The Islamo Arab CRIME on the 6,000,000 holy innocent victims of the [real] HOLOCAUST
The Islamo Arab CRIME on the 6,000,000 holy innocent victims of the [real] HOLOCAUSTIt seems that there's serious desperation on the parts of Arab racist & Muslim fascist propaganda machine, wether originating from 'Palestinian' Pallywood or using the Arab "palestinians" to further the radical Jihadization of their people by the false perception of being the "victim".
Not so long ago it was the usual tirade of terminology like: "massacres", translation, each time the Arab Palestinian butchers (in the name of bigoted Islamism and and/or racist Arabism) failed, or rather succeeded in causing civilian casualties, the Zionists are automatically blamed for the deaths, the higher the civilian casualties, higher is rated their propaganda, such "massacres" have been orchestrated for years.
Then it grew to the term "genocide", it doesn't help how careful Israelis are to minimize civilian casualties by notifying civilians to leave and by risking young soldiers' lives in going door to door on a selective mission to root out terrorists, Israel was, still is, blamed for Palestinians dirty tricks to cause casualties, seeing that the term "massacre" is no longer "fresh", the "genocide" slogan started to appear more and more on 'Palestinian', Islamic mainstream media.
The latest "bombshell" they came up with, all in an attempt to "shock" us is shouting: "Holocaust", translation, Israel's fight against Arab Muslim genocidal campaign in a clear set out goal of total annihilation, is branded so "atrocious", labeling that unique crime title on cowardice (their powerful weapons, which Israel does NOT have are the women and children they hide under) Palestinian (or Hezbollah) lost battles.
It entails a few fascist points, First: it seeks to dramatize the fallen as if it is not a battle but a "cold blooded campaign", second: it seeks to diminish the uniqueness of that most outrageous crime in history, that of WW2 (where there was a clear plan to erase an entire creed from the face of the earth, there were no attacks from Jews upon Germans, nor were there any "battles" between the Nazis and all the 6 million or the 1.5 Million Jewish kids slaughtered only for pertaining to a certain origin), third: it seeks to hurt feeling of ALL Jews in the world.
Why? You ask? because they hate, because their hatred of the "other", in particular of the one that is neither all Arab nor all Muslim but pluralistic democracy (though primarily a shelter for Jews seeking refuge), this tiny innocent "entity" in the middle east is too "different" from the Arab Muslim reign of racism, bigotry.
The only silver lining in it is that, they have used up all our sensitivity by now, there's no room for more drama since they have pretty much "used" it all, including the ultimate word, though not even realizing how ridiculously it is mentioning it on their noisy raging waves of their frustration in between their lost attacks on innocent Israelis.
Palexicon - Pallywood!
Tags: 6000000, Arab racism, Arabism, drama, gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, Holocaust, Human shields, IAF, IDF, Islamic bigotry, Islamism, Islamofascism, Israel, Jihad, Nazis, Palexicon, Pallywood, Pallywood tirade, Propaganda, tirade, Islamofascism,Islamonazis,victimhood, War on terror, WW2, Zionism, Zionists, Palexicon
Labels: holocaust, palestinian drama language, Palexicom, Pallywood, WW2
Racism in perspective - Anti Jewish racism by Arabs, Muslims, whether carrying a "Palestinian" or an Israeli ID
Racism in perspective - Anti Jewish racism by Arabs, Muslims, whether carrying a "Palestinian" or an Israeli ID
Published: 01/31/05, 8:53 PMRacist Disengagementby Shmuel Neumann, Ph.D.
It is illegal to advocate ejecting Arabs from their homes and forcibly removing them from Israel. How can it be legal to advocate forcibly removing Jews from their homes?... racism is not a laughing matter. Especially after the Holocaust, racism against Jews, even by Jews, is intolerable. During the Holocaust, Jews, called kapos, were forced by the Nazis to implement racial genocide. It is also a horrible tragedy and a pathetic sight to see certain Israeli government officials compelled by "their good friend" the United States to implement ethnic cleansing, not by genocide, but by expulsion. This expulsion of Jews, not necessarily Israelis, is racist.
It is illegal to advocate ejecting Arabs from their homes and forcibly removing them from Israel. How can it be legal to advocate forcibly removing Jews from their homes? While the government may elect to dismantle Israeli army bases and outposts, they have no legal right to remove only Israeli Jews and not remove Israeli Arabs or Christians. It has no right to remove Jews of other nationalities who purchase a farm in Judea or Samaria and wish to farm their private property and live on their farm. If it has such a right, then it must remove any non-Israeli Muslim or Christian farmers from their independent farms, as well.
If certain Jewish settlements are deemed illegal and therefore slated for demolition, then illegal Arab settlements must be demolished as well. The Israeli government is in possession of aerial photographs of each village and town from 1917 until the present, and is well aware that many villages and towns existing today were built by squatters who grabbed land and illegally built houses. Often the houses were built on other people's land, even land purchased decades before by individual Jews or by the Jewish National Fund. All of these communities must be demolished if any Jewish communities are to be evacuated and demolished. If the government refuses to demolish illegal Arab houses, then their policy of evacuating Jewish houses, farms and communities is racism against Jews and must not be tolerated.
One might speculate if there were, hypothetically, 10 Christians living in a Jewish settlement that was slated for evacuation, and 10 Israeli Jews living in Jenin, then wouldn't the Christians be evacuated with the rest of the community and wouldn't the Jews be permitted to remain in Jenin? Certainly, the Christians would be evacuated together with the Jews from a Jewish settlement. However, if they had a monastery in Bethlehem or anywhere else in Palestinian-controlled Judea, Samaria or Gaza, then they certainly would not be evacuated, nor would their church or monastery be demolished. The 10 Jews in Jenin, however, would not be evacuated, but imprisoned, because Israel makes it illegal for Jews to enter Area "A". That is, unless the Palestinians got to them first, in which case they would torture and mutilate the Jews as they did to those Jews who made a wrong turn and found themselves in Ramallah.
The central point is that Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice would never tolerate removing blacks from any neighborhood, not just in the United States, but anywhere in the world. They do, however, insist that Jews, not just Israelis, be forcibly removed from all areas of Judea, Samaria and Gaza. When they speak of pre-1967 borders, they are talking about removing Jews from Ramat Eshkol, the Old City, Mamilla and many neighborhoods of Jerusalem.
This reverse discrimination is not only in relation to settlements, but to land registration. If an Arab registers a land sale in Beit El's land office, the land registration is recorded seamlessly. If a Jew records a sale from an Arab, the land office notifies the Palestinian Authority of the land sale and the land registration can take 15-20 years. In the interim, the Arab seller and real estate agents are killed by the so-called Palestinians, eliminating all witnesses to the sale. As a result, often the land sale is never recorded. This is racism, pure and simple.
This racism against Jews goes beyond the issue of settlements or land registration. The Israeli government interprets its own laws against racism to protect Arabs, but not Jews. For example, in Israel it is illegal to hire only Jews, but it appears to not be illegal to hire only Arabs. For instance, there is one chain of gas stations that I frequented throughout Israel, and every single one of them had only Arab employees at the gas pumps. While it is their prerogative to employ Arabs, it is not their prerogative to hire only Arabs. This is a violation of racism laws and should be prosecuted not just in a civil action, but in a criminal action, as well. Outlaw Talk of ´Transfer´ - Expulsion of Jews Fine, Though (2004) aren't 'racist' - they're worried ...Israel's Arab citizens are being drawn toward radicalism by their leadership. (are not racists, but) Want to Separate From EnemiesBaruch Marzel of Hevron responded to the racism report as follows: "It speaks for itself; our people truly want to separate from its enemies, and feel that our enemies are dangerous. is a well-known psychological mechanism. A threatening problem is created. The individual denies the problem for a certain amount of time, but it eventually explodes in his face.
The people of Israel are in total denial regarding Israeli Arabs. After watching a video recording of a recent demonstration by Israeli Arabs in Haifa, I decided that the time has come to raise this issue, knowing full well that The dramatic rise in the nationalistic extremism of Israeli Arabs.this is a subject that many people are afraid to touch. We see scores of Arabs waving flags of Palestine and chanting anti-Israel slogans. Here is an excerpt from the article by Boaz Golan that accompanies the recording:
"This infuriating demonstration lasted for days. A Palestinian demonstration against the state, against the Jewish people. Against me and against you. Flags of Palestine fly in the face of passersby. Gaza is here in Haifa, in our very home! Jewish drivers pass by, honk their horns, and call out to them: 'Go to Gaza,' but scores of Arabs continue to chant their slogans against the state, and are not afraid to shout out loud: 'Beirut, Damascus, Palestine...."
The demonstration in Haifa is, of course, only one of the many examples of the dramatic rise in the nationalistic extremism of Israeli Arabs, which is expressed not only in anti-Israel slogans, but also in actions against Jews. Naturally, in all these instances, Israeli law enforcement does not lift a finger.
In Akko (Acre) and in Jaffa, Israeli Arabs attack Jews. No one says anything. Recently, we heard of stonings of Jewish vehicles by Israeli Arabs in the Galilee. This hardly makes the headlines. Just imagine what the media would have done if Jews had thrown stones at Arabs.
Last year, dozens of Jews celebrated Israel Independence Day in the forest of Megiddo. A group of Israeli Arabs arrived with flags of Palestine, riding on horses, and forced the Jews to flee. Except for the Arutz-7 website, did anyone cover this subject? Not to mention that the police did not arrest even a single Arab rioter.
Make no mistake. Unlike other countries, in which minorities act with respect and submission to the host country, a considerable portion of the Israeli Arabs act as if they were the lords of the land; while we Jews seem to them as casual visitors who bother them. Asks: Has Ahmed Tibi Become A Racist? ... It sounds to me like classic anti-Semitism, Jew-hatred, and Judeo-pathy. ... MK: Too Many Jews in Galileeby Maayana Miskin(March, 30, 2009)( Israeli MK Taleb A-Sana of the United Arab List (Ra'am Ta'al) accused the government Monday of "Judaizing the Galilee and the Negev" by encouraging Jews to move to those areas. A-Sana called on the government to encourage Arab life in those areas..., A basic tenet of Palestinian Authority (PA) anti-Semitism and racism is to define both ... This is [the essence of] racism itself, for racism stems from ... another racist article attacking Condolezza Rice, the PA daily referred to her as the "black woman" [three times], the “black spinster” and continues ... Impact... who said that using the old texts in Palestinian-run schools proved that Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Authority was a racist and warmongering regime ... Arafat's Palestinian Authority of inciting hatred of Jews and Israelis in the official media and in school textbooks... Hillary Clinton, in her campaign to be New York senator, branded the books “racist” and called on Arafat to "stop teaching hatred" to children. ... racism exposed
By Alan Dershowitz, professor of law at Harvard. His latest book is The Case for Israel. (April 12, 2004)
Recently, a young student at the Hebrew University was gunned down while jogging through a mixed neighborhood of Jews and Arabs in north Jerusalem. The Aksa Martyrs Brigade, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, joyously claimed credit for the killing yet another innocent Jew.
When it was later learned that the jogger was a Jerusalem Arab and not a Jew, al-Aksa quickly apologized to the family, calling it an accident.
But the killing of the innocent young jogger was not an accident; the murderer had deliberately taken aim at his head and midsection, intending to end his life. The only thing accidental about the murder was the religion of the victim. Al-Aksa had sent the assassin to murder a Jew any Jew, so long as he was a Jew.
This is racism, pure and simple. And despite efforts by supporters of Palestinian terrorism to justify the murder of innocent civilians as national liberation or by any other euphemism, this case proves that the Palestinian terrorists' targeting of Jews and only Jews as many as possible is little different in intent from other forms of lethal or exterminatory anti-Jewish murders. (I don't use the term anti-Semitic only because some Arabs claim that because they too are Semites, they can't be anti-Semitic.)
Obviously the numbers are different, because Israel is capable of defending its Jewish citizens, but if it were not, the goal of Palestinian terrorist groups would not be very different from that of previous groups intent on murdering as many Jews as possible.
The Web sites of various Palestinian terrorist groups proclaim usually only in English and almost never in Arabic that they have no quarrel with the Jews, only with the Zionists. Yet they target every Jew, regardless of his or her individual political views, and they apologize when they accidentally kill a non-Jew, regardless of his political views. The racist acts of these terrorist groups speak louder than their sanitized English-only anti-Zionist Web sites... on official Palestinian TV: Jews are monkeys and pigs ...Nov 4, 2002 ... The Palestinian Racism is particularly dangerous because it is portrayed as the will of Allah... Arab racism, Arabism, Israeli Arabs, racism
Madrassa: Breeding ground of Jihadists
Madrassa: Breeding ground of Jihadists
Modern Ghana - Mar 30, 2009 By Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
When I for the first time forecasted that Madrassa was becoming breeding ground of Jihadists, many of my fellow journalists instantly raised their fingers at me saying, I was serving the purpose of ‘foreign interest’. Policymakers in the government were even much aggressive in bringing sedition, treason and blasphemy charges against me. They tried to give justification to such actions saying, my criticizing the Madrassa and forecasting the rise of Islamist militancy within such institutions; I was hurting the sentiment of Muslims and was doing harm to Islam!
Ridiculous indeed!
In this article, I will discuss many of the unknown and untold facts on Madrassas in the world, along with some very exclusive investigative information on such religious schools.
Muslims consider Madrassas as the basic place of generating clergies as well as those who can be the custodians of Islam in the respective countries. But, many are still unaware that in the name of religious education, major segment of such Madrassas are active as breeding ground of Jihadists. Instead of real Islamic education, the students are taught of religious hatred. Their brains are filled with the poison of hate towards everyone who is not a Muslim. Moreover, the very old notion of ‘killing Jews and Christians’ and remaining a good Muslim is very strong planted in the minds of thousands of students of such institutions.
For past several years, I have done extensive investigation into the Madrassa education system and the Qaomi [Koranic] Madrassa in Bangladesh as well as studied extensively on such religious schools around the world and each of my inquisitive investigations finally ended in identifying growth of radical and militant Islam right within the 64,000 Qaomi Madrassas in Bangladesh, as well others within the Islamic and non Islamic world.
Although people are always putting focus on Madrassas involvement in breeding Jihadists, they are yet to investigate the inside stories in Madrassas, where male and female students are sexually abused by the clergies on a regular basis. Sodomy is a growing phenomenon in the Madrassas, and according to various reports, silent spread of HIV and Aids is gradually putting a huge blanket on the large number of students and teachers coming of such institutions.
Terrorism and rise of radical Islam is a global problem. Islamic terrorism [also known as Islamist terrorism or Jihadist terrorism] is religious terrorism by those whose motivations are rooted in their interpretations of Islam. Statistics gathered for 2006 by the National Counterterrorism Center of the United States indicated that “Islamic extremism” was responsible for approximately 25% of all terrorism fatalities worldwide, and a majority of the fatalities for which responsibility could be conclusively determined. Terrorist acts have included airline hijacking, beheading, kidnapping, assassination, roadside bombing, suicide bombing, and occasionally rape.
According to some experts, Perhaps the most resonant incident of Islamic terrorism was the 9/11 attack on the United States. Other prominent attacks have occurred in Iraq, Afghanistan, India, Israel, Britain, Spain, France, Russia and China. These terrorist groups often describe their actions as Islamic jihad [struggle]. Self-proclaimed sentences of punishment or death, issued publicly as threats, often come in the form of fatwas [Islamic legal judgments]. Both Muslims and non-Muslims have been among the targets and victims, but threats against Muslims are often issued as takfir [a declaration that a person, group or institution that describes itself as Muslim has in fact left Islam and thus is a traitor]. This is an implicit death threat as the punishment for apostasy in Islam is death under Sharia law.
The controversies surrounding the subject include whether the terrorist act is self-defense or aggression, national self-determination or Islamic supremacy; the targeting of noncombatants; whether Islam ever could condone terrorism; whether some attacks described as Islamic terrorism are merely terrorist acts committed by Muslims or nationalists; how much support there is in the Muslim world for Islamic terrorism; whether the Arab-Israeli Conflict is the root of Islamic terrorism, or simply one cause.
Osama bin Laden is the millionaire son of a construction magnate. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Bin Laden’s deputy, is a medical doctor. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of Al Qaida in Iraq was an uneducated street thug who converted to a radical form of Islam in prison. Recently we saw a female Belgian convert to Islam become a suicide bomber in Iraq. It is difficult to identify what such people have in common other than a willingness to kill — and sometimes to die — for a cause they are convinced is right. No study has so far been able to explain why some people become terrorists and others don’t. Socio-psychological factors and questions of identity seem to be important and the dynamics of various cults have some striking parallels to terrorist cells. One thing we frequently see in the trajectory of terrorists is a conversion experience that occurs within a small, tight-knit group. The dynamics of such groups tend to reinforce personal conviction, especially among individuals whose other social networks have frayed or can’t match the intensity of bonds forged in what is for them an existential struggle.
Often the group is led by a ‘charismatic figure’ such as a ‘jihad veteran’, or jihad entrepreneur who raises funds and recruits for jihad. Such groups are found in many contexts, from prisons to social clubs. Often they are associated with a mosque, but generally they do not hold meetings in the mosque itself. Also the internet is playing a role in this conversion by exposing people to extremist views and the possibilities presented by jihad.
Many of the members of such cells have little history of extremism — or of piety. The most pious are not necessarily those most likely to become terrorists. Indeed, one could argue that for some people it is their poor understanding of Islam — and for the young suicide bomber, perhaps even their naivety — that has made them susceptible to extreme views.
Some analysts have argued that the root causes of terrorism lie not with the psychology or life experience of the individual but with deeper underlying political and economic currents. These root causes are variously listed as poverty, underdevelopment, un-employment, the demography of youth bulges, Palestinian dispossession and so forth.
These so-called ‘root causes’ are relevant but they do not go to the heart of the issue. First, there is the obvious fact that many terrorists are middle class or even from elites. Social studies of terrorists show that they are generally better educated than the broader population.
Secondly, terrorism is not limited to developing countries: look at the history of terrorism in developed democracies such as the United Kingdom. Finally, behind talk of root causes there is an assumption that they are somehow more real than the terrorists’ self-proclaimed motivations, that economic factors are more solid than ideology or identity. But as the protests over the Danish cartoons showed: issues of belief, identity and culture are just as real as material ones for many Muslims, and may well drive the emotions of many even more strongly.
That said, dysfunctional economies and authoritarian political systems magnify feelings of frustration and anger which, in turn, provide fertile soil for those who manipulate questions of identity and victim hood in the cause of violent jihad.
Since 9/11 the nature of the terrorist threat has changed. It has become more decentralized and amorphous. Al Qaida is still an active threat even if it has not been directly responsible for any major attack for the past two years. Al Qaida is fighting a war that it believes will last for generations. It has not given up its goal of conducting catastrophic attacks in the United States. We should not forget that eight and a half years passed between the first and second World Trade Centre attacks, and that the relative failure of the first attack seems to have acted more as an incentive than a dampener.
One of Al Qaida’s ‘achievements’ has been to draw many groups and Jihadists out of their local struggles and focus them on the ‘far enemy’. Zawahiri, now Al Qaida’s chief ideologist, himself moved from a local, Egyptian preoccupation to a global, anti-US ideology. And the story of Jamaah Islamiyah in Indonesia is about the transformation of a group which grew out of a national Islamist movement — Darul Islam — and has gone on to adopt the global Jihadist view of Al Qaida and others.
The terrorist threat today is best understood as a network of networks.
Sometimes the groups and cells that make up this extended network are held together by formal alliances — the best example is the alliance between core Al Qaida and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s Al Qaida franchise in Iraq. But most often the links are informal, based on personal contacts. Surprising to some as it may seem, Al Qaida does not exercise command and control over this extensive network. Continued
Madrassa: Breeding ground of Jihadists
Modern Ghana - Mar 30, 2009 By Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
When I for the first time forecasted that Madrassa was becoming breeding ground of Jihadists, many of my fellow journalists instantly raised their fingers at me saying, I was serving the purpose of ‘foreign interest’. Policymakers in the government were even much aggressive in bringing sedition, treason and blasphemy charges against me. They tried to give justification to such actions saying, my criticizing the Madrassa and forecasting the rise of Islamist militancy within such institutions; I was hurting the sentiment of Muslims and was doing harm to Islam!
Ridiculous indeed!
In this article, I will discuss many of the unknown and untold facts on Madrassas in the world, along with some very exclusive investigative information on such religious schools.
Muslims consider Madrassas as the basic place of generating clergies as well as those who can be the custodians of Islam in the respective countries. But, many are still unaware that in the name of religious education, major segment of such Madrassas are active as breeding ground of Jihadists. Instead of real Islamic education, the students are taught of religious hatred. Their brains are filled with the poison of hate towards everyone who is not a Muslim. Moreover, the very old notion of ‘killing Jews and Christians’ and remaining a good Muslim is very strong planted in the minds of thousands of students of such institutions.
For past several years, I have done extensive investigation into the Madrassa education system and the Qaomi [Koranic] Madrassa in Bangladesh as well as studied extensively on such religious schools around the world and each of my inquisitive investigations finally ended in identifying growth of radical and militant Islam right within the 64,000 Qaomi Madrassas in Bangladesh, as well others within the Islamic and non Islamic world.
Although people are always putting focus on Madrassas involvement in breeding Jihadists, they are yet to investigate the inside stories in Madrassas, where male and female students are sexually abused by the clergies on a regular basis. Sodomy is a growing phenomenon in the Madrassas, and according to various reports, silent spread of HIV and Aids is gradually putting a huge blanket on the large number of students and teachers coming of such institutions.
Terrorism and rise of radical Islam is a global problem. Islamic terrorism [also known as Islamist terrorism or Jihadist terrorism] is religious terrorism by those whose motivations are rooted in their interpretations of Islam. Statistics gathered for 2006 by the National Counterterrorism Center of the United States indicated that “Islamic extremism” was responsible for approximately 25% of all terrorism fatalities worldwide, and a majority of the fatalities for which responsibility could be conclusively determined. Terrorist acts have included airline hijacking, beheading, kidnapping, assassination, roadside bombing, suicide bombing, and occasionally rape.
According to some experts, Perhaps the most resonant incident of Islamic terrorism was the 9/11 attack on the United States. Other prominent attacks have occurred in Iraq, Afghanistan, India, Israel, Britain, Spain, France, Russia and China. These terrorist groups often describe their actions as Islamic jihad [struggle]. Self-proclaimed sentences of punishment or death, issued publicly as threats, often come in the form of fatwas [Islamic legal judgments]. Both Muslims and non-Muslims have been among the targets and victims, but threats against Muslims are often issued as takfir [a declaration that a person, group or institution that describes itself as Muslim has in fact left Islam and thus is a traitor]. This is an implicit death threat as the punishment for apostasy in Islam is death under Sharia law.
The controversies surrounding the subject include whether the terrorist act is self-defense or aggression, national self-determination or Islamic supremacy; the targeting of noncombatants; whether Islam ever could condone terrorism; whether some attacks described as Islamic terrorism are merely terrorist acts committed by Muslims or nationalists; how much support there is in the Muslim world for Islamic terrorism; whether the Arab-Israeli Conflict is the root of Islamic terrorism, or simply one cause.
Osama bin Laden is the millionaire son of a construction magnate. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Bin Laden’s deputy, is a medical doctor. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of Al Qaida in Iraq was an uneducated street thug who converted to a radical form of Islam in prison. Recently we saw a female Belgian convert to Islam become a suicide bomber in Iraq. It is difficult to identify what such people have in common other than a willingness to kill — and sometimes to die — for a cause they are convinced is right. No study has so far been able to explain why some people become terrorists and others don’t. Socio-psychological factors and questions of identity seem to be important and the dynamics of various cults have some striking parallels to terrorist cells. One thing we frequently see in the trajectory of terrorists is a conversion experience that occurs within a small, tight-knit group. The dynamics of such groups tend to reinforce personal conviction, especially among individuals whose other social networks have frayed or can’t match the intensity of bonds forged in what is for them an existential struggle.
Often the group is led by a ‘charismatic figure’ such as a ‘jihad veteran’, or jihad entrepreneur who raises funds and recruits for jihad. Such groups are found in many contexts, from prisons to social clubs. Often they are associated with a mosque, but generally they do not hold meetings in the mosque itself. Also the internet is playing a role in this conversion by exposing people to extremist views and the possibilities presented by jihad.
Many of the members of such cells have little history of extremism — or of piety. The most pious are not necessarily those most likely to become terrorists. Indeed, one could argue that for some people it is their poor understanding of Islam — and for the young suicide bomber, perhaps even their naivety — that has made them susceptible to extreme views.
Some analysts have argued that the root causes of terrorism lie not with the psychology or life experience of the individual but with deeper underlying political and economic currents. These root causes are variously listed as poverty, underdevelopment, un-employment, the demography of youth bulges, Palestinian dispossession and so forth.
These so-called ‘root causes’ are relevant but they do not go to the heart of the issue. First, there is the obvious fact that many terrorists are middle class or even from elites. Social studies of terrorists show that they are generally better educated than the broader population.
Secondly, terrorism is not limited to developing countries: look at the history of terrorism in developed democracies such as the United Kingdom. Finally, behind talk of root causes there is an assumption that they are somehow more real than the terrorists’ self-proclaimed motivations, that economic factors are more solid than ideology or identity. But as the protests over the Danish cartoons showed: issues of belief, identity and culture are just as real as material ones for many Muslims, and may well drive the emotions of many even more strongly.
That said, dysfunctional economies and authoritarian political systems magnify feelings of frustration and anger which, in turn, provide fertile soil for those who manipulate questions of identity and victim hood in the cause of violent jihad.
Since 9/11 the nature of the terrorist threat has changed. It has become more decentralized and amorphous. Al Qaida is still an active threat even if it has not been directly responsible for any major attack for the past two years. Al Qaida is fighting a war that it believes will last for generations. It has not given up its goal of conducting catastrophic attacks in the United States. We should not forget that eight and a half years passed between the first and second World Trade Centre attacks, and that the relative failure of the first attack seems to have acted more as an incentive than a dampener.
One of Al Qaida’s ‘achievements’ has been to draw many groups and Jihadists out of their local struggles and focus them on the ‘far enemy’. Zawahiri, now Al Qaida’s chief ideologist, himself moved from a local, Egyptian preoccupation to a global, anti-US ideology. And the story of Jamaah Islamiyah in Indonesia is about the transformation of a group which grew out of a national Islamist movement — Darul Islam — and has gone on to adopt the global Jihadist view of Al Qaida and others.
The terrorist threat today is best understood as a network of networks.
Sometimes the groups and cells that make up this extended network are held together by formal alliances — the best example is the alliance between core Al Qaida and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s Al Qaida franchise in Iraq. But most often the links are informal, based on personal contacts. Surprising to some as it may seem, Al Qaida does not exercise command and control over this extensive network….
Tags: Israel, Palestinians, Palestine, war on terror, Islamofascism, Muslims, infidels, Jews, Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islam, Islamic Jihad, Zionism, Zionists, Islamism, Osama Bin Laden,Islamofascism, Al Qaida, Indoctrination, Islamic terrorism, Ahmadinejad, hatred, apes and pigs, Madrassas, madrassa
Labels: Indoctrination, Jihad, war on teror
Here we go again, Fake "war crimes" by Israel bashers exposed - damning effect still on
Here we go again, Fake "war crimes" by Israel bashers exposed - damning effect still on
Reports of IDF Crimes: Fiction Based on Rumors - Defense/Middle …Claims that IDF soldiers deliberately killed civilians during Operation Cast Lead were based in hearsay, a military investigation has concluded. The two soldiers who first reported the alleged incidents several weeks ago had not seen the incidents themselves, and had no personal knowledge to support the allegations… B’Tselem, accused the IDF… … again, it (false accusations by the infamous un-reliable radical political group: B’tzelem) reminds us all the UN’s such loud & harsh “accusation” of Israel of “
killing Kids in Gaza“, then later on “woke up” told the truth, AKA retracted it ,
(UN retracts claim over Gaza school attack [Feb 4, 2009] … The UN has
retracted a claim that an Israeli strike, which killed more than 40 people in
northern Gaza last month, hit a school run by a UN … )
yet, the damage of the false accusations on innocent Israel is still there, full force. Tags: "palestinians", Anti Israel Bias, Anti Israel Bigotry, Arab racism, Arabs, B'tzelem, Cast Lead, false accusations, gaza, IAF, IDF, Islamic bigotry, Islamofascism, Israel, Jihad, Media, Media bias, MSM, Muslims, Pallywood, Propaganda, UN, war crimes, war crimes propaganda, War on terror
Labels: cast lead, Pallywood
More on Fascism in the Arab world
More on Fascism in the Arab world A Backgrounder of the Nazi Activities in North Africa and the Middle East During the Era of the Holocaust
Key issues the reader should note: 1. The Islamic leadership (vis-à-vis the Mufti) did in fact have a significant relationship with the German government during the era of the Holocaust. 2. Pro-Nazi sentiment often resulted in grave consequences against the Jews in Arab countries during the Holocaust. 3. The Germans influenced the Arabs resulting in incitement that led to attacks against Jews in Arab cities during the Holocaust. 4. The Mufti promoted the idea to the Nazis of destroying the Jews before they could escape to Palestine. 5. The Axis powers persecuted Jews in North Africa during the Holocaust…
• Bernard Lewis states: “We know that within weeks of Hitler’s coming to power in 1933, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem got in touch with the German consul general in Jerusalem, Doctor Heinrich Wolff, and offered his services.” 1 There, the Mufti spoke approvingly of the Nazi’s Jewish policies, particularly of the anti-Jewish boycott in Germany.
A Pan-Arab Committee established at Baghdad in the Spring of 1933 approached Fritz Grobba, the German Ambassador to Iraq, two years later with proposals for closer ties and cooperation.
• Hitler’s Mein Kampf was translated into four different Arabic translations and circulated between 1933-1939 in Beirut, Baghdad, Cairo and Berlin.
• In the first few months of WWII, shops in the towns of Syria would frequently show posters with Arabic sayings: “In heaven God is your ruler, on earth Hitler.” In the streets of Aleppo… Damascus a popular verse in a local dialect said: “No more ‘Monsieur’, no more ‘Mister’-God in heaven, on earth Hitler!” Hatred Dwells in the Arab World
By Shelomo Alfassa February 23, 2007
…Although the Allies killed Nazi troops, destroyed their buildings, burned Nazi books, and even the fact that German Fuehrer killed himself, the Nazi spirit lived on. This spirit of Jew hatred was brought into the Arab world by Amin Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
The relationship between Amin Al-Husseini and the Third Reich was strengthened when the Mufti visited the German Consul General at Jerusalem in 1937. After that, he met with Eichmann when he visited Palestine. This was when the Nazis were examining the possibility of deporting German Jews to Palestine. It has been reported that based on war-crimes testimony and the Eichmann trial transcripts, Eichmann and the Mufti enjoyed a close relationship. The Mufti would soon become the spiritual leader of the Islamic legions that were trained by-and-for the Nazis.
The rise of Hitler to power in 1933 marked a turning point in the new mufti?s activities. He sent a cable of congratulations to the Nazi leader and expressed support for the Jewish boycott in Germany. Soon after Hitler’s Mein Kampf was translated into four different Arabic translations and circulated between 1933-1939 in Beirut, Baghdad, Cairo and Berlin. In the first few months of WWII, shops in the towns of Syria would frequently show posters with Arabic sayings: “In heaven God is your ruler, on earth Hitler.” In the streets of Aleppo, Homs and Damascus a popular verse in a local dialect said: “No more ‘Monsieur’, no more ‘Mister’-God in heaven, on earth Hitler!”
Anti-Jewish feeling continued to mount in the Middle East during the 1930s, as the Fascist and Nazi regimes and doctrines made increasing sense to many Arab nationalists. King Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia sought German arms and contacts and was favorably received. Various delegations of Syrians and Iraqis attended the Nrnberg party congresses, and there were several different Arabic translations of Mein Kampf. Both the German and Italian regimes were active in propaganda in the Arab world, and there was much pro-German sentiment in Egypt.
Anti-Semitic elements seized upon the Palestine problem and Arab Revolt of
1936-1939 to portray international Jewry, including the Jews of the Maghrib, in a negative way to the Muslims, many of whom expressed solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs against Zionism and the British Authorities in the Mandate. Nazi propaganda broadcasts from Berlin and Stuttgart, as well as broadcasts from fascist Italy, added fuel to the ongoing anti-Jewish campaigns.
As part of the new, tough policy against Arab violence, the British dismissed Al-Husseini from his post as head of the Supreme Moslem Council. Fearing arrest, on October 12, 1937, the grand mufti donned disguise and fled to Lebanon, where the French gave him asylum. During 1937, Damascus was center for anti-Jewish activities. During this same year, a Nazi delegation went to Syria where a symbiosis was developed that would lead to intensified anti-Jewish sentiment, especially among both German and Arab youth.
Nazi Germany started transmitting in Arabic for the first time in April 1938. Germany thus became an Italian radio surrogate, providing a new programming dimension by the addition of anti-Jewish and anti-British themes broadcast by several prominent Arab exiles, including Rashid Ali El-Ghailani, an ex-prime minister of Iraq, and the Mufti, Al-Husseini.
The Mufti developed a world headquarters in Germany. In an office in Berlin, his activities included: 1. radio propaganda; 2. espionage and fifth column activities in the Middle East; 3. organizing Muslims into military units in Axis-occupied countries and in North Africa and Russia; and 4. establishment of the Arab Legions and the Arab Brigade. These groups were trained by the Nazis and used by them. The Mufti’s radio broadcasts were some of the most violent pro-Axis broadcasts ever produced. He had at least six stations, Berlin, Zeissen, Bari, Rome, Tokyo and Athens. He used these radio broadcasts to tell Muslims across the world to commit acts of sabotage and kill the Jews.
Hitler had made it clear that the project of killing Jews was by no means confined to Europe. As he explained to the Mufti, “his hopes of military victory in Africa and the Middle East would bring about the destruction of Jews in the Arab World.” In November of 1941 Hitler informed the Mufti at a meeting in Berlin that he intended to kill every Jew living in the Arab world, including those in Palestine as well as “Syria, Iraq, Iran, the Arabian peninsula, Egypt, and French Northwest Africa.” Hitler asserted that, in the event of a German advance into the Middle East, the German objective would be the “destruction” of “Judaism” in Palestine.
During 1941, in Mosul, Iraq, pro-Nazi Arab activists continued to propagandize against Jews. In Baghdad, when the war film For Freedom showed in cinemas, audiences cheered Hitler and booed Churchill. Leaflets circulated: “Rashid Ali, the Leader of all the Arabs, is returning with ropes and gallows to hang a number of criminal Jews, Christian traitors and other enemies of Islam.”
October 5, 1943, the Mufti arrived in Frankfort, Germany visiting the Research Institute on the Jewish Problem where he declared that Arabs and Germans were, “Partners and allies in the battle against world Jewry.” The Mufti beamed radio sermons to the Balkans, the countries of North Africa, and the Muslims in India. Arabs in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and Egypt were called upon for Jihad against the British, these statements included the suggestion Muslims could “save their souls by massacring the Jewish infidels” they came across.
In a letter to Himmler, dated September 28, 1944, General Berger of the Waffen S.S. reported: “Today the Mufti came to see me for a long talk. He talked about his work and noted happily that the day is nearing he will head an army to conquer Palestine.” It was during this same year that the Mufti developed an Arab Brigade in 1944 that included Arabs trained in Holland by the Germans.
It was said the Mufti even visited Auschwitz and Maldanek. In both of these death camps, he paid close attention to the efficiency of the crematorium, spoke to the leading personnel and was generous in his praise for those who were reported as particularly conscientious in their work. He was on friendly terms with such notorious practitioners of the “Final Solution” as Rudolf Hess, the overlord of Auschwitz; Franz Zeireis of Mauthausen; Dr. Seidl of Theresienstadt; and Kramer, the butcher of Belsen.
After VE Day, May 8, 1945, Nazi officials were prepared to allow Jews to be diverted from concentration camps and even let children go to Palestine via “illegal” ships — all in exchange for cash. Yet, Al-Husseini insisted they get dispatched to concentration camps. That same year, liberated Yugoslavia sought to indict the Mufti as a war criminal for his activities in Bosnia, but with help from the Nazi SS, the Mufti had already escaped Germany with other members of his clan.”
While it is easy to reinvent history, it is not easy to overlook original first hand documents, tens of thousands which show the Mufti of Jerusalem in bed with Hitler. As Dr. Bernard Lewis of Princeton University recently said, “The Nazi propaganda impact was immense. We see it in Arabic memoirs of the period….”
The fierce anti-Jewish hatred that was exacerbated by the Mufti in the Islamic world, fueled by the German war machine, continues to resonate today throughout the Arab and Persian world. Incitement, instituted decades earlier, remains a root cause of anti-Semitism as well as the reason for hostility toward the State of Israel after its formation. This is the reason why over 900,000 Jewish people, born in Arab counries, were made refugees after 1948. Simply, because while the Nazis were destroyed and the Holocaust ended, the intense hostility instituted during that era lived on — and continues to live on in the Islamic world. of Dhimmitude
Lyn Julius
Jewish Quarterly. No. 197. Spring 2005
Newly independent Iraq gave formal undertakings on minority rights when joining the League of Nations in 1932 – and massacred thousands of Assyrian Christians within the year. Xenophobic nationalism, together with anti-British and anti-French feeling, gave rise to political parties and paramilitary youth movements of the Nazi and fascist type. The German envoy to Iraq, Dr Fritz Grobba, set about disseminating Nazi ideology and anti-Jewish propaganda, reinforcing local prejudice. Dozens of Jews were quietly dismissed (although some were reinstated after the community protested). Laws were gradually brought in to deprive Jews of jobs, then education and, eventually, property, residence and free movement. The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, colluded with the ex-Prime Minister, Rashid Ali, to engineer a pro-Nazi coup, eventually culminating in the farhoud massacre of 1941. For two days and one night of looting, rape and murder, the mob rampaged through Jewish districts of Baghdad. One hundred and seventy Jews were killed.
Naturally, the Palestine question was also to have serious repercussions on the Jewish population. Menahem Salih Daniel, a Baghdad Jewish leader, expressed his misgivings as early as 1922 in a letter to the Secretary of the Zionist Organisation in London (quoted by Nessim Rejwan), even though there had as yet been no active resistance to Zionism:
It is . . . the feeling of every Arab that it is a violation of his legitimate rights, which it is his duty to denounce and fight to the best of his ability. Iraq always having been an active centre of Arab culture and activity, the public mind is always stirred up as regards Palestine.
One Jewess, growing up in the 1930s, recalls how the mob would rampage every anniversary of the Balfour declaration carrying clubs dipped in tar. It fell to a kindly neighbour to shelter her until the mob had passed.
In the 1941 farhoud too, when the forces of law and order failed to come to the Jews’ rescue, the last line of defence was again the kindly neighbour. As Nessim Rejwan writes,
Throughout the disturbances, with a few exceptions, Jewish homes in mixed neighbourhoods were defended and hundreds of Jews were saved by the willingness of their Muslim neighbours to protect them, in some cases at the cost of their own lives.
The broader picture
For the Jews, the 1930s and 1940s were a time of turmoil across the Arab world. Seven years before the farhoud, Jews had been killed in the pogrom of Constantine, Algeria. In Libya, 136 Jews, 36 of them children, were slaughtered in 1945. That same year, bloody riots erupted in Egypt and Aden, as in Syria in 1947.
All these events, targeting civilian communities, predated the creation of Israel. They demonstrated the vulnerability and insecurity to which Jews were exposed up to 50 years ago. Things might have turned out differently – Crown Prince Faisal, later the British-appointed King of Iraq, had signed a pact in 1919 with Chaim Weizmann viewing with sympathy the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine. Instead, Arab ruling elites made Zionism a crime from 1948 onwards, passed discriminatory legislation and whipped up popular feeling against the Jews to distract attention from their illegitimacy, their internal problems and obligations.
The situation today
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the concept of Ottoman pluralism (whatever its limitations) could not be more remote. The Arab world is almost monolithically Muslim and judenrein. Pan-Arab nationalism is a spent force but pan-Islamism is asserting its grip. Those Copts, Assyrians and other groups who have not fled continue to be persecuted and marginalized.
The mass media of the Muslim world pump out a new antisemitism, inspired by Saudi Wahabism, fed by Koranic accounts of Jewish treachery and drawing on every antisemitic motif and conspiracy theory in the book. This antisemitism is a product of the Israel-Arab dispute, but a fight between two nationalisms over the same piece of land has changed, with the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, into an intractable religious conflict. Israel is an affront to the umma: what was once Muslim territory can never become non-Muslim. Palestine must be reconquered by jihad and the Jews revert to their natural status of dhimmitude. Until this alarming religious dimension is addressed and the forces of Islamic militancy subdued, the conflict will be insoluble.…One thousand years before the advent of Islam, Jews in substantial numbers resided in what are today Arab countries. For centuries under Islamic rule, following the Moslem conquest of the region, Jews were considered ‘dhimmi’, or second-class citizens. But they were nonetheless permitted limited religious, educational, professional, and business opportunities.
It is within the last 55 years that the world witnessed the mass displacement of over 850,000 long-time Jewish residents from the totalitarian regimes, the brutal dictatorships and monarchies of Syria, Trans-Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco.
The rise of pan-Arabism and independence movements in the 20th century resulted in an orchestrated, multi-state campaign against Zionism. These states vehemently opposed the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people. Hundreds of thousands of Jews resident in Arab countries were ensnared in this struggle. Tags: "palestine", "palestinians", Al-Husseini, Arab racism, Arabism, Arabism is racism, Arabs, fascism, Hamas, History, hitler, Iraq, Islamic bigotry, Islamism, Islamofascism, Israel, Jerusalem, Jihad, Jihadism, middle east, Mufti, Muslims, Nazis, pan Arabism, racism, terrorism, war on terror
Labels: arabism is racism, fascism, history, Hitler, Mufti, pan Arabism
More revelations on Arab Palestinians fake “victimhood” - Israel’s Gaza toll far lower than Palestinian tally (Pallywood, Jeninitis)
More revelations on Arab Palestinians fake “victimhood” - Israel’s Gaza toll far lower than Palestinian tally (Pallywood, Jeninitis)
Israel’s Gaza toll far lower than Palestinian tally
Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:56am EDT
JERUSALEM, March 26 (Reuters) - Israel says far more armed fighters and far fewer Palestinian civilians were killed during its 22-day offensive in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip in January than reported in widely-used Palestinian figures.
In the first Israeli death tally to appear in an official publication since the Dec 27-Jan 18 war, it said a total of 1,166 Palestinians were killed, not 1,417 as reported by Palestinian human rights activists.
The figures were contained in a briefing paper issued by the public affairs department of the Israeli embassy in London on Wednesday (http://london/mfa/gov/il). They were later confirmed in a press release by the Israeli army.
The tally says 295 civilians lost their lives — about a third of the figure of 926 reported by Gaza’s Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (, which published a full list of names earlier this month.
The army statement, citing data gathered by its research department, said its count was based on “the names of Palestinians killed”. It said at least 709 of the dead in Gaza were armed militants, not 236 as reported by the Palestinians.
The Palestinian group said “255 police and 236 fighters” died in Israeli bombing and shelling — a total of 491.
Israel has made clear it regards police under the control of the Islamist Hamas rulers of Gaza as the equivalent of armed fighters.
The Israeli embassy paper said the “degree of involvement” in the armed conflict of a further 162 killed in its offensive was “still under investigation”. The army statement said they are “162 names of men that have not yet been yet attributed to any organisation”.
It did not say how the list of names was obtained.
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights on Thursday reaffirmed its own figures, saying “extensive investigation and cross-checking .. determined that a total of 1,417 Palestinians died in the offensive” of whom 926 were civilians, including 313 children and 116 women.
The group’s Hamdi Shaqoura told Reuters the centre took a long time and employed great efforts to research the numbers and identities of Palestinians killed.
“We have the numbers and the names of the victims. The process was very well and carefully researched and our numbers reflected the truth,” he said.
“International law regards policemen who are not engaged in fighting as non-combatants or civilians,” he added.
An Israeli security source said the army’s research made clear “about a quarter” of those killed were uninvolved in the fighting “and that’s relatively low on any scale” for conflict in an urban environment.
The source suggested that the Palestinian count may have included death by natural causes during the period, which he said statistically would account for approximately 400 deaths.
Shaqoura said Palestinian researchers made sure not to include deaths caused by “internal events” or natural deaths.
He added: “When speaking about Israeli people, Israel regards all people under 18 years of age as children. But when speaking about the Palestinians Israel lowers the age to 16, in order to provide a cover for its army.”
The central aim of the Israel embassy briefing paper was to reject charges of war crimes by Israeli forces in Gaza from human rights groups.
Human Rights Watch said this week Israel’s use of white phosphorus shells over densely populated Gaza areas was evidence of war crimes, and United Nations investigators said Israel had targeted civilians. Israel rejected both charges.
The embassy paper said there was so far no adequate ethical code of war “to regulate the war on terror” in which “amoral” adversaries flouted the rules of war and used human shields with total indifference to human suffering.
Tags: "palestine", "palestinians", Arabs, cast lead, combatants, free palestine fascism, gaza, Gaza toll, Hamas, Human shields, IAF, IDF, inflating numbers, Islamic Jihad, Islamofascism, Israel, Israelis, Jeninitis, Jews, Jihad, Muslims, Palestinian fake victimhood, palestinians are lies, PALLYWOOD, Qassam, Sderot, so called civilians, Victimhood, war on terror, Zionism, Zionists
Labels: cast lead, fake victims, human shields, inflated numbers, Jeninits, Pallywood
What is bias in the middle east conflict? [March, 2009]
What is bias in the middle east conflict? [March, 2009]
Arabs’ racist killing (specifically) Jews *, is accepted “freedom fighting’'.
Israelis worried of Arab terror *, branded as “racists”.
War crimes, crimes against humanity by Palestinian Arab leadership - regime in Gaza * * * of using Arab civilians, making sure their kids die, for the “greater good (Jihadi-fascism’s goodness) of making Israel look bad…” * * * * * * *, using hospitals *, schools, UN medical vehicles * *, even aid material sent by humanitarian Israel * for murder, targeting at Israeli civilians, - shoved aside, ignored *.
Israel’s humane army’s extreme measures not to hit civilians (including 250,000 warning phone calls to Arab residents to evacuate a particular area designated to be included in an op., knowing full well terrorists can cease the opportunity and flea, as well as risking young soldiers’ lives in going door to door) * * * * aiming only at Hamas terrorists is denounced of “random shooting” and “war crimes”.
[Arab led pressure forcing Israel to conduct] Uprooting Jews from their homes and their ancestors’, AKA Transfer * * AKA Arab Palestinian Apartheid * is “good for peace”.
Transfer of Arabs (who don’t have more than 2 or 3 generations of history in Judea / Israel / Palestine * * * *) is “apartheid, fascist and racist” * (AKA Avigdor Lieberman).
While Hamas or even “Moderate” Fatah refuses to recognize Israel *, international aid is flowing their way.
UN is “busy” condemning Israel * * on whatever is being told (forced) by the global Arab Muslim oil lobby.
Tags: aid, ambulances for terror, AMSWER, ANSWER LA, Anti Israel bigotry, Arab lobby, Arab racism, Arabism, Arabists, Arabs, BBC, bias, biased media, CNN, crimes against humanity, EU, Fatah, foreign policy, Free Gaza Boat, Gaza, Gaza war, Gush Katif, human shields, IAF, IDF, Islamic Bigotry, Islamic Jihad, Islamic Lobby, Islamism, Islamofascism, Israel, Israel's humane army, Israelis, Jews, Jihad, media bias, Middle East, MSNBC, Muslims, oil, oil lobby, Palestine, Palestinians, Pallywood, panarabism, PLO, Politics, propaganda, Qassam, Sderot, The Guardian, UN, War crimes, war on terror, Yesha, Zionism, Zonists
Labels: media bias
Terrorists - justifier Rashid Khalidi has a “new” book - yet he’s the same old “average Arab racist”
Terrorists - justifier Rashid Khalidi has a “new” book - yet he’s the same old “average Arab racist”
Rashid Khalidi (on c-span 2, books) (Author: ‘Sowing Crisis’) wants us to believe that Islamic republic of Iran is “not” linked to the terror organizations: Hamas, Hezbollah and that these groups have “legitimate” concerns.
Desperate as he is to act as if he’s on a ‘research’ row and making a show of someone who’s really “looking at the region from a broader angle”, he did talk at first quite smoothly, dancing around and mentioning “other” problems we the USA have (supposedly) created in the region, like Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran (no, he didn’t mention Carter’s role in indirectly overthrowing the Shah, that led to the current Islamofascistic totalitarianism), you almost thought that Rashid might really be an academic, in the real sense of the word.
But as an average Arab Muslim “academic” he can never escape his burning Arab-racism against the Jews, though polishing his way to the maximum, he had to come to his essential venomous point, all in all, his punch line is really, the same old hateful cliche theme, “It’s all Israel’s fault”, especially towards the end, when he was asked some questions, you could see how he was “lit” as if by a switch that turns on the Arab “moderates” hatred flames - they can never seem to resist, and fall into it each and every time.
To his credit, most Arab propagandists are less patient… you don’t have to wait even that long to see their outbursts.
It was a small room, filled by either Arabs, or the gullible, one Arab “American” journalist is even a brazen open Jihadists-Hamas-Hezbollah supporter, none has asked about his propaganda statement that
Iran fears Israel’s nukes - as a “reason” for why they might be pursuing nuclear weapons, no one has asked the obvious: Did (democratic) Israel ever threaten to wipe out (oppressive) Iran like the Islamic fascist genocidal Republic did? or did Israel ever attack Iran like Iran attacked Israel via Hezbullah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad?
Never mind his Pro-Jihad statement defending Hamas, Hezbollah, portraying them as “political” movements with “concerns”, and no one was refuting him - pointing to the true nature of these Jihadists that openly declare their real goal - to erase Israel.
If you were to turn in towards the end, all you could hear is repeated word “occupation”, more than a few times… (as you know), all crimes under the sun are all washed by this excuse, used by the children of Arab immigrants,
(that have invaded the land of Israel - “Palestine,” since the 1800’s), and is being heard by him, as by any Arab “journalist” like a spiral.
Related:Khalidi’s New Book and Old Story Archive: Columbia Watch: Rashid Khalidi On the other hand, this is Rashid Khalidi, and he does represent Columbia … . Rashid Khalidi’s Appointment at Columbia University… 20, 2009 … Hamas’s Academic Cheerleaders [incl. Hamid Dabashi, Rashid Khalidi, Fawaz Gerges, Joseph Massad, Muqtedar Khan, Mark LeVine, et al. Camera-Ready Victims [incl. Rashid Khalidi]: Hamas practices human sacrifice; the world shrugs. - Campus Watch.
Tags: Israel, Palestinians, Palestine, war on terror, Jihad, Islamofascism, Muslims, terrorism, Gaza, Arabs, Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, PLO, History, Arab racism, Conflict, genocide, US, Pallywood, Middle East, propaganda, human shields, UN, Iran, nukes, Islamic Bigotry, foreign policy, wiping off map, Rashid Khalidi, Khalidi, c-span, books, Columbia University, Arab academics, human rights for Israelis
Labels: Arab academia, on campus, Pallywood, Rashid Khalidi
Never confuse between us going after terrorists-mass murderers, and them going after our babies.
Israel, the gem in the jungle.
Free Israel from Goliath Islamo Arab persecution, incitement & vilification in their vast media & school textbooks, in the UN, and in physical terror on Israeli babies.
Each time Islamists murder a baby in Israel, they mean you and me.
Funny creed Islamists, you can bomb own Mosques in the name of Islam, butcher own brothers & sisters or masses of the infidels in the name of Islam, but no, you can't have a comic little cartoon.
In the most "moderate" Arab Muslim regime, women are still treated as cattle, and non Muslims considered second [dhimmi] or worse class of 'human beings'.
When Arab Muslim 'Palestinians' will start liking their own kids at least as Israeli Zionists are worried for Arabs' well being, peace has a chance.
Arab Muslims serve proudly in democratic Israeli fee for all equal for all parliament, but an Israeli Jew needs armed guard just to pass by a street in "Palestinian" Arab Muslim controlled area - hell on earth.
What "land" did Arab Muslim (then not called yet by term:) "Palestinians" seek to "free" since their 1929 & thereafter continuous massacres on Jews in the holyland?
Almost everybody knows Mark Twain's famous description of the desolation in Palestine during his 1867 journey to the Holy Land: "There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent - not for thirty miles in either direction." - So much for the myth of 'native palestinian Arabs'.
Arab Muslim Terrorism came before that "occupation" fake excuse.
Free Arab Muslim Palestinian children from their terrible parents that only use them as bombs and as shields.
A criminal "society" (palestinian) so low that shoots it's own kids (like Muhammad Al Dura in Ramallah, killing Arab kids in Rafah & others or putting them in front of their firing machine guns) only to tarnish Israeli police good guys, needs a shaking change from top to bottom.
... As palestinian horrific Hamas said (2002 Cartoon): 'Our "struggle" with Israel is only PART of our overall STRUGGLE with the WEST".
Free world from Arab Muslim OIL Mafia of brutal tyrants, sucking us to the bone.
Amazing how "white" Neo/old-nazis will so hypocritically act as IF they 'sympathize' with "brown" palestinian Islamic terrorists murderers, and even justify them, all for that goal to bash Israel, that they so envy it's higher morality.
If the Arab "Palestinian" parents would care about their kids as much as the Israeli compassionate soldiers do, peace would have a chance!
As 'Palestinian' "spiritual" leaders of Islamic Hamas said to Israel: You choose and value life, we value & prefer death!
The palestinian Hamas & Jihad is worse -- in a way -- than other Jihadists that they often use their kids as human bombs.
"Israel is like a kid who's parents were burned in the ovens, learned martial arts and will defend himself." (Michael Savage)
Only four types of individuals can deny the threat to civilization posed by the violence-supporting segment of Islam: the willfully naive, America-haters, Jew-haters and those afraid to confront evil. (
To the Arab Muslim anti-Israel propagandist:
1) Are you denying that the Arab racist attacks on Jews in Israel/"palestine" has started since 1838 (Safed) [so were the attacks in 1883, 1920, 1921, 1929 - Hebron, etc.]?
2) Had Israel be a (mostly) Arab-Muslim State, would the intolerant Arab-Muslim Goliath world not accept them?
3) Why is there a complete silence on the historical fact of Arab immigration late 1800s early 1900s into Israel/"palestine"?
4) What anti-Israel bigotry is stronger, the "Arab racism"; factor? or the 'Islamic-Jihad' factor?
5) 'Moral equivalence' Do you have Arab activists on behalf of Israeli victims, just like you have Jewish, Israeli, Zionists activists for the (so called) 'Palestinian cause' (whatever that is...)?
6) If humane Israel would really go after "unarmed poor palestinians" as the 'Pallwood' propagandists tell us, How many Arabs would have survived Israel's might?
7) Who's more at fault, the Arab Muslim "Palestinians" parents pushing for Shahid-isim, or the indoctrinating Mullahs, Imams in the holy Mosques for using "Palestinian" kids and women as human bombs and as human shields (so they can blame the Zionists when Arab kids die)?
8) What would have happened if Arab Muslim "Palestinians" would have invested as much energy in rebuilding their lives as they do in destroying both nations' lives in fascistic Jihad, total hatred and campaign for GENOCIDE [to "drink the blood of the Jews" or to "push them all to the sea", or to "wipe them off of map"]?
9) Why does "bad" IDF Israeli army announce an area residents' civilians to evacuate before an operation against terrorists?
10) Why did Humane Israel's IDF invented specially low range missiles designed to hit ONLY the [terror] target and minimize collateral damage?
11) When was the last time the "Palestinian" well oil-ed propaganda machine has retracted [or even apologized] for it's usual PALLYWOOD fake images industry?
12) What's the difference between a Christian in Indonesia, Buddhist in Thailand, Christian in Nigeria, in Philippines, Australians in Bali (2002), non Muslims in London (0707/2005), in Madrid (bombing), "not the-right-kind-of-Muslims" in Shiite-Sunni hateful massacres in Iraq, oppression & massacres in the "Islamic Republic of Iran", and Israeli victims of the same "evil ideology"?
13) What's a harder oppression, your "average" Arab Muslim regime's on it's own people, Hamas-tan Islamic Apartheid [which most "Palestinians" supported!] on non Muslims, or the pro-Jihad parents' on their kids?
14) What would have happened if at least ONE Arab Muslim nation [regular or oil-ed one] would really care about the Arab [brothers, that since the 1960's started to call themselves as] "Palestinians" and let them get off the terror slum into normality and even prosperity?
15) What part of 'BLIND FASCISM' do Arab-Muslims deny, the usual obsessed anti Israel demonization [no matter what Israel does] or the reluctance to see Israel's super kind gestures for those that are trying to kill them [releases from prison, giving away own land vital to it's security, humanitarian aid, etc.] not as goodness but as "weakness"?
16) Why is it that when Islamists terrorists [Hamas or Hezbullah, Islamic Jihad, etc.] succeed in making sure Arab kids die [with their known tactics of cowardly firing among or behind children, etc.] the Arabs, Muslims rejoice and the Israelis, Jews are saddened ?
16) How can land be an issue [or the blatant lies the Arab lobby's financed: Jimmy Carter has said, though he admitted that Israel is a great equal democracy for all, Arabs and Jews alike!'] if "moderate" Palestinian official government still has venomous hatred and pro 'death cult' in it's regular curriculum and on it's official TV, or that such "moderate" Arab media outlets [like Al Jazeera] still glorify mass murder as "martyrdom"?
17) Who's more powerful, the Arab Muslim Goliath Oil mafia "lobby" on the world or a Chinese, Italian, Israeli, Irish, pharmaceutical, cigarettes lobbyist in Washington?
18) Had the International Arab Muslim lobby of nations in the UN [or the EU] not threatened other nations to bash Israel 24/7 [motivated by intolerance only!], What would be then the outcome?
- Most Muslims have "theories" about 9/11 Islamists' massacre.
- 99.99% of Muslims that "denounce" [if at all] Islamic terror massacres on non Muslims, imply the word "but".
- Most Arabs are so racist, most Muslims are so intolerant, they just can't bring themselves to be grateful to the US for rescuing Iraqi Arab men, women & children from the butcher & torturer of Baghdad: Saddam Hussein.
- There was not one shred of gratitude from any known Muslim leader or group for US & Europe's rescuing of Bosnian Muslims in the 1990's, but more anti west sentiments instead.
- There was not one declaration of thank you from any known Muslim leader or organization for US saving of Somali Muslims in the 1990's, on the contrary, only more hatred from them.
- Virtually all of the minorities are persecuted in the entire Muslim world: Christians, Druze, Kurds, Ahwazi Arabs, Marsh Arabs, Jews, Berbers, non-Arab Africans in the Sudan [by racist Arab militias in cooperation with Sudanese Islamic government], non-Arab Africans in Mauritania, Nubians, Copts, Assyrians, Maronites, Chinese in Indonesia, etc.
- Did one [mainstream] single Muslim cleric come up and say that the Koranic term [reminder, only Islamists kill, torture in the name of religion & book] 'apes & pigs', the Islamists call the non Muslims, are not to be followed?
- While [not only most Jews or even most Israelis, but even] most Zionist Jews sympathize with Arab 'Palestinian' fallen unintentionally in the war on terror, almost all Arabs & Muslims demonize Israeli victims of intentional Arab-Muslims violent crimes against humanity.
- While Arabs live in Israel not only just better & more free [women voting, real free speech, etc.] than in all of their own regimes, but treated often as first class citizens ahead of Israeli Jews (courts, land issues, etc.), Jews, however, are either not allowed to live in certain Arab countries [apartheid, ethnic cleansing, etc. Syria even denies any entry for a Jew,] or persecuted in most Arab countries.
- Which Arab Muslim nation is exempt of the epidemic of criminal 'honor killing'?
- If Pro terror Muslim organizations like CAIR [ ] is defined as "moderate", what would one call their mainstream?
- Roughly 90% of Arabs polled, have a negative view on all Jews [not just being 'anti-Zionism', whatever that means], even in such [so called 'moderate'] countries like: Jordan.
- "White" Hitler's 'MeinKampf' is translated into Arabic, available on the "brown" Arab market, what for?
- What's the interest in "brown" Arab nations' inviting "white" KKK members to speak?
- Do you know of any Muslim group that has joined the efforts of Christian/Jewish action to prevent the racist genocide by Arab Muslims in Sudan upon native black Muslims?
- Has any Arab media issued an apology for inciting the bloody "intifada" [2000] via lying images, such as of Muhammad Al dura, which as we all know by now, was killed by Arabs themselves [who knows how many more]? or has anyone of them run the true version of stories?
- Which Arab, Muslim nation is exempt from the crime of libel against Israel's struggle for survival with outrageous drama "accusations" & horrific twisted around definitions in the UN [reaching it's peak with their racist resolution in Durban - 2000, hypocritically calling it "against racism"]?
- How many Arabs, Muslims, have declared openly that the 'Palestinian' Arab Muslim cult of using it's kids as human bombs and as human shields in their war against Israeli civilians, is totally immoral?
- Not one Muslim group has come up against and declared that a collective boycott of an entire nation such as Denmark (2006, because they were upset with a few cartoonists that happened to be Danes) is racism.
- While most Arab, most Muslims couldn't care less what happens with the [so called] "Palestinian" Arab Muslims, they do use them as pawns in their fascist war [physical, propaganda, economic & in the UN] against the non Arab, non Muslim "island" in their neighborhood, i.e. Israel.
- While Arab, Muslims leaders chased out, in 1948, most of the [so called] "Palestinian" refugees, with bragging "promises" of "victory" & ethnic cleansing the Jews out of Israel, they put them in camps, never let Israel to improve their conditions, so to use them as pawns in their fascist war against the non Arab, non Muslim "island" in their neighborhood, i.e. Israel.
- Most Arab Muslim media draws Israel so vile, as in the WWII type of Nazi cartoon drive [the other unfunny ironic part is, they pick the non-Zionist Jew image, hypocrisy, again, fascism, again].
- Most Muslims wishwash the facsistic Muslims' torture and cold blooded murder of innocent people that just happened to be Jewish, like: Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, Ilan Halimi.
- Did you hear one mainstream Arab Muslim leader or groups denuncing the Islamic Hitler of Iran's calls for annihilation of an entire nation, calling for a new Holocaust while denying the previous one and his calls for death to: US & the UK? [PS, he just made a tour (May-2006) among "moderate" Muslim nations that only cheered him on.
- Exactly How many Muslims or Muslim organizations [that are so worry about their image or of their 'prophet's] have protested against the masses of Muslims on the 'Cartoon -Jihad' rampage (2006), calling Europe a cancer and threatening a "9/11" on Europe?
- Not one of the few courageous Muslims that speak out for real overall reform, for disliking westerners, for sympathy for Israel the victim, for about [all] Muslims regimes' crimes on their own people, have been shielded from any major Muslim organization (including such as CAIR -, from the menace of death threats Fatwas by Muslim clerics.
Let's make it clear, even if there will be a "Palestine" state, it will
never change the factual history, that a group of foreign Arab immigrants came
into the (historic) land of the Jews (and started to call themselves as "Palestinians"
in the 1960's) and hijacked the world comunity via terrorism and
Arab oil power to give them yet a second 'Palestine' state (after Jordan).
Israel should have [a long time ago] press the UN for:
1) Condemming Arab Muslim 'Palestinian' parents, teachers, leaders, Mullahs, for using Arab kids as human shields and as human bombs, clarifying the real culprits in Arabs' deaths.
2) Violations by ILLEGAL PA Arabs "settlers" on Israel's "agreed" borders by the UN.
3) "Palestinian" Violation of virtually ALL agreemants pacts with Israel (Oslo, Camp David, etc.).
4) The PA official media & education = hate (crimes) campaign on "the joos", (not just on Israel...).
5) Exposing the constant intimdation on nations by the GOLIATH ARAB MUSLIM (oil) block, to tarnish innocent Israel in the UN.
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