Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Who does the 'Pallywood' photos for EuroNews? - Muslim fake "Santa" hits Israeli Security Guards

Who does the 'Pallywood' photos for EuroNews? - Muslim fake "Santa" hits Israeli Security Guards

Dec. 26, 2007

The latest bias "report" out of: TV.

Euro news has a feature of 'no comment', it is at the bottom of each round-up round, usually intended to show a message: "a picture is worth a thousand words".

The only problem is that when a picture is not spontaneous but orchestrated, a picture is then worthless of course.

Too bad that EuroNews doesn't "know" this, to show a latest example of outrageous anti Israel bigoted propaganda, just another 'Pallywood' [] piece, the Islamo-Arab "Palestinians" realizing the 'power of the Christmas season' sure know how to "celebrate" it in their hate culture.

You see [on that piece of 12-23-2007 EuroNews TV's "no comment"] a group of Muslim "Palestinians" (I couldn't care less if they are 100% Muslim like Yasser
Arafat that turned to "Christianity" on the Christmas season only to hit at Israel's image, or if they're of those Arab Islamized [fake] "Christians") shoving sticks in the faces of Israeli soldiers that are situated in trouble spots to keep the order, you see the Israeli soldiers restraining themselves, but the Arab Muslims can't "take" Israeli heroism, not
ever, in a desperate attempt to provoke a soldier, an Arab Muslim disguised as a "Christian" in "Santa Clause" costume takes a huge "Palestinian" flag
shoves the stick into the eyes of an Israeli soldier.

Still no "bad behavior" from the Israeli order keepers, the Violent Arab Muslim turns all of a sudden into a "kind candy giver" with the devious message: It's Christmas, anyone want candy", finally he can show the "Palestinian" as a "pro peace" population against the [so called "Israeli occupation"], after all a Santa Claus costume vs. a military uniform is quite powerful on [EuroNews]

It's the highlighted last image which EuroNews showed again and again the last weekend, showing the symbolic falsehood of "Palestinian" struggle, as if Israel does not face racist genocide, via all means possible, by the Arabs.

Too bad any real Arab Christian is not seen protesting the Islamic
apartheid upon minority Christians ( by the "Palestinian"
long bloody history (since Arafat's Islamization of Bethlehem &
terrorized them

The dwindling Christian Arabs in the holy-land vs the immense disproportionate rise in Muslims is one of the "best" proof of that, not to mention the forced conversions, coercion into participating in violence against innocent Israelis, intimidation, and terrorizing campaigns they endure by the majority oppressive Islamic authority.

The reason of course is, again that Arab Christians are terrified for their lives, they even fear voicing their fears out in the open.

The image of fear has no tool on TV.

Who does the images for EuroNews? or Who picks/edits

It might very well be another Arab photographer in Eurabia, the likes of the one sacked by Reuters for falsifying images at the Hezbollah Islamic-Terrorists' invasion & human shielding war on Israel in 2006.

In any case, there's no place in such a media for images or
reports being monitored by anyone that has nothing but a propaganda

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

While Arabs, Muslims hate, murder each other, Israel welcomes Jewish refugges from Islamic Oppressive Iran

While Arabs, Muslims hate, murder each other, democratic & free Israel (the gem) welcomes Jewish brothers refugees from the ISLAMIC Totalitarian Oppressive Republic of Iran

Israel welcomed a group of Iranian immigrants. Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Iranian immigrants land in Israel Ynetnews
Israel welcomes largest group of Iran olim since Islamic Revolution Ha'aretz

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Being a minority in a majority hostile middle east - Arab racism & Islamic bigotry against Israel

Being a minority in a majority hostile middle east - Arab racism & Islamic bigotry against Israel

Let's face it, had Israel be just another Arab, Muslim country, non of the so called 'Arab Israeli conflict' would have existed at all.

Had it been really [mainly] about "land" (or/and about a flag), the Arabs would have agreed to the UN's partition plan/offer in 1948.

But No! The Arab racists and Islamic bigots wouldn't have it just as long as there's also a Jewish state.

What "territories" did the Arabs "fight" about in the 1920's massacres on the Jews?
Can anyone point for me the exact "territory", the Islamic Republic of Iran's "case" in "dispute" is all about?

Had it been about Arab world being "preoccupied" with the Arab "Palestinians", the Arabs wouldn't have oppressed, persecuted, massacred them (in Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan, S. Arabia, Iraq, etc.).

Had the Arab world been real brothers to the Arabs that call themselves "Palestinians" (since the 1960's), they wouldn't have prevented any chance by humane heroic Israel to improve their status, but No! The Arab anti-Israel racists always preferred using them and their misery against the "Zionist enemy", it also ss a devious diversion for their population being constant victims of the horror of all Arab oppressive dictatorships.

Just a side note, Can anyone answer me this, How come it was rather the Arab filthy oil rich countries that were behind Europe's pledge of billions of dollars to the "Palestinians" in 2007?

Why can't the Arab Muslim majority accept the Israeli minority in its midst just as the Israeli democracy accepts its 20% Arab minority? [even though it is the only refuge for persecuted Jews while Arabs have so much land]?

If there's any real apartheid in the middle east, it is of course on the Arab Muslim side, Islamic apartheid on Christians and on Jews, and the Arab Israeli war totally never disconnected from it to it.

It is clear, it was always the case that the Arab Muslims' initiated "conflict" with the non Arab, non Muslim minority, is nothing but Arab racism & Islamofascism, as long as the Arab Muslims does not erase its hatred drive in their children via satanic cartoons, hype anti Israel propaganda in every "report", glorification of "Palestinian" mass murderers as "martyrs", no gesture [release of 'Palestinian' terrorists or land give away], on top of so many gestures by Israel the gem, will erase the "conflict", the bigotry is entirely on the Arab Muslims bloody (with the conflict's victims' blood o both sides) hands.

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Bereaved parents oppose release of (palestinian) prisoners with ‘blood on their hands’

Bereaved parents oppose release of (palestinian) prisoners with ‘blood on their hands’

Israel -… an organization that represents victims of terrorism. Vice Premier Ramon to ask senior ministers to approve release of Palestinian prisoners involved in,7340,L-3486329,00.html


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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is “Arab”

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is “Arab”

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007
Arabs have been unanimous in rejecting the idea of Israel being a “Jewish state.” Their reasons are that, by definition, a Jewish state would be discriminatory against Arabs and Muslims.If you define “Jewish” in purely religious terms, that would mean that any state that defines itself as “Islamic” is, by definition, equally guilty of this discrimination. If you define “Jewish” in ethnic or national terms, then any state that defines itself as “Arab” would be equally guilty of the racism that Israel is being accused of.

Time to check out the official hypocrisy of Israel’s critics, and note the deafening silence towards this supposed Arab and Islamic racism:

Jordan’s constitution:
Article 1
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is an independent sovereign Arab State. It is indivisible and inalienable and no part of it may be ceded. The people of Jordan form a part of the Arab Nation, and its system of government is parliamentary with a hereditary monarchy.
Article 2
Islam is the religion of the State and Arabic is its official language.

Egypt’s constitution:
Art.1*: The Arab Republic of Egypt is a Socialist Democratic State based on the alliance of the working forces of the people. The Egyptian people are part of the Arab Nation and work for the realization of its comprehensive unity.
Art.2*: Islam is the Religion of the State. Arabic is its official language, and the principal source of legislation is Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharia).

Libya’s constitution:
Article 1 [Principles]
Libya is an Arab, democratic, and free republic in which sovereignty is vested in the people. The Libyan people are part of the Arab nation. Their goal is total Arab unity. The Libyan territory is a part of Africa. The name of the country is the Libyan Arab Republic.

Article 2 [State Religion, Language]
Islam is the religion of the State and Arabic is its official Language. The state protects religious freedom in accordance with established customs.

Morocco’s constitution:
The Kingdom of Morocco, a Muslim Sovereign State whose official language is Arabic, constitutes a part of the Great Arab Maghreb.
Article 6 [State Religion]
Islam is the religion of the State which guarantees to all freedom of worship.

Yemen’s constitution:
Article (1) The Republic of Yemen is an Arab, Islamic and independent sovereign state whose integrity is inviolable, and no part of which may be ceded. The people of Yemen are part of the Arab and Islamic nation.

Article (2) Islam is the religion of the state, and Arabic is its official language.

Article (3) Islamic Shari’ah is the source of all legislation.

Syria’s constitution:
Article 1 [Arab Nation, Socialist Republic]

(1) The Syrian Arab Republic is a democratic, popular, socialist, and sovereign state. No part of its territory can be ceded. Syria is a member of the Union of the Arab Republics.
(2) The Syrian Arab region is a part of the Arab homeland.
(3) The people in the Syrian Arab region are a part of the Arab nation. They work and struggle to achieve the Arab nation’s comprehensive unity.

Article 3 [Islam]

(1) The religion of the President of the Republic has to be Islam.
(2) Islamic jurisprudence is a main source of legislation.

Saudi Arabia’s constitution:
Article 1
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic state with Islam as its religion; God’s Book and the Sunnah of His Prophet, God’s prayers and peace be upon him, are its constitution, Arabic is its language and Riyadh is its capital.

Kuwait’s constitution:
Article 1

Kuwait is an independent sovereign Arab State. Neither its sovereignty nor any part of its territory may be relinquished.

The people of Kuwait is a part of the Arab Nation.

Article 2

The religion of the State is Islam, and the Islamic Sharia shall be a main source of legislation.

Algeria’s constitution:
Article 1 [Democracy, Republic]
Algeria is a People’s Democratic Republic. It is one and indivisible.

Article 2 [State Religion]
Islam is the religion of the State.

Bahrain’s constitution:
Article 1 [Sovereignty, Constitutional Monarchy]
a. The Kingdom of Bahrain is a fully sovereign, independent Islamic Arab State whose population is part of the Arab nation and whose territory is part of the great Arab homeland. Its sovereignty may not be assigned or any of its territory abandoned.
Article 2 [State Religion, Shari’a, Official Language]
The religion of the State is Islam. The Islamic Shari’a is a principal source for legislation. The official language is Arabic.

Oman’s constitution:
Article 1 [Sovereignty]
The Sultanate of Oman is an independent, Arab, Islamic, fully sovereign state with Muscat as its capital.

Article 2 [Religion]
The religion of the State is Islam and the Islamic Shariah is the basis of legislation.

Tunisia’s constitution:
Article 1 [State]
Tunisia is a free State, independent and sovereign; its religion is the Islam, its language is Arabic, and its form is the Republic.

Article 2 [Arab Nation, Treaties]

(1) The Tunisian Republic constitutes part of the Great Arab Maghreb, towards whose unity it works within the framework of common interests.

Mauritania’s constitution:
Preamble:…Conscious of the necessity of strengthening its ties with brother peoples, the Mauritanian people, a Muslim, African, and Arab people, proclaims that it will work for the achievement of the unity of the Greater Maghreb of the Arab Nation and of Africa and for the consolidation of peace in the world.

Title I General Provisions, Fundamental Principles

Article 1 [State Integrity, Equal Protection]

(1) Mauritania is an indivisible, democratic, and social Islamic Republic.

Iran’s constitution:
Article 1 [Form of Government]
The form of government of Iran is that of an Islamic Republic, endorsed by the people of Iran on the basis of their longstanding belief in the sovereignty of truth and Koranic justice,…
Article 2 [Foundational Principles]
The Islamic Republic is a system based on belief in:
1) the One God (as stated in the phrase “There is no god except Allah”), His exclusive sovereignty and right to legislate, and the necessity of submission to His commands; 2) Divine revelation and its fundamental role in setting forth the laws;
3) the return to God in the Hereafter, and the constructive role of this belief in the course of man’s ascent towards God;
4) the justice of God in creation and legislation;
5) continuous leadership and perpetual guidance, and its fundamental role in ensuring the uninterrupted process of the revolution of Islam; 6) the exalted dignity and value of man, and his freedom coupled with responsibility before God; in which equity, justice, political, economic, social, and cultural independence, and national solidarity are secured by recourse to: a) continuous leadership of the holy persons, possessing necessary qualifications, exercised on the basis of the Koran and the Sunnah, upon all of whom be peace;
b) sciences and arts and the most advanced results of human experience, together with the effort to advance them further;
c) negation of all forms of oppression, both the infliction of and the submission to it, and of dominance, both its imposition and its acceptance.

“Palestine”’s constitution:

Palestine is part of the large Arab World, and the Palestinian people are part of the Arab Nation. Arab Unity is an objective which the Palestinian People shall work to achieve.


1. Islam is the official religion in Palestine. Respect and sanctity of all other heavenly religions shall be maintained.
2. The principles of Islamic Shari’a shall be the main source of legislation.

So why, exactly, is a Jewish state (whose record of equal rights far surpasses those of any of the Arab nations) morally worse than the large number of Arab and Islamic states?


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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Go ahead! Compare real Arab racism with Israel - Let's compare Arab racism with bogus anti-Arab racism charges on Israel

Go ahead! Compare real Arab racism with Israel

Let's compare Arab racism with bogus anti-Arab racism charges on Israel
Report Details Israeli "Racism"
Arutz Sheva, Israel - Dec 9, 2007
Similarly, the demand that Arab government ministers and MKs must pledge allegiance to the Jewish State is considered "racist,"...

OK, I don't know about you, but I think I had enough of Arab racists and Israel's radical left's beating Israel up with charges of "racism" (which is targeting Israelis' understandable wary feeling of Arab racist terrorists).

Let's make a run down on racism, who is who, who is what. Israelis overwhelmingly 1) give a right for one more Arab state, and 2) give Arab 'Palestinians' a right to exist though 3) not a real democracy by any standard.Arabs are [thus far] mostly racist and 1) do NOT give the 2) only one Jewish state a right to exist, even though in fact it is a 3) free democracy and equal to all.

Israeli Arabs are at least 20% of its population, many achieve high roles in Israel's democratic pluralistic society, (ironically the Arab members of Israel's government use it to stab Israel in the back and still demonetizing it for being "discriminatory", imagine that) the number of Jews in [racist ethnic cleansing] Arab "Palestinian" called area = exactly zero!

There's not one Arab Islamic terror attack on innocent Israelis that does not involve help from Israeli "loyal" Arabs, that seek attacks on Israeli Jews out of pure racism.Arab Muslim leaders and Arab mainstream population's racism who deny Jews' unrefuted historic ties to Israel and call it all "Arab land".

ARAB RACISM AGAINST JEWS OR 'ARAB ANTISEMITISM', Boy, Where do we start, from the ugliest vile beastly cartoons portraying Jews as animals? or with "reappearing" historic ridiculous-still malicious blood libels?

The Jewish minority (of the middle east, AKA mainly Israel) suffering from racism at the Arab majority, demonetization in Arab media, constant threats of war and terrorism, and stretching its venomous bigotry policies all over the world, as the Islamo Arsb Goliath intimidates and terrorizes internationally to cave in to their anti Israel racist boycotts campaign.

Arab racism all across Europe claimed already many victims under reported in mainstream media, If you care to know more about it, try running a test, take a walk into ANY heavily Arab street in Europe in a conspicuous wardrobe or any other sign that tells of your Jewish roots, tip, be advised to be on the look out for "youths".

Arab racism enslaves & commits most horrific genocide in Sudan, Chad, etc. humanitarian Israel accepts African refugees. There's not one minority (including indigenous) that it's exempt from oppression, discrimination in all of the racist Arab world: Kurds in syria, Iraq etc., Al Akhdam in Yemen, Berbers in [Arab] North Africa, indigenous Nubians in Egypt, the Copts in Egypt, Asians in Arabia...


Arabism Equals Racism ... Those were the days of the United Nations' infamous Zionism Equals Racism resolution. Arab and pro-Arab professors were already ...

the Berbers, and other non-Arab peoples are confined to the fringes of ...

Arab Regimes, Not Israel, Are Guilty of Racism... Black Africans are also the victims of Arab racism. The Arab government of Sudan, for example, sponsors militias that massacre and enslave blacks. ...

Arab Racism And Imperialism In Sudan (Africa)Arab Racism And Imperialism In Sudan (Africa) ... Slavery and kidnapping of Blacks in SE Asia, Melanesia, Papua-New Guinea has been going on for centuries ...,58733,.shtml
An African Asks Some Disturbing Questions of Islam
Arab Muslim racism is just as obnoxious as that of the Europeans, so why is it allowed to continue? For it is continuing. In the 1990's Sudan in north-east ...

Racism at root of Sudan's Darfur crisis Reluctance to call it genocide
perpetuates hypocrisy in Afro-Arab relations... Arab militias is the racist, fundamentalist, and undemocratic Sudanese state ...
Hence, just when we Blacks thought that colonialism was over, or that apartheid in South Africa was the final obstacle to liberation of Blacks in Africa, we find one of the most horrible atrocities being committed against Africans in Sudan, racism against native Africans in North Africa, the total submersion of the aboriginal Nubians and Black Egyptians who live in Egypt today and are the heirs of Egyptian civilization, and atrocities in places like Mauritania and elsewhere.

The word "NUBIANS" has been used to designate the indigenous Africans of the area adjacent to the southern borders of ancient Egypt.
Arab racism must go. There will be no peace around here before Arabs view Jews as human beings,7340,L-3478505,00.html
There are two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The first is Arab racism, which rejects any presence that is not Arab in its neighborhood; the second is Islamic intolerance which leads to the same rejection.
In Yemen, the Al-Akhdam community constitutes an estimated 250.000-500.000 .... against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism, Anti-Slavery International, ...

Nowhere has Saddam’s racism been more apparent than in his actions against Iraq’s Kurdish minority, where his personal hatred of Kurds achieved horrific ...

He frankly expresses his racist hatred of Kurds, his true Arab fascist a ...

French Arab Muslims attack Jews in Paris. Newsmax ( reports that French Arab Muslims, pro-Iraqi and pro-Palestinian "peace" protesters, ...

Attacks by Arabs On Jews in France Revive Old Fears - New York TimesTheir school in this middle-class suburb east of Paris has been scorched by ... have morphed into a battleground for French Arab Muslims to attack Jews. ...

Myths & Facts -The Treatment of Jews in Arab/Islamic CountriesIt happened that two years ago, while I was in Paris on a visit, .... Other mass murders of Jews in Arab lands occurred in Morocco in the 8th century, ...

Muslims in France attack rabbi and young woman Jews in Norway and ...( A young Jewish woman was brutalized by two Muslim Arabs in ... "I arrived from Lille and was walking in the Paris station...

Report of Plot to Attack Jews Prompts Terror Alert in Prague - New ...PARIS, Oct. 6 — A report that there was a plot to attack Jews in Prague has ... “Arab terrorists wanted to abduct dozens of people, hold them hostage ... -

Anti-semitism in the Arab world, by Dominique Vidal

Jews Under Attack in Norway The Brussels Journal, Jews Under Attack in Norway. From the desk of Filip van Laenen on Thu, .... Arab countries have never abandoned the dream of destroying Israel; ...

Arabs attack Orthodox Jew outside Brussels Synagogue. Victim hospitalized in serious condition. 9 Oct. Stoning of Jewish bookstore in Antwerp ...

Anti-Semitism in the Arab/Muslim World, Arab Media Blames Israel, Jews For Palestinian Violence in Gaza.

The Development of Arab Anti-Semitism - An Interview with Meir Litvak

MEMRI: Antisemitism Documentation Project, During recent years, Arab antisemitism has become a main catalyst of antisemitic...

Arab/Muslim Anti-Semitism, Cyber encyclopedia of Jewish history and culture that covers everything from anti-Semitism to Zionism.

'End Arab anti-Semitism' - Israel News, Ynet News: Dozens of American senators sign letter calling for US pressure on 'friendly Arab states'. Former State Department officials warn Condoleezza ...,7340,L-3455952,00.html

Jews in France Feel Sting as Anti-Semitism Surges Among Children ...The student, a French-Arab boy, was ultimately given just two hours of detention. Some teachers simply gloss over subjects likely to elicit anti-Semitic ...
The Review - THE LONG TRAIL OF ARAB ANTI-SEMITISM Have there been any signs of a diminishment of Arab anti-Semitism as, in the last decade, Israel and its Arab neighbours have ostensibly drawn closer? ...
'Moderate' Arab papers showcase anti-Semitic cartoons ahead of summit
Jerusalem Post, Israel - Nov 28, 2007
The cartoons often use anti-Semitic themes, such as depictions of ugly, greedy Jews in religious garb, to convey their messages. While some of the cartoons ...

WHAT'S IN A BOYCOTT?: The campaign to delegitimize Israel has ...WHAT'S IN A BOYCOTT? The campaign to delegitimize Israel has smelly historical roots

The Racism of so-called Arab intellectuals... it becomes clear that his real purpose is to attack Jews, The West and the Kurds. ...

Racism is a worldwide phenomenon. In some countries it’s met with disapproval, in others with denial. The Arab countries, mostly, fall into the latter category. The A to Z of ethnic and religious groups in the Middle East embraces Alawites, Armenians, Assyrians, Baha’is, Berbers, Chaldeans, Copts, Druzes, Ibadis, Ismailis, Jews, Kurds, Maronites, Sahrawis, Tuareq, Turkmen, Yazidis and Zaidis (by no means an exhaustive list), and yet serious discussion of ethnic/religious diversity and its place in society is a long-standing taboo.

“What ought to be a civilised debate has, at street level, taken a nasty turn. People complain that Syrian workers ‘come here and take our jobs’. The Syrians ‘flood our markets’ with their cheap melons and tomatoes, and, as a result, are ‘ruining our agriculture’. This is the familiar language of racism the world over. If Syrian workers could afford to buy houses in Lebanon they would no doubt also be accused of bringing down property values by their presence. “The other day a Syrian walked into the lobby of the hotel where I was staying in Beirut and inquired politely if there were any jobs. He had obviously done his best to look smart, but his clothes were so old and unfashionable that he could not possibly be mistaken for someone Lebanese. He was told, in the most abrupt terms, to get lost.“One statistic constantly cited by the Lebanese to back up their complaints is that there are up to a million Syrian workers in Lebanon. If they all send a dollar a day back to Syria, that’s a million dollars that Lebanon is ‘losing’ every day.”Syria, in turn, has its own abused minority - about 2 million Kurds (among a total population of more than 17 million), some 200,000 of whom are not even recognised as citizens. The grievances that Syrian Kurds speak of - lack of recognition for their language and culture, marginalisation and attempts to suppress their identity through dispersion and “Arabisation” - are familiar ones, shared with many other ethnic groups. After several days of violence in the country’s Kurdish region a couple of years ago, the Syrian embassy in Paris issued a statement denying that the conflict had anything to do with ethnic tensions and blaming politically motivated “troublemakers” instead.In Egypt last December, police brutally attacked another unpopular group - Sudanese migrants. With batons and water cannon they set upon 2,000 men, women and children who had been camped near the UN refugee office in Cairo for three months. More than 20 migrants died in the mayhem as onlookers reportedly cheered.In the Gulf states, where armies of poor guest workers do all the hard and dirty jobs, racial...

Professor Tariq Modood of Bristol University: "Arab racism is such that most Pakistanis would prefer to work in Britain than in Saudi Arabia for a higher income; racist humiliations from shop-keepers, taxi- drivers, catering staff and so on have become a regular feature of the pilgrimage to Mecca for the diverse ethnic groups of Islam."


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In Arabists' rule - Apparently, If you attempt to defend yourself against racist Arabs you are 'the racist'

In Arabists' rule - Apparently, If you attempt to defend yourself against racist Arabs you are 'the racist'

No surprise that the Arabist BBC would highlight an anti-Jewish Arab-Israeli racist organization's so called "research", that --so cynically-- documented 'how Israelis fear of Arab terrorists' & used it to label it "racism".

The thing is is that Israeli Jews with its super high morality & Jewish guilt feels knoced by it.

This cruel exploitation of kind Jews' emotions is always part of Arab racism, they sure know how to use it, and take advantage of it, the next Israeli gesture which amounts to less security measures where needed, is their fruit.

What more can Arab racists wish for? lowering safety for Israelis, increasing danger to innocent non Arabs [Jews] and still having them defamed as "racists".


Far Left Group 'Documents' Israeli (so called)
Dec 12,

The second point is that the same survey
supposedly collected for ACRI asked no questions about Arab racism
against Jews. How curious. ...

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Christians Under Siege - "Palestinian" Islamic Apartheid & Oppression

Christians Under Siege

Palestinian Christians continue to face heavy pressure. The only Palestinian Christian TV station is shutting down due to intimidation and mounting debts. And in Gaza, masked gunmen tried to kill a Christian over the weekend.

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