Palestinian Arab Muslims first class citizens in Israel whereas Israeli Jews are second class citizens?
Palestinian Arab Muslims first class citizens in Israel whereas Israeli Jews are second class citizens?
Imagine, Israeli non Arabs (i.e., Jews) have to put up with:1) Back stabbing -- example #1:Constant finding out on more and more Israeli Arabs aiding genocide bombers (whether with info or more than that), stabbing the very Israel, they're citizens of, thus indirectly murdering their fellow Israelis, the Israeli Jews...2) Back stabbing -- example #2:
The Israeli Arab parliament members constantly whine about being "second class" citizens, after getting free education and achieving whatever they achieve, inside equal-rights & equal-access democractic Israel. As payback, these back stabbers are tarnishing Israel's image all over, especially on Arab global media.
3) Uneven rights -- Arab's advantage over Jews:
Israeli Arabs (unlike Israeli Jews) are exempt from serving in Israeli army (which is naturally for the protection of all Israelis), still they enjoy the same rights as Israeli Jews: voting, education, free speech, etc.
4) Now the favorite part: Israeli Courts (& often security) favor Israeli Arabs over Jews
Who's second class now?
5) Wait, there's more: Israeli government allowing Arabs more rights far MORE than Jews, blatantly, especially in access to land.
Who's second class now?
Favoring Arabs over Jews Inside Israel
Fact Sheet #24:
Israel's Security Fence Every effort is being made to exclude Palestinian villages from the area within the fence and no territories are being annexed... Israel's Supreme Court took up the grievances of Palestinians and required the government to move the fence in the area near Jerusalem to make things easier for the Palestinians.
Fence Rulings: Democracy in Action Israel's Supreme Court sided with the Palestinians in a precedent-setting decision Wednesday, ordering the government to reroute part of its West Bank ...
Divesting from Morality [Jews can't live in Arab states or in the Palestinian Authority but] ... Israeli Arabs sit in the Knesset, serve on the Israeli Supreme Court and ...
Nightmare or Dream (Eugene Narrett, PhD) May, 2000 When Jews try to collect other debts from Arabs, the same ingratitude emerges, not just from the Arabs, but enforced by Israeli courts where "the chances ...
Arabs, Muslims first class citizens in democratic Israel? (Temple Mount shut to non-Muslims on election eve)
Temple Mount shut to non-Muslims on election eve
The Temple Mount - was closed to Jews today in response to Muslim threats of violence if Jews were allowed to visit. ... (July - 2004) [clearly more rights to Arabs in Israel than for any Jews]
Expulsion from 'Peace House' in Hevron?... The extreme-left group Peace Now has been pressuring Peretz to expel the Jewish families, claiming that Jews should need special government permission to buy Arab houses. The group has made no similar request requiring special permission for Arabs to buy Jewish homes.
Army Declares Hevron Closed to Jews - Inside Israel - Israel News ...Arabs then sued in Israel's Supreme Court against what they called the "infiltration" of the Jews to the stores, and the Court ruled in their favor ...
Moreover, when it comes to residential land, the ILA sometimes offers Israeli Arabs more favorable terms from than it does to Israeli Jews. Thus, the ILA charged the equivalent of $24,000 for a capital lease on a quarter of an acre in new Jewish communities near Beersheva while Bedouin families in the nearby community of Rahat paid only $150 for the same amount of land.16 In a different case, when a Jewish policeman from Beersheva, Eleizer Avitan, applied to the ILA to lease land in a Bedouin community under the same highly subsidized terms available to the Bedouins, the ILA refused to lease him land there under any terms, so he sued. Israel's Supreme Court ruled in favor of the ILA, saying that what might be viewed as ILA discrimination against the Jewish citizen Avitan was justified as affirmative action for Bedouin citizens.17
In several cases, where Palestinian farmers utilized the Israeli court system to lodge complaints that the army was unnecessarily taking land without proper military purpose, the Israeli High Court of Justice decided in favor of the plaintiffs. The army site at Beth El (near Ramallah) is the best-known case, and probably one of the few cases in all of world history where the legal system of the victorious country decided in favor of the defeated, contrary to the security-related demands of the army. The IDF was forced to move its base about ten kilometers further west, to accommodate the land claims of the local Palestinians.
Israel's Supreme Court is among the finest courts in the world today. ... We see that the Israelis routinely decide in favor of the Palestinians against their own government...
Israeli Court: Israel must re-route (the life saving anti-terror) barrier (because of inconvenience of some Arab 'Palestinians) August 2007
Israel’s Supreme Court is perhaps the worst enemy and offender favoring Arabs over Jews in its self-image of supreme fairness and justice. It has given its “supreme” ruling against an area of peace and security which should be left to military and security experts – a supreme ruling against the security barrier and separation fence against terrorism in support of a similar stupid ruling by the Arab-Islamist controlled U.N. International Court of Justice (or Injustice as the case may be). What about the rights of Jews in Arab controlled and dominated lands and nations? Are there any?>
Israeli text book tells Arab story - World - Israel approves school text book acknowledging to country's minority ... what had been British-ruled Palestine prompted an invasion by Arab armies and the ...
Affirmative Action ? the Israeli Edition It is now official. Last week, the Israeli Council on Higher Education decided to make Jews second class citizens within Israeli universities. Yes, after 1,300 years in which Jews were discriminated against in the Middle East and discrimination in favor of Arabs took place, the semi-governmental Council on Higher Education has decided that Israeli universities must discriminate in favor of Arab.
More on Arabs, Muslims (first class citizens inside Israel) having more rights than Jews in Israel
Jerusalem holy sites
The Israeli government shied away from ensuring the right of Jews to pray on the temple Mount, opting instead to grant the Muslims the right to administer the Mount. Jewish prayer was immediately forbidden. of what the Judaic law says about permitting Jews on the temple mount, the issue of Arabs, Muslims INSIDE Israel's democracy having far more rights is overwheling.
PA Arab Squatters Remain on Jerusalem Property
16 November 07 11:38by Ezra HaLevi( Yitzchak Herskovitz, in his eighties, continues to battle Arab squatters in the courts as yet another eviction was postponed Sunday.
(Arab Racism even inside Israel, So Israel is a free democracy and Arabs are elected into high offices.... whereas in "Palestinian" controlled areas a Jew... can't even live there - Islamic apartheid & Judenrein!
What then do Arab representatives do instead?
Stab Israel in the back and call for it's destruction and for it to be a fascist 'Arab Only State'....)
Arab MK: 'Palestine Belongs to Arabs, Not Jews' - News Briefs ...Tibi wrote in the editorial that Palestine belongs to its Arab residents, not to the Jewish occupiers. Tibi told Palestinian Authority Arabs in Ramallah ...
Gov't Allows Arabs To Squat on Jewish Farmland 22:19 Jan 07, '07 [again the Israeli very govt. gives more rights to Israeli-Arabs intruders over Israeli-Jews].
( The Civil Lands Administration has allowed Arabs from Yatta,
near Hevron, to squat on land 10 miles away that has been farmed by Jews for
10 years. Nearby residents of Beit Yatir, in the southern Hevron Hills,
protested on the property Friday, claiming that the presence of the Arabs
presents a danger to the area.
"Their tractors are unlicensed and they drive them on the roads at night
without lights," said a Yatir spokesman. Army officers who arrived on the
scene confirmed that the Arabs left their identity cards at a nearby
checkpoint because they had no permit to live on the grounds, but Civil Lands
officers later said temporary permission would be given until the dispute is
settled in the courts.
Jew Fights for his home, invaded by Arab Squatters
July 2007
Yitzhaq Hershkovitz is fighting to regain control of his house from Arab squatters in "East" Jerusalem.
The INN TV Report with Aharon Deutch can been viewed by clicking here
...After a 15-year fight, Mr. Hershkovitz finally obtained a court order to have the squatters removed. Yet, the police has not been helpful in enforcing the evacuation. One of the issues was that the Arabs were keeping their goats hidden inside the house, which apparently is against the zoning regulations. However, every time the police arrived to execute the order, or rather do a pre-execution investigation, the goats are taken outside through the back an and hidden somehow. There is now a stay on the eviction order.
Fortunately, he has been getting some support from friends, including the Defense-training and Torah-study, IBF Canine Unit, based in K'far Tapu'ah.
I'll try to find out more information about what can be done to assist and support him.
Again, and again, Israeli Arabs are often favored OVER Israeli Jews, Did somebody (in the Arabist camp) say "apartheid"?
Israeli Arabs are first class citizens over Israeli Jews!
(Dec 2008)
Israeli Police evict Jews from Jewish-owned Hebron home
As applauding Palestinian Arabs looked on, hundreds of Israeli police forced their way into a Jewish-owned home in the ancient Jewish city of Hebron Thursday and evicted the Jewish families living there.
October 21, 2009...
Arabs attack Jews in Jerusalem, police do nothing
israelinsider: politics: Police order Temple Mount closed ahead of demo by Jewish activists
(April 7, 2005)
One Jerusalem -- Blog -- Help Keep Jerusalem United! After spending over an hour discussing Israel's challenges I came away with the ... Anyway, since Olmert prefers to beat and threaten Jews in Hebron, ... Jewish struggle Against Arabs in Israel Wherever there's a problem with Arabs, a new "disengagement" plan? Court Rulings - Jews Protest in Jerusalem to protest against the recent anti-Jewish rulings of the Israeli Supreme Court. ... Israeli Supreme Court ruling did not deny that the land was Jewish-owned, but ordered the Jews to be moved out in order that ... sinners not go unpunished. ..."The Hell of Israel Is Better than the Paradise of Arafat the 200000 Arab residents of Jerusalem preferred to remain under Israeli ... In fact, most of the Arabs in the city prefer to live under Israeli rule ... is the only country in the Middle East in which an Arab can file a case against his country in the Supreme Court. Israel's Supreme Court is among the finest courts in the world today. It enforces the rule of law on a daily basis against inevitable abuses that occur when a nation is at war. As we look at the United States Supreme Court this week there are two big cases -- the Hamdi case and the Padilla case. At question is if we can detain and hold terrorist combatants at Guantanamo indefinitely, while deciding if they are prisoners of war or common criminals.
One has only to look to Israel, which see resolved these things 20 years ago.
We see that the Israelis routinely decide in favor of the Palestinians against their own government. In 1989, Justice Brennan, perhaps the most liberal justice in America's court, went to Israel at the invitation of Justice Aharon Barak of the Israeli Supreme Court. Brennan said, "God forbid that terrorism should ever come to the shores of the United States. At least we in America have the model to help balance the needs of security against the needs of liberty. That model is Israel."
URGENT: Free Daniel Pinner b4 23.3.06 [Archive] - Israel Forum Daniel claims that he only shot in the air to disperse the Arab attackers. The judge favored the testimonies given by several Arabs, despite countless ...
Creating a Palestinian Apartheid State?
There are currently 12 Arabs elected to the 120-member Israeli Knesset representing Arab nationalist, communist and Islamic parties. There is an Arab justice on the Israeli Supreme Court. This is apartheid? (Dec - 2006)
Myths VS Facts
Human Rights in Israel and the Territories Today, within Israel, Jews are a majority, but the Arab minority are full citizens who enjoy equal rights. Arabs are represented in the Knesset, ...
Israeli Arabs: Expectations and Realities, Abdel Rahman Zuabi, Deputy President of the Nazareth District Court, became the first Arab to sit on Israel's Supreme Court. ... Free People in Our Land: The Status of the Arab Sector in Israel ... an Arab Justice was appointed to the Supreme Court and Arab ...
Israelis aren't 'racist' - they're worried
"Apartheid"? The High Court and leading Israeli Arab Politicians
AJN - Israeli Arab involvement in terror grows Since the intifada began in September 2000 -- and Israeli Arabs rioted in sympathy ... scores of Israeli Arabs have been detained for alleged contacts with ..
Twisted Words and Phrases (2) More examples of Arab propaganda, giving new meaning to old words.
FLAME: The Arabs of Israel: Are they (really) a "persecuted minority? Like all other Israeli citizens, they have full rights to vote and to hold elective office. Both Arabs and Druze hold seats in the Knesset, the Israeli ... - Arabs and Muslims in Israel Israeli Arabs and Muslims have the right to vote and to hold public office, ... They have full rights to citizenship. They are free to speak their minds. ...
Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict To the contrary, today one-fifth of Israel's citizens are non-Jews, including over one million Arabs, and Arabic is an official national language. ...
Arab Refugees and the Right of Return After the end of hostilities in 1949, there were 140000 Arabs in Israel. ... the Jews lived for generations as second-class citizens in a primitive, ...
The Jewish Refugees From Arab Countries - Israel's War Against ...Jews had never been more than "second-class citizens" under Arab rule, the report says, but their life became "simply untenable" after Israel appeared. ...
The Arabs of Israel (Part 1) Israel is first and foremost a society of Jewish immigrants. ... The Arabs of Israel became bi-cultural and bi-lingual citizens, educated in accordance with ...
IHC [In Muslim countries] Ethnic minorities such as Azeris, Arabs, Kurds, Turkomans and Baluchis, are treated as second-class citizens. Women in Iran are struggling for their rights, ...
Israeli Arabs: Expectations And Realities
WorldNetDaily: Israel: Island of justice in the Middle EastIsrael's High Court has ruled that the route, along which a 25-mile barrier ... in the Middle East, Israel is committed to justice for Jews and Arabs alike. ...
Myths & Facts - Human Rights in Israel and the Territories... the Israeli Supreme Court also ruled that the government cannot allocate land based on religion or ethnicity, and may not prevent Arab citizens ...
Israeli Arab appointed as a JNF [Jewish National Fund...] director despite court appeal ...Israeli Arab appointed as a JNF director despite court appeal-News and commentary relating ... where there are MKs from the Arab sector," .
Lying About Discrimination With Statistics And let’s not hear any nonsense about Israeli universities discriminating against Arabs, because they all discriminate in favor of Arabs under affirmative action ...
The Jewish struggle Against Arabs in Israel [and Courts favoring Arabs in Jews' historic land and rhat was redeemed by Jewish money]
Arab Treatment of Palestinians There is much information reguarding Israel's treatment of Palestinians. However there is not much out there discussing Arab treatment of Palestinian ...
The "Brutal" Israeli Occupation? Every Arab who fell under Israeli "occupation" was free to live his life ... The Israeli treatment of captured populations had a lot in common with the ...
A Free People in Our Land: The Status of the Arab Sector in Israel For the first time, an Arab Justice was appointed to the Supreme Court and Arab deputy ministers have served in Israel's Government. Arab citizens serve in ...
YI Guide to the Israeli-Palestinian Dispute Distorting Israeli Arab RealityThe co-existence of Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel has long been a model for ... Miller's first claim -- that Israeli Arabs lack 'access to military or ...
Critiques Distorting Israeli Arab Reality
The missing piece
Review of The Forgotten Millions: The Modern Jewish Exodus from Arab Lands. The volume contains some first-class talent, mostly Israel academics, and they cover ...
Dennis Prager -- First they came for Israel, then they came for America . ... everywhere in the Arab and Muslim worlds are usually second-class citizens at best and terribly ...
israelinsider: Views: A virtual tour of (so called) "Apartheid" Israel... a dhimmi (second class citizen) and an enemy of their state. ... In the Apartheid State of Israel there are almost one million Arabs. ...
JIMENA Jews Indigenous to the Middle East & North Africa were considered dhimmi, a "protected" group of second-class citizens. ... On May 15, 1948, five Arab armies invaded Israel with the intention of ...
The nature of the Jewish stateIsraeli Jews are a variegated people ? many look just like Arabs and vice versa. The charge of racism as we know it in the U.S. is no more than liberal ...
Myths & Facts - Israel?s Roots?The Jews have no claim to the land they call Israel.? ... During the British mandate alone, more than 100000 Arabs emigrated from neighboring countries and ... & Facts - Human Rights in Israel and the TerritoriesArabs in Israel have equal voting rights; in fact, it is one of the few places in ... More than one million Arabs live as free and equal citizens in Israel. ... and Israel News from New York - The Jewish Week,In fact, according to UN statistics, more Jews were displaced from Arab countries ... as the rights of Jewish refugees are no less legitimate than those of ... the years that followed, the Israelis made their desert bloom. They built the only industrialized economy in the entire Middle East. They built the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. They treated the Arabs who remained in Israel well. To this day the very large Arab minority, which lives inside the state of Israel, has more rights and privileges than any other Arab population in the entire Middle East.'Arabs have good life under Israel'"I am sure that the Palestinian [Arabs] in Israel have more rights than in any other Arab country productivity and tolerance of the Jews in the state they created have given birth to an Arab citizenry inside Israel of more than one million people. ... non-Jewish citizens of Israel, the answer to all these questions is "Yes. Unequivocally." Israeli Arab citizens are by law equal to Jewish citizens; they enjoy the same rights and are legally protected from discrimination. Non-Jews enjoy every freedom that democracies recognize, including freedom of worship, the free expression and exercise of religion, equality of financial, material, and employment opportunity, political power, and all legal rights. Indeed, Israel's Declaration of Independence demands nothing less. According to the Declaration, the Jewish state "will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions." Israel's Arab citizens have, in fact, reached positions on Israel's Supreme Court and have elected powerful parties in the Israeli Knesset that fully participate in Israeli political life. -- Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Brief Guide for the ...And who knows better than the citizens of Israel, who include Holocaust survivors and refugees from communist lands and from Arab extremism, how dangerous ... "apartheid South Africa". ... non-Muslims are treated as second-class citizens (the despised Dhimmi). ...
Jihad Watch: Slain Israeli Arab's father begs for sanity in PA My message first of all to the religious leaders, the Palestinian leadership, ... who reside as Israeli Arab citizens, repect the land they live in, ... Sheva - (Israel National News) Throughout the Arab world, women are routinely treated as second-class citizens or worse. In Saudi Arabia, women are prohibited by law from driving cars... "palestine" - 101_________________
Technorati - 'palestinian' terrorism War on terror Terror victims 'palestinian' propaganda jihad Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Good VS evil Israel "Palestine" 101 Jewish refugees Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation PLO Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred Indoctrination 'Palestinian' Child abuse Death cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Hebron massacre Arab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Hebron massacre "Palestinian" propaganda Arab propaganda Arafat Al Aqsa Al Aqsa martyrs brigade Fatah Hamas Arab racism mufti Islamic Jihad Jerusalem Jihad Holyland Netanya bombing Jerusalem bombing Passover massacre Jerusalem massacre Death cult Israeli democracy Jenin hoax Abu Abbas IDF IDF Moral Achila lauro Arafat Black September Damour Arafat Yasser Arafat IDF Humanitarian IDF Moral Israel humanitarianMunich 1972 Gaza beach hoax Gaza Self defense Security Human shields Wall Fence Arabism Civil war Info 'Palestinian' Drama Language Kidnapping Pallywood Arabs first class citizens Equality Israeli Arabs War on terror Terror victims Arabs first class citizens in Israel Israeli democracy Israel "palestine" Beautiful Israel Favoring Arabs over Jews
Labels: Arabs, Arabs first class citizens, Democracy, Fifth column, Israel, Israel Multi-racial, Israel the gem, Israel the Saint, Israeli Arabs, Jews, Muslims
Israel "palestine" 101
Mideast ABC - Introduction
'Violence on both sides'? Fair & more accurate is to say that there's so much blood on the Arab Palestinian hands, whether directly on Israelis or on their own civilian population by using them as shields when firing on Israel.
Though Israel goes through great length to avoid hitting any by stander, the coward criminal 'Palestinians' know very well how so cynically to use their own people as human shields, their favorite ones are their kids.
[To those that think they have an "even handed" view on the middle east by saying: 'They have a good cause but they go wrong about it using violence', ] 'Palestinian' Islamists have in mass murder in itself of non Muslims especially of Jews, a "sacred" goal ( ).
This ABC of their bloodshed is rarely an issue on a any public international forum the seeds of he violence: their horrific hate education ( ) relentless incitement & glorification of mass murder.
The very singling out of Israel and questioning it's right to even exist, amounts of racism.
Shall we go back to every single country on this planet's past, and 'occupations' claims?
How about the fact that most Arabs' ancestors there, were merely immigrating in the 1880's to Israel - Jews' historic homeland?
While all terrorism is not justified and it's totally outrageous, the 'Palestinian' Arab Muslim bombers that target mainly the most crowded unarmed civilians with the clear plan to 'murder as many as possible' is a clear genocide campaign, only reaffirms their statements that declare openly on annihilation.
The problem is again hatred that started with first Arabs' attack on Jews there in 1886 Petach Tikva, then through Hitler's buddy the mufti's massacres in Hebron, Safed, etc. in the 1920's.
A. The most "radical Israeli" that his entire radicalism amounts to reorganizing of neighborhoods for security purposes is far more moderate than the average 'Palestinian' that supports genocide bombing on Israeli civilians.
B. While you might find SOME isolated rare (true to the definition or not of) "radicals" among Israelis, they're rejected in mainstream Israel or mainstream Jews, whereas Arab Muslim Palestinian society only encourages these real most dangerous militants and vote for them in high numbers.
And never blame the police that chases down (terrorists) mass murderers.
The bigotry of anti
Facts & Causes
The obvious, or the 'should be obvious'This is not really all about the Arab Muslim world, who's anti
Israel feeling and action is motivated (not by any feeling to help
fellow Arab Muslims, fact is, the Arab "Palestinians" are persecuted all
throughout the Arab world)
by Arab racism (just as the Kurds,
Maronites, Sudanese and other non Arabs suffer from the global
& Islamofascism or Islamic-Fascism, the evil ideology
as Tony Blair calls it (just as non Muslims in general, dhimmi or
kuffars, non-believers suffer, global wide, take it straight from the horse's
mouth, the Iranian fanatical Islamic leader Ahmadinejad's call for genocide &
ethnic cleansing on Israel that though has no regional or territorial disputes
with Iran of course, "doesn't belong on 'Muslim land', in the all Muslim middle
east", this anti-Israel facsism still infects most moderate Muslim countries
that blindly refuse entry to anyone with an Israeli passport)
.Nor is it about the few neo/old Nazis that hate all Jews
(even those that tell you they hate "only
.But this is about the bigotry of
anti-Israel infected in the mainstream.Jumping to conclusion before knowing the factsThis happens on a regular basis, but a few examples might serve as
highlights if you wish:
The rush into harsh words by UN's Secretary general Kofi Annan
(before he semi-apologized for it) when some UN officials got hurt in the
cross fire between Huzbullah terrorists and Israeli defense forces (Hezbullah
initiated war and invasion 2006), even after realizing that the UN post was used
by the Huzbullah as a tool.
The overwhelming bashing Israel in Arabs' deaths, like the very icon the
"Palestinian" propaganda machine used, as in the Arab kid Muhammad al-Dura
(2002), which we all know by now, was nothing more than staged by Arabs
themselves, and it was Arab shooters that killed that boy.
The rushing media in "blaming Israel" for the death of an Arab family on
Gaza beach (2006), again Israel promised/asked to wait until a full
investigation is complete, that concluded it was the "Palestinian" Hamas' led
mines that brought about that incident.
No matter how many times the media sees the transparency in the fake images
produced and invented by the 'Palestinians', "PALLYWOOD" (, it seems to
"forget", each time a new case appears.
Demanding from Israel the victim of terror more than from the
perpetratorThe words an anti-Israel 'activist' told me, resonates throughout this
conflict: "I can't expect from the Arabs any better, but Israel/ should know
In other words, it is part of demanding from the west ever more then from
the Islamic world, when it comes to morality.
The only problem is that it is not presented in this open way, it is
presented as Israel is the "bad" guy, period.
As opposed to endless condemnations by the UN on Israel's self defense,
When was the last time the UN has condemned the very Arab "Palestinian" crimes
on their own people that they try to pin on Israel, like:
Using it's kids as human shields (which Huzbullah, in 2006, picked up very
quickly, copied them in their war on Israeli civilians, using Arab civilians)
and as human bombs?
Legitimizing and even glorifying mass murder and genocide as a 'good holy
act' in their mainstream and official media?
The Lie of "natives" is boughtHow many have fallen prey to the powerful sell of "indigenous" Arabs in the
land of the Judea?
The picture of an all out 'Arabs in the middle east', is one of the
misconception misleading clarity of history, never forget that most today's
'Palestinians' have no more than 3 generations "history" in this ancient land of
the Jews.
Absolutely no one has disputed the fact of Arab immigration that saw an
upsurge with Zionists' immigration (the latter only, limited by the British) in
the late 1800.
The fact that the most "Palestinian" - icon of all time: Yasser Arafat
was an Egyptian born fighting for "his homeland" in Israel... is so
By the same token, it is not well known the fact that over 50% Israeli
Jews are of children of indigenous Jews in the middle east ( .
The Global Goliath Islamo Arab powerThe very fact that there was so much talk and selecting/picking on one lobby
out of so many different types and different interests - lobbies that operate in
Washington but the utter silence on the enormous Islamo Arab lobby that
basically occupies, threatens, incorporating so many in their anti-Israel racist
boycott, uses oil as a weapon and dictates the international arena, including
the UN, shows you just how great of bully they are.
So is the fear of European nations for unrest by the Arab Muslim
(immigrant) population, (terrorism works!) that effects or rather impairs their
stand on the middle east conflict.
The wrong picture of seeing Israel as the "aggressor" and the
'Palestinian Arabs' as the "underdog"Question # 1:
Who has more power, the cynical Arab adult shooting behind a kid's back,
behind a woman's squirt, or the Israeli humane soldier facing a terrible
Question # 2
When you see the biased media showing a tank vs. kid, A) do you ever
stop and think what the message is behind it? B) Does this suggest
that the Israeli soldier is really after an unarmed person? C) Did you ever
stop to think that the very fact that you can see the Israeli soldier but you
can NOT see the Arab terrorist makes the invisible much more of a menace?
Nothing more like the situation in Iraq (2003-2007)
demonstrates that you might have the most powerful army in the world, you are
weaker (in many ways) than the invisible coward terrorists hiding among
civilians that has no rules of basic regards for ANY human lives.Outrageous use of baseless drama language and hollow bombastic
terms on Israel's multi-racial beautiful democracyTake for example the admission of anti Israel Arabist: Jimmy Carter that
(on December , 2006 - CNN) has admitted that Israel is a great democracy with
freedom and equal rights for all, and that (in an interview to Larry King he
said that) he used provocative words like "apartheid" (only) in order to provoke
All those bombastic empty words like "racism' or "apartheid" the
anti-Israel Arab racist propaganda machine is selling, has of course no support
in facts on the ground, there is nothing "racist" about fighting terrorists for
being terrorists, there is nothing "apartheid", especially that they are the
same Arab race and group, Israeli Arabs and "Palestinian" Arabs, with different
identification cards that has nothing but security implications.
Since when is concern for security considered "racism"?
The same "Judenrein - Palestine" that is trying to ethnic cleanse all Jews,
that does not even permit any Jew to live in their 'territories', is lecturing
multi-racial, multi-religion, multi-color Israel, that has all colors and
races from the darkest black to the whitest blond, that has a whopping
20-25% Arabs in it's population, with equal rights and representations in high
offices (and even more rights than Jews, giving the fact that Israeli Jews
are obligated to serve in the army whereas Israeli Arabs are not).
The racism behind "questioning" Israel's right to
existCan you name one other country that is subject to even a question of
being 'recognized'?
Why do you think it is?
If you want to talk about history as a supposed reason, 1) Even if you are
a naiive student of 'Palestinian' propaganda in revising history, You don't see
anyone denying the unmistakenly settlers like most European, or American or
Australians right to exist. 2) speaking even about history, for the record:
No matter on which political side you are on, you have no right to deny rights
of a nation to exist, no one can ever erase Jews' history to the land of Israel,
at the same breath no one can claim that there was ever a sovereign
Arab-Muslim "Palestine", in fact, the same nazis or Jew-haters that used to tell
the Jews in Europe: 'Go back where you came from, go to Israel-Palestine',
the ones continue the evil torch of Nazism today ironically deny the Jews
coming back to their original roots-origin.
The dehumanization of Israeli victimsSeeing Israel as nothing but a "tank", is another racist element coming
through, in brushing off Israeli victims as a "side details" at best.
When was the last time the BBC (for example) has shown any drama pictures
of injured Israeli kids at a fraction of the time, passion dedicated to any Arab
kid that was killed (usually) because of an Arab adult's fault?
Can you remember reporters of the mainstream media visiting Israeli
hospitals as much as you can remember them strolling down Arab ones? And Why
Numbers are not the reason, percentage wise you will see time and time
again, Israel loses by far in media's favoritism.
To the Arab Muslim anti-Israel propagandist:
1) Are you denying that the Arab racist attacks on Jews in Israel/&"palestine" has started since 1838 (Safed) [so were the attacks in 1883, 1920, 1921, 1929 - Hebron, etc.]?
2) Had Israel be a (mostly) Arab-Muslim State, would the intolerant Arab-Muslim Goliath world not accept them?
3) Why is their a complete silence on the historical fact of Arab immigration late 1800s early 1900s into Israel/"palestine"?
4) What anti-Israel bigotry is stronger, the "Arab racism"; factor? or the 'Islamic-Jihad' factor?
5) 'Moral equivalence' Do you have Arab activists on behalf of Israeli victims, just like you have Jewish, Israeli, Zionists activists for the (so called) 'Palestinian cause' (whatever that is...)?
6) If humane Israel would really go after "unarmed poor palestinians" as the 'Pallwood' propagandists tell us, How many Arabs would have survived Israel's might?
7) Who's more at fault, the Arab Muslim "Palestinians" parents pushing for Shahid-isim, or the indoctrinating Mullahs, Imams in the holy Mosques for using "Palestinian" kids and women as human bombs and as human shields (so they can blame the Zionists when Arab kids die)?
8) What would have happened if Arab Muslim "Palestinians" would have invested as much energy in rebuilding their lives as they do in destroying both nations' lives in fascistic Jihad, total hatred and campaign for GENOCIDE [to "drink the blood of the Jews" or to "push them all to the sea", or to "wipe them off of map"]?
9) Why does "bad" IDF Israeli army announce an area residents' civilians to evacuate before an operation against terrorists?
10) Why did Humane Israel's IDF invented specially low range missiles designed to hit ONLY the [terror] target and minimize collateral damage?
11) When was the last time the "Palestinian" well oil-ed propaganda machine has retracted [or even apologized] for it's usual PALLYWOOD fake images industry?
12) What's the difference between a Christian in Indonesia, Buddhist in Thailand, Christian in Nigeria, in Philippines, Australians in Bali (2002), non Muslims in London (0707/2005), in Madrid (bombing), "not the-right-kind-of-Muslims" in Shiite-Sunni hateful massacres in Iraq, oppression & massacres in the "Islamic Republic of Iran", and Israeli victims of the same "evil ideology"?
13) What's a harder oppression, your "average" Arab Muslim regime's on it's own people, Hamas-tan Islamic Apartheid [which most "Palestinians" supported!] on non Muslims, or the pro-Jihad parents' on their kids?
14) What would have happened if at least ONE Arab Muslim nation [regular or oil-ed one] would really care about the Arab [brothers, that since the 1960's started to call themselves as] "Palestinians" and let them get off the terror slum into normality and even prosperity?
15) What part of 'BLIND FASCISM' do Arab-Muslims deny, the usual obsessed anti Israel demonization [no matter what Israel does] or the reluctance to see Israel's super kind gestures for those that are trying to kill them [releases from prison, giving away own land vital to it's security, humanitarian aid, etc.] not as goodness but as "weakness"?
16) Why is it that when Islamists terrorists [Hamas or Hezbullah, Islamic Jihad, etc.] succeed in making sure Arab kids die [with their known tactics of cowardly firing among or behind children, etc.] the Arabs, Muslims rejoice and the Israelis, Jews are saddened ?
16) How can land be an issue [or the blatant lies the Arab lobby's financed: Jimmy Carter has said, though he admitted that Israel is a great equal democracy for all, Arabs and Jews alike!'] if "moderate" Palestinian official government still has venomous hatred and pro 'death cult' in it's regular curriculum and on it's official TV, or that such "moderate" Arab media outlets [like Al Jazeera] still glorify mass murder as "martyrdom"?
17) Who's more powerful, the Arab Muslim Goliath Oil mafia "lobby" on the world or a Chinese, Italian, Israeli, Irish, pharmaceutical, cigarettes lobbyists in Washington?
18) Had the International Arab Muslim lobby of nations in the UN [or the EU] not threatened other nations to bash Israel 24/7 [motivated by intolerance only!], What would be then the outcome?
Scapegoating the Zionists
A facsism that learned to 'blame the Zionists' for Arab Muslims' crimes
It is quite interesting how a massacre by Arab Christians on Arab 'Palestinians' in Lebanon 1982, Sabra & Shatila is so typical of "Arabs kill Arabs" and Arabs blame the Jews...
You see it time and time again, you see it in Lebanon today, you see it among "Palestinians", heck, some lunacy fringe of Arabs even "blame the Zionists" in Iraqi Arab on Arab war.
It is not anymore restricted exclusively to the self inflicted 'Palestinians' that invest their entire energy and resources into that death cult, in teaching how "wonderful" it is to mass murder civilians, that death is far more important than life, and then turn around complaining that their economy is in shambles.
So do they blame (December 2006) for the rise into drug trafficking among Arab "Palestinians" that actually bring it in from Lebanon and from Egypt... Not only is their poverty in this context due loss of employment by Israeli Jews that have been evacuated to accomodate "Palestinians" in Gaza give away, but they blame the very Jews that gave them jobs until now... imagine that. (Jobless Gaza Arabs Miss Jewish Employers, Turn to Drugs, Gaza Arabs, left jobless by the Oslo War and by last year's expulsion of Gush Katif farmers, have turned to drugs that are smuggled from Lebanon and Egypt, the United Nations reports.
This blame game, copied from old, darkest pages in human history of 'blame the Jew' is copied/adopted by the wider Arab street, it is actually another crime in the Arab world, the culprit are the usual ones, their leaders, of instilling into them for so long the cult of 'conspiracy theories'.
In this ideology, in that jungle, anything bad that happens to Arabs are always the 'fault of the Zionists'.
You can bet on it that if a mullah says tomorrow that the weather is dominated by the Zionists, rest assured, that literally millions in the Muslim world will actually follow his "belief".
Seriously speaking, Did you know that Iranian mullahs have condemned PEPSI Co. because they figured out that the letter "I" stands for Israel?
All laughs aside, those in the west that buy the notion that Arabs' grievances is so based on Zionists' action (to be honest, it is not what Zionists do but how the Arab press "reports" it or incites the Arab street), should rethink their thinking or non-thinking about (Islamists' war on the west way before any actions by the Zionists, such as the genocide on Armenians in 1915, but more on) Islamists' global vision of a Caliphate, I know it is too scary to think about the truth, but sticking you head in the sand (in this case 'blaming the Zionists') doesn't help you.
In fact, even Al Qaeda's Bin Laden didn't use the "Palestinian" card until later appearances, when he was advised that it was way too much of an important tool to be missing.
The Iranian Islamic revolution's war on the west started in 1979 with a grievance against US' support for the Shah, not a word about "Palestinians", until 'Hitler' Ahmadinejad used them in 2005 so conveniently, in his ambition to be the 'Muslim Messiah' and Islamizing the west.
Nor can most major Islamic massacres attacks - around the globe (like, Indonesia, Russia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UK, Spain, India, Thailand, Philippines, Somalia, etc.) in recent years - be connected to the "Palestine" issue.
ABC of the MIddle East ConflictThe Overwhelming wrong "Palestinians"Good VS Evil Israel VS 'palestine''Palestinians' Crimes against HumanityPLASTINIAN, Plast-inian, The Plastic language of the "palestinians"The Arab racism of playing Israelis' fear of Arab terror as "racism"Why the IDF is indeed the 'most moral army in the worldARABIZATION INC. The all out myth of 'all Arabs being natives in all of the middle east' Arabs love & ABUSE Israeli HUMANE jails, the even 'Faking Attacks to Earn Matriculation DiplomasOnly Arab Leaders' Fault in Displaced "Palestinians"Pallywood - Gaza beach 2006, an example of how "Palestinian" Arab Muslims kill their own people & try to pin it on Israel in the most dirty tricks known including fake footage and blatant lies"palestinian" Muslims' War on Christians - YMCA under attack in W. Bank'Palestinian' Arab Muslims FIRST class citizens in beautiful democrtatic IsraelAgain HUMANE & Super- restrained Israel only attacks terrorists after warning to civilians to evacuateFrom the Apartheid Arab regimes vs Israel, the super democracy - diaryWashing Jihadi Crimes via 'Palestinian' Crimes?'Palestinian' Crimes on their Kids, Child abuse, using them as bombs/shields, indoctrination into the death/hate/murder cult & etc.What makes a 'palestinian' , 'palestinian'?Some of Arab Muslims' Massacres, Genocide, Terrorism and Jihad, before Israel was Re-Established'Palestinian' Fake Images IndustryThe never-ending vicious 'Palestinian' Arab tactics to tarnish Israel on their kids backPut the blame where it belongs: The Arab world's crimes on the "Palestinians" (including "apartheid")The "Palestinians" = favorite tool by IslamofascismUS Aid to hostile Arab Countries VS Israel's aid to the US Fascism & Idiocy are a natural part of 'palestinian' Arab Muslim Sick Cult Israel, Good VS Evil, While Arab "Palestinians" are greedy for higher salaries, Israel takes care of sick Arab children...The real Ethnic Cleansing, by Arab Muslims of course (past & present) Hamastan, Hamas for dummiesArab Muslim ( & even Palestinian) "Goliath" VS Israel "David"IDF - HumanitarianThe larger (global) problem of:
Arab Racism, Islamism, Arabization, etc.External links
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Who needs Israel anyway? let's face it, we all do.
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'Palestinian' "street justice" system, their crimes on their own people

Their use of HUMAN SHIELDS (especiallly their own kids)
'Palestinians' Hit a New Low, Setting up a Boy, Unknowingly, to become a Suicide Bomber
Arab Terrorist’s Wife Used Baby to Hide Grenade
Palestinian Children Die as Human Shields for Adult Terrorist Leaders
Human Bombs, Human Shields - The United Nations & Israel
'Palestinian' Horrendous Tactics of Human Bombs
U.S. doctors: Palestinian intifada abusing children
Kids - the main force of the Palestinian Front
Palestinian Children Die As Human Shields For Adult Terrorist Leaders

on the ground & in the media
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
MEMRI - The Middle East Media and Research Institute (translating Arab press)
Jerusalem Post
Israel National News
Israel News Agency
DEBKAfile - Political analysis
Gamla Online Jnewswire Jerusalem NewsWire
Israel - Upclose
Jewish World Review
 -IsraAid Israel the Gem! -Presentation
Righteous Muslims and ArabsTribute to the righteous Muslims and Arabs who risk life and limb defending liberty, freedom, Israel, the US and Western Democracy
Arabs, Muslims true moderates, encouraging the few, the brave, the good that showed real heart for the victims of the brutality of terrorism and over all clarity!
Highlighted are: Former 'Palestinian' Terrorists turned his life around, speaks advocates against violence and for Israel
Technorati - 'palestinian' terrorism War on terror Terror victims 'palestinian' propaganda jihad Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Good VS evil Israel "Palestine" 101 Jewish refugees Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation PLO Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred Indoctrination 'Palestinian' Child abuse Death cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Hebron massacre Arab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Hebron massacre "Palestinian" propaganda Arab propaganda Arafat Al Aqsa Al Aqsa martyrs brigade Fatah Hamas Arab racism mufti Islamic Jihad Jerusalem Jihad Holyland Netanya bombing Jerusalem bombing Passover massacre Jerusalem massacre Death cult Israeli democracy Jenin hoax Abu Abbas IDF IDF Moral Achila lauro Arafat Black September Damour Arafat Yasser Arafat IDF Humanitarian IDF Moral Israel humanitarianMunich 1972 Gaza beach hoax Gaza Beit hanoun Human shields Arab Lobby Muslim lobby Human shields Wall Fence Arabism Pallywood Labels: anti Israel bigotry, Arab racism, Arabs, biased media, Genocide bombing, Good vs evil, human bombs, human shields, Islamofascism, Israel, Israel palestine 101, Israel the gem, Muslims, restraint