti Israel bigots that couldn’t care less about the Arab - “Palestinians” but perpetuate their completely invented & self inflicted sick “victim hood” for either sole political purposes or plain old bigotry.

You can say it again, each time one bashes Israel’s, America’s, Britain’s, Australia’s (etc.) war on Islamofascism, he or she boosts up the enemy, the very enemy that would behead a liberal just as a conservative infidel, suicide!

As simply as that.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Info & Sites on the Arab Israeli conflict

Info & Sites on the Arab Israeli conflict


From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict
by Joan Peters

Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict
By Mitchell G. Bard

The Fight for Jerusalem
By Dore Gold

The Case for Israel
by Alan M. Dershowitz


Myths & Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Frequently Asked Questions About Israel

Fact and Fantasy in the Holy Land

Arab-Israeli conflict - Basic facts

History, maps & facts

Concept wizard info, Visual information about the Middle East conflict

Israel Size Comparison Maps

A History of Terrorism in Israel (since the 1920’s)

MEI- Middle East regimes and Terrorism

IHC Historical Facts


Update on victims - All4israel

"Palestinian" Media Watch (What they say, teach, do)

One Jerusalem

Coalition against terrorism

Think Israel



Israel’s War Against ‘Palestinian’ Terror

Awsome Seminars

Israel ‘Palestine’ - 101

Arabs For Israel


Gallery of the Middle east http://geocities.com/truthhwilldominate

Israel the Gem http://geocities.com/israelthegem

Amin Al Husseini - The Grand Mufti and father of today’s jihad

In November 1941, the Mufti met with Hitler, who told him the Jews were his foremost enemy. The Nazi dictator rebuffed the Mufti’s requests for a declaration in support of the Arabs, however, telling him the time was not right. The Mufti offered Hitler his “thanks for the sympathy which he had always shown for the Arab and especially Palestinian cause, and to which he had given clear _expression in his public speeches….The Arabs were Germany’s natural friends because they had the same enemies as had Germany, namely….the Jews….” Hitler replied.
The Mufti and the Fuhrer

1941 The Farhud, the Mufti inspired Krystallnacht in Iraq

In 1948, nearly 900,000 Jews - indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa - lived in what are now known as the “Arab States.” ~ Today, 99% of these indigenous Jewish communities no longer exist. ~ Arab governments forced us to leave, confiscated our personal and communal property and stripped us of our citizenships.
Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa http://jimena.org/

MEMRI: Middle East Media Research Institute (translating Arab media)


Twenty facts about Israel and the Middle East

Arab terrorism came before the (so called) “occupation”

There are two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The first is Arab racism, which rejects any presence that isn’t Arab in its neighborhood; the second is Islamic intolerance which leads to the same rejection

The Case for Israel

Israel’s morality

Why Israel Is The Victim And The Arabs Are The Indefensible Aggressors In the Middle East

Who caused the Arab “refugee” problem? Refugee: Arab leaders told us to flee Israel in 1948

Israel’s moral right toexist

Israel’s Right to Exist Questioned, Anti-Zionism or Anti-Semitism?

Israel and the Palestinians: no moral contest


How Strong Is the Arab Claim to Palestine?

The Arabs in the Holy Land - Natives or Aliens?

THE NEXT SCREWING, There are two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The first is Arab racism, which rejects any presence that is not Arab in its neighborhood; the second is Islamic intolerance which leads to the same rejection http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=7268

“Flaubert’s Observations of Jerusalem and the Jews Living There [1850]”

Israel Has A Moral Right To Its Life Why reason and justice are on Israel’s side

Israel’s Moral Legitimacy

British National Archives unveil presence of Nazi S.S. agents in Mandatory Palestine, working closely with Palestinian leaders. Historical documents in Britain’s National Archives in London show
[Nazis shipped arms to Palestinians

When being anti-Israel is anti-Semitic

The Hebron Massacre of 1929 http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/hebron29.html

March 2006 - 120 Years to first of Arabs’ attack on Jews in “palestine” Israel, Petach Tikva 1886

As grand mufti, al Husseini presided as the Imam of the Al Aqsa mosque in … 1929. Hebron Massacre. Amin Al-Husseini organizes more riots in Palestine.
From Al Husseini to Hitler :Radical Islam and the Nazi connection

Israel’s struggle for Good VS Evil

Munich & morality tale of good vs. evil

The Jews took no one’s land http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=27338

Arabs Recognized Israel - 1919


The vast majority of travelogues and historical accounts of the Middle east describe this area as barren- that does not mean UN -populated- it does mean UNDER populated. Alexander Keith, recalling Volney’s 1785 description (quoted above) fifty years later, commented: “In his day [Volney’s] the land had not fully reached its last degree of desolation and depopulation.” (The Land of Israel).

Other travelers and pilgrims recorded similar reports of the dreary state of the Land around the middle of the nineteenth century. Here are just a few examples:

Alphonse de Lamartine, in 1835: “…a complete eternal silence reigns in the town, on the highways, in the country … the tomb of a whole people” (Recollections of the East, Vol. I, p. 308).

A contemporary German encyclopedia (Brockhaus, “Allegmeine deutsche Real- Encyklopaidie”, Vol. VIII, p. 206, Leipzig, 1827) calls Palestine “desolate and roamed through by Arab robber-bands.”

In 1849, the American W. F. Lynch described the desertion of Palestinian villages “caused by the frequent forays of the wandering Bedouin” (Narrative of the United States Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea, p. 489).

And again H. B. Tristram, in 1865: “… both in the north and south (of the Sharon plain), land is going out of cultivvation, and whole villages ar rapidly disappearing from the face of the earth. Since the year 1838, no less than 20 villages have been thus erased from the map (by the Bedouin) and the stationary population extirpated” (p. 490).

Mark Twain, ‘Innocents Abroad’ 1867:

“”Desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse … We reached Tabor safely … We never saw a human being on the whole route” (p. 451, 480); “There is not a solitary village throughout its (the Jezreel Valley’s) whole extent - not for thirty miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride ten miles, hereabouts, and not see ten human beings” (p. 448); “Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince. The hills are barren … the valleys are unsightly deserts… It is a hopeless, dreary, heartbroken land… Palestine is desolate and unlovely… Palestine is no more of this workday world. It is sacred to poetry and tradition - it is dreamland” (pp. 564, 567).

Referring to the same era, the Christian historian James Parkes writes in Whose Land?: “Peasant and Bedouin alike have contributed to the ruin of the countryside on which both depend for a livelihood… In spite of the immense fertility of the soil, it is probable that in the first half of the nineteenth century the population sank to the lowest level it had ever known in historic times.”

In 1738, the land was described by the English archeologist Thomas Shaw as “lacking in people to till its fertile soil” (Travels and Observations Relating to Several Parts of Barbary and the Levant). The French historian Conte Constantine Francois Volney writes:

“The peasants are incessantly making inroads on each other’s lands, destroying their corn, durra, sesame and olive-trees, and carrying off their sheep, goats and camels. The Turks, who are everywhere negligent in repressing similar disorders, are attentive to them here, since their authority is very precarious. The Bedouin, whose camps occupy the level country, are continually at open hostility Alexander Keith, recalling Volney’s 1785 description (quoted above) fifty years later, commented: “In his day [Volney’s] tthe land had not fully reache its last degree of desolation and depopulation.” (The Land of Israel).

Other travelers and pilgrims recorded similar reports of the dreary state of the Land around the middle of the nineteenth century. Here are just a few examples:

Alphonse de Lamartine, in 1835: “…a complete eternal silence reigns in the town, on the highways, in the country … the tomb of a whole people” (Recollections of the East, Vol. I, p. 308).

A contemporary German encyclopedia (Brockhaus, “Allegmeine deutsche Real- Encyklopaidie”, Vol. VIII, p. 206, Leipzig, 1827) calls Palestine “desolate and roamed through by Arab robber-bands.”

In 1849, the American W. F. Lynch described the desertion of Palestinian villages “caused by the frequent forays of the wandering Bedouin” (Narrative of the United States Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea, p. 489).

And again H. B. Tristram, in 1865: “… both in the north and south (of the Sharon plain), land is going out of cultivvation, and whole villages ar rapidly disappearing from the face of the earth. Since the year 1838, no less than 20 villages have been thus erased from the map (by the Bedouin) and the stationary population extirpated” (p. 490).

Mark Twain, ‘Innocents Abroad’ 1867:

“”Desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse … We reached Tabor safely … We never saw a human being on the whole route” (p. 451, 480); “There is not a solitary village throughout its (the Jezreel Valley’s) whole extent - not for thirty miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride ten miles, hereabouts, and not see ten human beings” (p. 448); “Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince. The hills are barren … the valleys are unsightly deserts… It is a hopeless, dreary, heartbroken land… Palestine is desolate and unlovely… Palestine is no more of this workday world. It is sacred to poetry and tradition - it is dreamland” (pp. 564, 567).

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Meet the liars: Taking the point of view of "Palestinians" as facts despite recognizing & admitting it's falsehood

Meet the liars: Taking the point of view of "Palestinians" as facts despite recognizing & admitting it's falsehood

The virus of criminal 'Palestinianism', taking their point of view as "facts", despite knowing it's false

You see it by the German Bishops that "clarified" their despicable criminal gross "analogies" from the darkest page in history, German Nazi ghettos to stopping terrorists by police, by saying that it's just what the "Palestinian" population believes... oh well, then What?

March 07, 2007
Lovely: German Bishops Compare West Bank to Warsaw Ghetto
Of all the people in the world who ought to be careful about making insensitive remarks comparing Jews to Nazis, you think high among them would be German Catholic religious leaders. Unfortunately that is not the case.

Yad Vashem lambasted a group of visiting German Catholic bishops on Tuesday for comparing the situation in the Palestinian territories with the Holocaust, calling the contentious remarks "political exploitation and demagoguery" and a gross distortion of history.

Bishop Mixa later clarified that he had not meant his comments to cause offence. ... from the point of view of the Palestinian population,” he said. http://www.totalcatholic.com/universe/index.php?news_id=2309&start=0&category_id=&parent_id=0&arcyear=&arcmonth=

The same goes to the Arab money bribed Jimmy Carter that clarified to Larry King on his use of big words like "apartheid' (and admitting on another CNN interview that Israel is indeed a great democracy with equal rights & treatment for all including for Arabs) on Israel's war on terror just to 'provoke a debate'...

What do we have here?
The phenomenon of taking the virus of "Palestinanism" that:

1) Belittles the Holocaust by silly "comparisons"

2) Uses drama words that are never connected to reality.

3) That always escape their direct fault in their kids' deaths by placing them as shields or as human bombs, and are so successful in tarnishing Israelis with it.

4) That always manage to pose as the "victim" no matter how many PALLYWOOD photos are exposed, or the fact of self infliction is evident in their death cult & destruction in being obsessed on genocide against Israel instead of striving for any improvement even in their own lives.

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