Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Islamo Arab fascism: For Arabs only, For Muslims only & Anti-Israel as an integral part of it

Islamo Arab fascism: For Arabs only, For Muslims only & Anti-Israel as an integral part of it


Have you ever wondered what drives a Saudi, Jordanian, 'Palestinian' to come over to a completely foreign country: Iraq to 'fight the infidel' US/UK?

After all they don't fight for 'their country' at all?
What's the special bond then?
The intolerance of Jihad, or more powerful the twin evil of Arab racism & Islamic Jihad, if you are a non Arab, a non-Muslim, you 'don't belong here', They are saying: '(No matter where we were born) We are here in our land', the middle east is ours, and ONLY ours.


Their 'freedom fighting' now takes a whole new diabolical meaning, doesn't it? How about 'free from the other race/religion/creed'? but it's actually quite old, ancient bigotry.


The Overwhelming proof that Arab Muslims' anti-Israel campaign is nothing but bigotry, racism, fascism.

The pure facts of Arabs not wanting non Arabs, Muslims not wanting non Muslims, especially in their neighborhood, A.K.A. The Middle East.

Why else would major Arab countries unify to destroy Israel since it's inception & the same time persecute the Arab 'Palestinians' living among them?

Trust me, as much as the myth of 'Arab unity' is in the west, you wouldn't want to be a 'Palestinian' Arab in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, you name it.

Let's not kid ourselves for one moment the fact and the reason why none of the Arab Muslim leaders ever wanted sincerely for a 'Palestinian' solution, 1) anti Israel galvanizing power among Arab populous is far of a great asset to their oppressive regimes on their resentful citizens, 2) It makes sure their bigoted anti-Israel campaign goes on 'without end', until even westerners can admit to 'Palestinian' misery.

Arab leaders knew/know full well that most grandfathers of today's 'Palestinian Arabs are no natives to Israel, the holy-land, of course they immigrated from other Arab countries.
But, you get the point, they are Arabs, they are Muslims, therefor they belong in all of the middle east, the Arab Muslim (fascism) land.

That's also why Jews have to give up part or all of it's land to the Arabs, even though Jews were there first historically, but, yes, again, they are not Arabs, they are not Muslims.

Explain to me what the Arabian anti-non-Arabs racist, anti-Kurd, anti-Iranian, anti-Jewish Arabian butcher Saddam Hussein meant in his final bloody legacy's phrase: "Palestine is Arab'?
It means 'no non Arabs in 'Palestine', period! ethnic cleansing, genocide, you find the definition for it.

The Islamic Republic of Iran that is not even a neighbor of Israel's has nothing against Israel BUT the problem with 'It being amidst Muslim land'.

Though the slow driving out of the Christian Arabs started off by the Arab Egyptian turned 'Palestinian' (somehow), Yassir Arafat, & continued by current 'Palestinian' Islamfscism-Hamas, anti-Christian is still not as powerful, no match to the fire motivatred by the added fuel of Arab racism, the added anti Jewish push.

Speaking of Arafat, you'd wonder How come an Egyptian could have been/become the most classical (so called) 'Palestinian' icon, again, there's no contradiction, an Arab is an Arab, a Muslim is a Muslim, the middle east is pure Arab, pure Muslim, remember?

Arab racism is actually also tide much to Islamic radicalism, it's nationalism is always fueled & glorified by the 'cult{ure} of radical Islam', even Iraq's Saddam & Syria's Asad, supposedly some seculars in their private practice, resorted to Islamic inspiration in their horrendous crimes against humanity, on their own people & fascistically on minirities.

{There are two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The first is Arab racism, which rejects any presence that is not Arab in its neighborhood; the second is Islamic intolerance which leads to the same rejection http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=7268 }


What's this constant talk about winning the hearts & minds of Islamo Arab world?

Long before the disappointment in US at the ugly ungrateful reaction by Iraqis' after being freed from Saddam, Israel learned it the hard way, in the early 1980's when being attacked by PLO terrorists from Lebanon, entered Lebanon as liberators from the jungle the 'Palestinians' have left Lebanese to deal with, hard to believe, but the Shiite Muslims actually threw flowers at the Israeli heroes, but as soon as they prolonged their stay, they were attacked by the very Lebanese Muslims, brutally.
The message was clear: OK, Thank you but good bye, Bush didn't hear that, it seems, or he was kidding himself that the excitement would take a long time, answer: deeply rooted Arab racism & Islamic facsiom for the "OTHER", is far greater than any obligated gratitude.
Don't get me wrong, I am not against trying to 'win their hearts/minds', even [in reality it can not surpass] for just a limited success, but I am against illusions that it might simply take away their fascist motivation against us, against the other.


Think, western leaders!
Think really hard, that they're simply NOT ABLE to like us,we don't belong in their neighborhood, that's simply how they're raised, leave aside the anti-colonialism revolt that has swept that world, there is a totally other factor, the fascism mentioned, no matter if you are a French in Algeria/Morocco, an American, Englishman in Afghanistan/Iraq, Swiss tourists in Egypt, ANY Westerner in the 'Palestinian' West bank, etc. (all of the above have been attacked by Islamists).

And as long as the west won't GET IT we'll keep on living in false imaginations & endless self-examinations of 'how they might like us', here's a short answer for you:
They hate us (because of their bigotry, if our policies inflate this already factor, that's already an entire different discussion), but they hate us even more when we are so close to them.

'Keep your friends close & your enemies closer', is way too sweet for their despicable bitterness, a bitterness yet so hypocritically masked as 'holy'.

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