In September three jetliners-- one American, one British and one Swiss-- were hijacked by Palestinian Arabs to Jordan. The passengers were held hostage. This action further undermined the sovereignty of King Hussein's government. The King decided to take action and fighting broke out between the Jordanian Army and the Palestine Liberation Organization. The Syrians attempted to intervene on the side of the P.L.O. but Israel warned that they, too, would then intervene. The Jordanian army defeated the P.L.O. whose forces fled to Lebanon.
Black September, The PLO's attempt to take over Jordan in 1970...remembers the events of Black September as the operation in which the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan decisively eliminated a Palestinian 'uprising'...
Jordan Expels the PLO in 1970 By 1970, Palestinians, both Jordanian citizens and refugees, ... attacks to push the PLO out of Jordan, attacks now called "Black September" by the PLO. ...
BBC NEWS World Middle East Black September plea to Israel, Palestinian guerrillas, orignally allowed into Jordan by King Hussein, ... For the full secret history of the UK's involvement in Black September...
Black September in August? - TIME In September 1970, Abu Iyad first launched the Black September terrorist group as a ... that year between Palestinian fedayeen and Jordan's King Hussein, ...,9171,949327,00.html
Jordan killed Palestinians between 10,000 to 25,000 that's more Palestinians in one month September 1970, than Israel has killed during the three years of heighten Palestinian suicide bombings that began in the fall of 2000. The brutality of the Jordanian Army toward Palestinian dissidents and terrorists was far more egregious than anything Israel has ever done.
This clash within Islamic countries between Islamist religious forces and modernizers like Kemal Atatuerk in Turkey, Habib Burgiba in Tunisia, Gemal Abdel Nasser, Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarek in Egypt, the deposed Reza Shah Pahlavi in Iran, and even Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and Islamist religious forces is long, deep and powerful. The modernizers in these countries have usually come from military rather than civilian backgrounds, and by transforming one of the few intact institutions of the old regime – namely the military bureaucracy – into an instrument of political power and hegemony, they have consolidated their authority, often with limited popular support and democratic institutions. All over the Islamic Arab world this military modernization paradigm, in which Syria and Iraq had participated through the Ba’ath regimes in the nineteen-seventies, has lost ground. The defeat of the Egyptian armies in the hands of Israel during the Six Day War, the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights and the west Bank, are reminders to the military elite of these countries, less of the plight of the Palestinians, whom they have massacred and oppressed when it suited their interests (remember Black September in Jordan in 1970, in which Palestinians were killed by the thousands; or the persecution of the Palestinians by the Saudis because of their support for Saddam Hussein during the Gulf War), but of the failure of their own truncated projects of modernization. Israel is a thorn on the side of these regimes, whose very presence is a bleeding reminder of their own failure to modernize in military, technological and economic terms.
The guerrillas' power grew steadily in Jordan, to which 380,000 Palestinians had fled after Israel occupied the West Bank in 1967, joining others who had arrived in 1948 when Israel was founded. By 1970, thousands of guerrillas were there, many of them adherents of Al Fatah.
Spurred on by Palestinian radicals, Mr. Arafat committed what was to be the first of several blunders: He countenanced an attempt to wrest power from King Hussein, whose grandfather, a religious and tribal leader from Saudi Arabia, had been placed in charge of the country when Britain recognized its independence in 1923.
Palestinian guerrillas began interfering with highway traffic, controlling Palestinian refugee camps, clashing with the Jordanian Army and systematically defying the government. In September 1970 -- later known to Palestinians as Black September -- King Hussein sent troops and armor into Amman, his capital, to suppress the P.L.O. After days of shelling refugee camps where some 60,000 Palestinians lived, the army drove the would-be usurpers out of Jordan.
Conservative estimates put Palestinian losses at 2,000. Mr. Arafat, who made his way unharmed to Cairo, later claimed that Jordan's Army had killed 25,000.
Terror in Black September: The First Eyewitness Account of the Infamous 1970 Hijackings
Thirty-seven years ago on September 6, Palestinian revolutionaries hijacked four airliners bound for New York. Two of the planes were flown to the desert outside of Amman, Jordan, and held there just as the Jordanian civil war erupted. Raab, a health-care executive, was a 17-year-old hostage on one of those planes, and he recounts the ordeal, which resulted in his being separated from his family and dragged back and forth across Jordan for weeks in fear for his life. Raab also attempts to narrate the larger story, from the tense, fractious multinational negotiations over the hostages to the conflict between the Jordanian army and the Palestinian guerrillas. It is an ambitious undertaking, one that Raab lacks the craft to achieve.
While the book is painstakingly researched, the writing rarely comes alive, even in the most dramatic situations. The various sources—including Raab's account that he wrote soon after his release—seem to be stuck together rather than shaped. Still, much of the material is intrinsically fascinating and a sad reminder of how much and how little has changed. Four hijacking attempts in one day was a record that would stand alone for 31 years, until another September day in 2001. (Sept.)
Aaron Mannes on 9/11 on National Review Online, To avenge the expulsion from Jordan the PLO founded a secretive front group, Black September. Black September’s first victim was Jordanian Prime Minister ...
http :// q=ZmMwM2U5YzJmYjczNjUxYzUzNjBiY2VlZjcxODc5YWQ=
Technorati - 'palestinian' terrorism Munich massacre Black September 'palestinians' Israel IDF 'palestinian' Apartheid Zionism Anti Israel bigotry Islamic Apartheid War on terror Terror victims 'palestinian' propaganda jihad Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Jews IDF Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Civilwar Arabs MuslimsJihad Terrorism Fatah non-Muslims Christians Hamas Gaza Terrorism Islamofascism Jerusalem Muslims
Labels: Black September, history, Jordan
'Palestinian' Islamic Apartheid Persecution of Christians [Updated Aug. 2008]
'Palestinian' Islamic Apartheid Persecution of Christians [Updated Aug. 2008]Arab Muslim Palestinians' Persecution of Christians
Arab "Palestinian" Christians have been suffering and STILL suffer from Arab "Palestinian" Muslim majority.
Just like the Arab Christian Lebanese in "Damour" (Yasir Arafat´s Planned Christian Genocide , Hobeika - Damour, where "Palestinian" Muslims massacred Christians senselessly, which brought the reprisal by Arab Christians upon Arab "Palestinian" Muslims in Sabra & shatila.
The Islamization of Bethlehem that has started by Yasser Arafat has forced Christians out.
The "Palestinian" Christians are forced to join the senseless criminal violence against Israeli victims, otherwise they are threatened.
Some Arab "Palestinians" that might be Christian won't admit the awful truth openly, that scared they are!
But some find courage to break the ranks like:, a "Palestinian" Arab (former terrorist) who converted from Islam, terrorism, hatred & bloodshed to Christianity.Which is why he advocates now for Israel the real victim, exposes the lies and incitement he was exposed to while being Muslim.
Also see:
The truth about Christians in 'Palestine'
Christian persecution by Arafat
The Islamization of Bethlehem by Yassir Arafat
Palestinian Authority's Treatment of Christians
The Beleaguered Christians of the Palestinian-Controlled Areas, by ...Palestinian Christians have suffered as dhimmis for centuries. ...
Christians Fleeing Palestinian Controlled Areas In addition to the economic decline, there were several cases of physical attacks on Christians in Gaza, influenced by Islamist incitement against Israel ...
Fact Sheets #59: Christians in the Palestinian Authority “The Islamic people want to kill us. That’s their principle and belief. ... Relations between Palestinian Christians and Muslims have deteriorated in the ...
Palestinian Christians: Victims, Not Partners
Human Events, Feb 16, 2004 by Spencer, Robert
E-mail Print Link This week the Chicago Tribune prefaced a series of articles on Islam, including one about how radical Muslims gained control of a large Chicago-area mosque, by reassuring readers that "Islam, the world's fastest-growing religion, preaches tolerance, non-violence and respect for human life."
But this week I interviewed Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist who has become a Christian and has recently been speaking out against jihad ideology. He confirmed something I discussed in Onward Muslim Soldiers: that this talk of tolerance and non-violence is often cultivated by radical Muslims as part of a larger tactical strategy.
Local Muslims say outreach needed Polls find negative view of Islam In the Palestinian Authority, this strategy involved the co-opting of the embattled Palestinian Christian minority into the larger jihadist agenda. With Christians, Shoebat explains "we saw a need for unity." Palestinian Christians were happy to oblige. Most Palestinian Christians, says Shoebat, were "educated on Replacement Theology, in which God was done with Israel and Jews. They were in turn supportive of the Palestinian cause to liberate all Palestine."
"Palestinians" burn Christian village (Published - 2005)
Sep 13, 2005 ... World silent after Muslim gang attacks ‘Palestinian’ Christian village ... "And if it's not the members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad, ...
Houses torched as Muslim -Christian tensions flare. AKI, 6 Sept 2005
Honour killing feud exposes rift between Palestinian Muslims and Christians LARA SUKHTIAN (AP), 7 Sept 2005
Homes razed in mob fury at couple's 'affair'
Chris McGreal in Jerusalem, 5 September 2005,2763,1562709,00.html
Muslims ransack Christian village
By Khaled Abu Toameh, 6 Sept 2005
'Islamic mafia' accused of persecuting Holy Land Christians (09 2005)
Denial of Religious Rights by the Palestinian Authority Not just Jews, but Christians have also been victimized by Islamic intolerance for 'infidel' holy sites.
Dhimmi Watch: Fitzgerald: IslamoChristians and Bethlehem
The Pogrom on Christians
Anti Christian
Palestinians burn West Bank YMCA Follows Muslim warnings for Christian group
YMCA warned to vacate Hamas town
Persecuting the Holy Land's Christians ...
Expert: 'Christian groups in PA to disappear'
The ever-dwindling Christian communities living in Palestinian-run territories in the West Bank and Gaza are likely to dissipate completely within the next 15 years as a result of increasing Muslim persecution and maltreatment, an Israeli scholar said Monday.
Flames are seen at the entrance of an Anglican church hit by a firebomb in Nablus.
Slideshow: Pictures of the week "The systematic persecution of Christian Arabs living in Palestinian areas is being met with nearly total silence by the international community, human rights activists, the media and NGOs," said Justus Reid Weiner, an international human rights lawyer in an address at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, where he serves as a scholar in residence.
He cited Muslim harassment and persecution as the main cause of the "acute human rights crisis" facing Christian Arabs, and predicted that unless governments or institutions step in to remedy the situation - such as with job opportunities - there will be no more Christian communities living in the Palestinians territories within 15 years, with only a few Western Christians and top clergymen left in the area.
"Christian leaders are being forced to abandon their followers to the forces of radical Islam," Weiner said...
O, Muslim town of Bethlehem (muslim persecution of Bethlehem's Christians)
The situation has become so desperate that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor, the head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, are to lead a joint delegation to Bethlehem this week to express their solidarity with the beleaguered Christian populace. The town, according to the Cardinal, is being "steadily strangled". The sense of a creeping Islamic fundamentalism is all around in Bethlehem. A mosque on one side of Manger Square stands directly opposite the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches, while in the evening the muezzin's call to prayer clashes with the peal of church bells. Shops selling Santa Claus outfits and mother-of-pearl statuettes of the Virgin Mary have their shutters painted a sun-bleached green, the colour of Islam. And in the Al-Jacir Palace, Bethlehem's only luxury hotel, there is a baubled Christmas tree in reception and a card showing the direction of Mecca in the rooms.
George Rabie, a 22-year-old taxi driver from the Bethlehem suburb of Beit Jala, is proud of his Christianity, even though it puts him in daily danger. Two months ago, he was beaten up by a gang of Muslims who were visiting Bethlehem from nearby Hebron and who had spotted the crucifix hanging on his windscreen. "Every day, I experience discrimination," he says. " "It is a type of racism. We are a minority so we are an easier target. Many extremists from the villages are coming into Bethlehem." Jeriez Moussa Amaro, a 27-year-old aluminium craftsman from Beit Jala is another with first-hand experience of the appalling violence that Christians face. Five years ago, his two sisters, Rada, 24, and Dunya, 18, were shot dead by Muslim gunmen in their own home. Their crime was to be young, attractive Christian women who wore Western clothes and no veil. Rada had been sleeping with a Muslim man in the months before her death.
A terrorist organisation, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, issued a statement claiming responsibility, which said: "We wanted to clean the Palestinian house of prostitutes." Jeriez says: "A Christian man is weak compared to a Muslim man. "They have bigger, more powerful families and they know people high up in the Palestinian authority." The fear of attack has prompted many Christian families to emigrate, including Mr Canawati's sister, her husband and their three children who now live in New Jersey in America. "I want to leave but nobody will buy my business," Mr Canawati says. "I feel trapped. We are isolated." This isolation was heightened when, last year, Bethlehem found itself behind Israel's security wall, a 400-mile-long concrete barrier which separates Jewish and Palestinian areas and is designed to stop suicide bombers - in 2004, half the Israeli fatalities caused by such attacks were committed by extremists from Bethlehem. Last year, tourists trying to get to the town were forced to queue for hours as their papers were checked, while Bethlehem inhabitants going the other way must now apply for an infrequently granted permit to visit Jerusalem, barely ten minutes away by car. "It is like living in a prison," says Shadt Abu-Ayash, a 29-year-old Roman Catholic shopkeeper. The Roman Catholic Mayor of Bethlehem, Dr Victor Batarseh, says: "The political situation in Lebanon and the instability of politics in Palestine has affected tourism and pilgrimage. "Hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops are owned by mostly Christians so it affects them badly. "We have 65 per cent unemployment and about 2,000 bedrooms in hotels that are empty." Bethlehem's hotel owners estimate that tourist numbers have dropped sharply, from 91,276 each month for the millennium celebrations in 2000 to little more than 1,500 a month now.
During the past six years, 50 restaurants, 28 hotels and 240 souvenir shops have closed. Samir Qumsieh is general manager of Al-Mahed - Nativity - which is the only Christian television station in Bethlehem. He has had death threats and visits from armed men demanding three acres of his land - and he is now ready to leave. "As Christians, we have no future here," he says. "We are melting away. Next summer I will leave this country to go to the States. How can I continue? "I would rather have a beautiful dream in my head about what my home is like, not the nightmare of the reality."
Muslim Palestinians attack Churches & News agency
Catholic Palestinians downplay Muslim attacks on Christian ... Catholic Online, CA - JERUSALEM (CNS) – Christian Palestinians tried to downplay the significance of Muslim attacks on seven Christian churches in the West Bank and Gaza in ...
Palestinians attack more West Bank churches Reuters AlertNet
Masked Palestinians Attack News Agency All Headline News - Jerusalem, Israel (AHN) - Masked Palestinians Tuesday stormed the central Gaza offices of the official Palestinian Authority news agency, WAFA, destroying all ...
'Palestinian' Militants who in a statement, posted in the name of the Holy Jihad Vow to Target Non-Muslims or infidels to abduct & kill any non-Muslims who visit the 'Palestinian' territories , unless their demands are met.
Related on 'Islamic apartheid'
The largest practitioner of apartheid on the planet is Islam, in terms of both religious apartheid and gender apartheid
'Convert or Die' - 'Palestinians'
Two journalists Steve Centanni & Olaf Wiig kidnapped by Islamic Palestinians 'Holy Jihad Brigades' were forced to convert to Islam at gun point.

Before the journalists' release, a new video was released, showing Wiig and Centanni dressed in beige Arab-style robes. The kidnappers claimed both men had converted to Islam. "We were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint,"...,2933,210767,00.html
Steve Centanni, 60, an American correspondent, and his freelance cameraman Olaf Wiig ... "Then they forced us to convert to Islam at gunpoint," said Centanni. ...
Officials: Hamas forcibly converted Christian woman to Islam. Gaza-based professor goes missing for weeks, indicates she is abducted, then surfaces a Muslim ...,7340,L-3434253,00.html
'Hamas forced professor to convert' Middle East Jerusalem Post Aug 5, 2007 ... Hamas officials strongly denied that they had forced the professor to convert to Islam and accused Fatah of spreading lies designed to ...
INTERNATIONAL DIGEST: Gaza Christian kidnapped, forced to marry Muslim; ...
Posted on Aug 14, 2007 by Mark Kelly NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--A Christian university professor in Gaza was kidnapped, forced to marry a Muslim professor at the same university and now her family is being told she wants no contact with them unless they convert to Islam.
Sana al-Sayegh, head of the Science and Technology Department at Gaza City's Palestine International University, disappeared June 24, according to Palestinian Authority officials and the woman's family. Five days later, she contacted her family to say she was being held against her will so she could be married to a Muslim man.
January 2007, Nazareth Muslims: 'Islam will dominate the world', March through town... 'meant to intimidate Christians'
Driving the Christians out
Source: The Jerusalem Post
Jan 25, 2007
A few decades ago Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, was a thriving town, a tourist magnet and a majority Christian town.
Today barely 15 percent of the population is Christian, and according to one of them, "every day we hear of another Christian family that has immigrated to the US, Canada or Latin America."
"I believe," said another, "that 15 years from now there will be no Christians left in Bethlehem. Then you will need a torch to find a Christian here."
The disappearance of Bethlehem's Christian Arabs is not a natural phenomenon; it is the consequence of a concerted effort to bring that potent sympbol of Christendom into submission to Islam.
Resorting to violence, terrorism, brazen land-theft and massive abuse of power, Muslim Arab civilians and Muslim members of the Palestinian Authority are effectively and purposefully driving the Christians away.
No-one cares about the plight of Bethlehem's Christians. And knowing the consequences of themselves publicising the abuse they face, most keep quiet, make their plans, and slip quietly away.
Soon only Muslims will benefit from whatever interest the Christian world retains in Bethlehem.
'Christians must accept Islamic rule' - Israel News, Ynetnews
Ynet News: Militant leader in Gaza says missionaries will be 'dealt with harshly,' demands women wear headscarfs.
israelinsider: Briefs: Gaza Jihadis justify attack on school ...
Gaza Jihadis justify attack on school, blaming UN "Christian missionaries".
Published: May 9, 2007 ...
Gaza’s Christian Arabs Living in Fear
Bombs hit Christian bookstore, two Internet cafes in Gaza City …Bombs hit Christian bookstore, two Internet cafes in Gaza City-News and commentary … 11:17 Senior Hamas official: Suicide bombers ruined past peace bids …
Reuters AlertNet - Bombs hit Christian bookshop, Internet cafe in GazaGAZA, April 15 (Reuters) - Bombs damaged a Christian bookstore and an Internet … Elsewhere in Gaza City, a bomb destroyed an Internet cafe, police said.
Christians warned: Accept Islamic lawAsked if Hamas is seeking to impose hard-line Islamic law on the Palestinians, al-Zahar responded, … Christian bookstore bombed by terrorists …
Gaza’s Christians under the Islamic gun Jun 19, 2007 ... There are not very many of them, but Gaza’s Christians are already being singled out for special treatment in the newly-created “Hamastan” ...
Washington Times - Hamas control has Gaza's Christians on edge Jun 27, 2007 ... THE WASHINGTON TIMES TEL AVIV — The future of a tiny Christian community in the Gaza Strip is in doubt after the takeover of Gaza by the ...
Palestinian Christian activist stabbed to death in Gaza - Haaretz ...Oct 10, 2007 ... A Palestinian Christian activist who had received repeated death threats was ... The Interior Ministry run by Gaza's Islamic militant Hamas ...
Gaza Christians warned to submit to Islam Jun 19, 2007 .... Gaza-based Muslim groups affiliated with Hamas and possibly Al Qaeda have warned local Christians ...
Palestinian Christians fear... Yet Palestinian Christians are also "afraid that Palestine might become an Islamic state", this according to the nuns of Bethlehem's Baby Caritas Hospital, ...
Reuters lies about why Christians are fleeing PA areas Reuters on Monday reported matter-of-factly that Israeli oppression is fueling a Christian exodus from Palestinian Authority-controlled areas, ...
CAMERA: Reuters fails to root out facts on Palestinian Christians Mar 12, 2007 ... But it’s another matter entirely to read that Palestinian Christians are also free from persecution at the hands of their Muslim neighbors, ...
Palestinians burn West Bank YMCA Follows Muslim warnings for Christian group to leave Hamas-controlled town or see violence …
Palestinians torch Qalqilya YMCA - Israel News, Palestinians torch Qalqilya YMCA. Prior to attack, Christian groups warned to vacate Hamas-controlled West Bank town; identities of attackers known to local …,7340,L-3302162,00.html Christian Monastery Attacked in Gaza During the recent fighting in Gaza between Hamas and Fatah, the Christian community in Gaza was also targeted. The Palestinian paper Al-Ayyam reported that …
Gaza Christians Wary After Hamas Takeover — 06/19/2007 Hamas is not opposed to Christian worship, said Massad. Christians want to live their faith, he said, but he admitted that they don’t have “full freedom” in …
Digg - Hamas Destroys Christian School and Church Now that there are no Jews in Gaza and Hamas is in control, they’re beginning the process of driving out the remaining Christians: Gaza’s Christians fear …
Gaza Christians Living Under Growing Islamic Threat, VA - Aug 16, 2007 Hamas maintains that al-Sayegh's conversion was a matter of personal choice and that it is vigorously protecting the rights of Gaza's Christians, ...
Hamas control has Gaza’s Christians on edge — The Washington …The Washington Times Foreign: Hamas control has Gaza’s Christians on edge.
‘Hamas forced professor to convert’ Some 3000 Christians live in the Gaza Strip. Following the Hamas takeover of the Strip, many of them have expressed their desire to leave. …
Officials: Hamas forcibly converted Christian woman to Islam …Ynet News, Middle East News: Gaza-based professor goes missing for weeks, indicates she is abducted, then surfaces a Muslim.,7340,L-3434253,00.html
Hamas pressing Gaza Christians to become MuslimsThe Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip are pressuring local Christians to either become Muslims or leave the area, according to Palestinian officials who spoke …
Eye On The World: Hamas demands Christians adopt Islam or leave
Christian Persecution Blog: Hamas Turns on Gaza Christians, This morning I was reading in Israel Today a brief story about how Hamas has turned on Gaza Christians over the weekend. Here’s the story in its entirety …
Leaders of Hamas and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror groups in Bethlehem also told WND they were not aware of any al-Qaida elements in Bethlehem.
Local Christian leaders speaking to WND said they cannot confirm any al-Qaida groups present in Bethlehem, but stated they are concerned by what they said was growing radicalization and militancy among Palestinian groups who reportedly have been targeting Christians in the city...
Christian activist slain in Hamas controlled Gaza Oct 8, 2007 ... The body of Rami Khader Ayyad, a prominent Palestinian Christian activist, ... Ayyad had been threatened by Islamic extremists in the past. ...
Christian Bookstore Owner Was Tortured Before His Death - October ...Oct 11, 2007 ... The body of Rami Ayyad, director of Gaza's only Christian bookstore, ... Ayyad had told relatives he was receiving death threats from Islamists.
Pressure Intensifies for Gaza Christians - Christian World News ...Aug 1, 2008 ... Islamic extremists are continuing efforts to eradicate Christians and their institutions.
Gaza Muslims continue ethnic-cleansing effort
By Stan Goodenough
February 17, 2008
Muslims attacked the library of the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) in Gaza Friday in the latest move to drive Christians and Christianity out of the Islamist-controlled Strip.
According to a report in The Jerusalem Post Sunday, gunmen - some masked, others not - "stormed" the library, kidnapped two security guards, looted electronic equipment and stole a vehicle, then detonated a number of bombs inside the building, totally destroying the book collection.
Intent on making the area Islamically "pure," Muslim Arabs have looked for "reasons" to "justify" their targeting of the tiny Christian community - around 3000 strong - that lives in the midst of Gaza's 1.4 million Muslims.
The persecution has increased since Hamas violently took control of Gaza a year ago.
On October 6 last year, Muslims abducted Rami Ayyad, the manager of Gaza's only Christian bookstore that had been bombed by masked Muslims six months earlier.
Ayyad, 31, was the father of two small children; his wife was pregnant with their third. His shot and repeatedly stabbed body was found a day after he disappeared.
For Gaza's Muslims, ridding themselves of any active Christian presence would be cherry on top after successfully forcing Israel to remove every single Jew from Gaza in 2005.
"Palestinian" crowds have often been heard to chant: "First we'll fight on Saturday and then on Sunday" - meaning, after they rid themselves of Jews they will rid themselves of Christians. christians, Islamic apartheid, Islamization
Re: Pallywood's 'Free Gaza Boat'
Re: Pallywood's 'Free Gaza Boat'
The Anti Freedom for anyone ab-uses the 'freedom' banner by being cruel to their own people to inflict destitute so they can be used to propagate.
August 2008
Pallywood was always good in 'language', from their frequent use of "freedom" to "resistance", while the siege on little Israel by its racist Arab neighbors goes on already for over 60 years, and recently Sderot under [real] siege from Gaza - Hamastan's missiles (Shall we call the missiles upon civilians intended to murder as "freedom missiles"?, those rockets that have a double edge sword, to harm innocent Israelis which Palestinain Hamas is bend on, plus to cause a defensive actions from Israel's security concerned forces to restrict Hamastan thus their beloved 'victim card' can have more teeth,) yet, it's rather the anti freedom (for anyone) the Islamic Hamas, that succeeded again in yet another "freedom" slogan, 'Free Gaza', those that seek to live and have their people live in misery to gain world's sympathy, have hit a jackpot, especially with some gullible "peace" activists.
The Gaza Boat Protest
1. Prior to the boats’ arrival along the Gaza coast:
a. Israel is closely monitoring the flotilla. This action constitutes an
intentional provocation. Consequently, Israel will do everything it can to
prevent it.
b. In accordance with the Interim Agreement between Israel and the
Palestinian Authority, which was supported by the international community, the
Israel Navy is exclusively responsible for the safety and security of the
maritime zones off the coast of Gaza.
2. In the event that the boats will be
allowed to proceed to Gaza:
a. The campaign is orchestrated by a handful of agitators who tried to draw
the State of Israel into a confrontation in the open sea, with broad media
coverage. This is not an expression of concern for the residents of the Gaza
Strip, but rather a political protest that serves only the Hamas and
b. This campaign is an intentional provocation undertaken by organizations
and activists, some of whom have a long history of employing provocative
tactics. Such groups, though flying the banner of human rights, are troublingly
silent in the face of the gross violations perpetrated by Hamas which have
caused so much suffering to Israelis and Palestinians alike. This action, which
seeks to grant legitimacy to the Hamas terrorist regime, is immoral and flies in
the face of the clearly stated position of the international community.
c. Israel continues to reserve its right to determine regarding entry into
the Gaza Strip. In this case, Israel merely decided not to be dragged into the
provocation that the protesters so eagerly sought to instigate.
d. Israel's policy remains unchanged, and it will continue to examine each
case upon its merits.
3. Israel's humanitarian policy towards Gaza:
Despite ongoing Hamas terrorism and attacks against the inland crossing
points, Israel permits the transfer of large quantities of humanitarian aid into
the Gaza Strip on a daily basis, and allows the passage of patients and
accompanying individuals into Israel, and the West Bank for medical treatment.
Consequently, there is no justification for this provocation.
4. Israel’s security policy vis-à-vis the Gaza Strip:
The Gaza Strip under the Hamas regime has
become a terrorist entity. Hamas smuggles and manufactures arms in a military
buildup that is continuing despite the current state of calm, in blatant
violation of the understandings laid out in the Egyptian initiative which
established the calm.
Slow Boat to Gaza--Radicals gather in Cyprus "to break the
Mr. Monir Deeb, a native Gazan who has lived in Los Angeles since
1979, explained to the media that he was boarding these boats to reunite with
his siblings in Gaza. Mr. Deeb described Gaza as a "peaceful community under
Israeli military siege" and said that this small convoy was meant to deliver a
message to Israel to stop the siege of Gaza.
This reporter asked Mr. Deeb about the armed Gaza militias who have fired
thousands of missiles over the past eight years against Israeli civilian
communities that surround Gaza. I also asked for his comment on how the Hamas
government is using the current cease fire period to regroup and train for the
next attack on Israel. Mr. Deeb said that he "could not relate to this
question," since it was "political" and his concern was "only humanitarian" in
The convener of the press conference, Ms. Greta Berlin, an
American woman formerly married to a Palestinian whose family was dislocated
from Safed in Northern Israel during the 1948 war, gave examples of the
humanitarian mission on which they were embarking. “One of her missions,” she
said, “was to supply 9,000 hearing aids for Palestinian children who suffer
hearing loss at a young age, due to Israeli missile attacks on Gaza.”
I asked Ms. Berlin if it were not the case that the
missile attacks that she had claimed had been fired at Palestinians in Gaza by
Israelis were actually fired by Palestinians towards the Western Negev, as they
screech over Palestinian villages en route to hit Israeli civilian targets.
Ms. Berlin would not comment, saying repeatedly
that the purpose of the voyage to Gaza was not political, even though the press
statement issued by touched every raw political nerve possible. also clearly stated that it strongly condemns Israel for not
allowing "refugees and their descendants the right to return home" to the
villages that have since been resettled by Israel after the 1948 war. Meanwhile,
the "" press statement also decried "Israel's illegal occupation of
Palestine," laying aside any pretensions that the group only favored Israel's
full withdrawal from Gaza...
Israeli Civil Rights Center Warns US Attorney General: Gaza Boat
Organizers Have Violated the Neutrality Act,+08:06+AM
Aug 20, 2008 ... The Free Gaza movement is hoping that the Israeli Navy will arrest them, allowing them to gain worldwide media coverage,... organizers thereby hope to provoke a clash with the navy that will end with them being forcibly arrested ...
Israelis Get Smart: Cause Gaza Boat Flop
23 Aug 2008
Leftist Gaza
Boat project flops big time!
Palestinians: Leftist boats didn't bring any
food - just lots of talk!!
So the Leftist propaganda boat project flopped.
Israel got smart and let the boats through, thus defusing the antagonist's
desired media spectacle.
PR Stunt Fails As Israel Allows Gaza Protest

A Palestinian
"Exodus"?The only thing missing was Steven Spielberg and democracy.
Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency
Israel --- August 23, 2008 … Israel's PR has always been
lacking. One can find three very well substantiated reasons:
lack of professional public relations manpower in government,
lack of funds and lack of coordinated communications between
the Israel Prime Minister's Office, the Israel Ministry for
Foreign Affairs and Israel Defense Forces.
today was different.
The terror group Hamas tried to stage a media PR event and failed
big time.
knew about this Hamas attempt to create a PR event at sea for
weeks," Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesmen Arye Mekel
told the Israel News Agency.
knew who's on these boats and what they contain, and therefore
we decided weeks ago to allow them to come into Gaza. They were
not carrying weapons and had only a handful of equipment for
the hearing impaired."
appears that hearing aids for Hamas are needed. So are prescription
to the Israel Defense Forces,
approximately 300 humanitarian trucks filled with food, medical
supplies and fuel pass daily into Gaza. "Gaza has food,"
says Mekel. "They only thing they lack is freedom and democracy."
the security closure imposed by Israel in June 2007 after Hamas
violently attacked the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, Israel
has allowed tons of UN supplied humanitarian supplies into Gaza.
as Hamas failed to create an "Exodus" type event at
sea, they also failed to please their own people in Gaza. Since
leaving Cyprus on Friday, the failed PR event staged by the
US - based Free Gaza Movement had always been in doubt.
The residents of Gaza were disappointed by the total lack of
food supposed to have been brought in by the two Palestine boats
carrying international leftist activists.
people thought these boats would make a significant contribution
to break the siege, not only politically but also in terms of
bringing in goods, equipment, food, and medicine," one
Gazan said. "However, once it turned out these boats contained
no food and only activists, most people left the beach disappointed."
government sources state that tons of UN, US and Israel humanitarian
aid never even reach the citizens of Gaza. The food is confiscated
by Hamas, given to their own people, some of the UN and Red
Cross supplies are sold on the black market and about 30 percent
is simply destroyed to create a PR image of Gazans going hungry.
the same it was Pallywood, a Hollywood event which begged hundreds
of Gazans to come to the beach and greet the leftist activists
at the beach.
two Palestinian boats, carrying 46 international left-wing activists
who support Hamas suicide bombers and rocket attacks on Israel
towns and cities, reached the Gaza beach at around 6:00 pm today.
The 46 activists from 14 countries included an 81-year-old Catholic
nun and Lauren Booth, the sister-in-law of international Mideast
envoy and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
of Gazans headed out to sea in fishing boats to welcome the
Hamas supporters. Among these were a Tunisian, German, US citizens,
as well as an Israel activist.
confirmed that the failed PR stunt was staged by Hamas.
cannot place any responsibility on the Palestinian Authority
for these theatrics as the PA has no control of Gaza."
Mekel was stating was that this was not a "Palestinian"
public relations event. In fact, the PA and it's forces have
been at odds with Hamas for many months with much blood shed
between the two. The PA supports the Middle-East peace process,
while Iran backed Hamas continues to openly call for the destruction
of Israel and attacks Israel city and town with Qassam rockets.
The so called "peace activists" which were on their
way to Gaza illustrated a complete and total disregard for innocent
Israel terror victims, said MFA Frimet Roth.
The Israel Foreign Ministry exposed the foreign supporters of
Hamas saying that they did not deserve to be referred to as
"peace activists," labeling them as a "handful
of provocateurs seeking a public relations stunt who initiated
a political protest aimed at boosting Hamas' regime of horrors
in Gaza."
"How does such delusional journey promote peace?"
the Israel Foreign Ministry added. "What kind of contribution
does this journey make to the promotion of ideas of reconciliation
and compromise? None."
Hamas spokesman Sammy Abu Zuhri said that Israel's initial insistence
on torpedoing the arrival of boats carrying international activists
headed to Gaza "attests to the Israeli distress caused
by this international peace initiative." There were also
reports that the protesters radio equipment had been jammed
by the IDF.
of this was true," said Mekel. "They were looking
for anything they could find to make a news story out of thin
air. Not one IDF ship was ever seen by these protesters."
pointed out that the decision not to prevent the protesters
from reaching Gaza was "made at the highest level of government."
Which means that Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, his security
cabinet and Israel's Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs
were not going to allow another Pallywood production. In the
past, Palestinians have been filmed being shot and appearing
to be dead. During Operation Defensive Shield Israel video footage
clearly shows Palestinian actors either falling off or getting
off first aid stretchers.
Mekel would not admit that it was clearly a public relations
victory for Israel, one can clearly see that Israel has come
a long way in its professional and honest approach with the
media. Even if the IDF has made a mistake for which they could
easily take a spin on, senior officers at the Israel Defense
Forces Spokespersons Office will not allow any lies.
the end of the day, we do need to lie," said an IDF spokesperson.
"If we make a mistake we will be the first to admit it.
While the international media sees day after day pure propaganda
coming from Gaza. The international media has come to learn
the difference between democracy and free speech at work in
Israel and Hamas terrorism in Gaza. Journalists have long memories.
And many remember Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl
and the recent kidnappings of journalists in Gaza by Hamas."
officials made a point of highlighting that sincere humanitarian
groups could continue to provide humanitarian aid to the Palestinian
population with aid to the UN and International Red Cross through
existing land crossings. Israel has always drawn and respected
the distinction between the civilian population in Gaza and
Iran backed Hamas terrorists.
are very brave, they are very strong, I am proud of them,"
said Samira Ayash, a 65-year-old retired school teacher who
came to watch the failed Gaza PR event. An European reporter
followed Ayash as he returned to Gaza Port. He was greeted by
two young men in beards who shook his hand and then took out
a wallet and handed Ayash money.
are well paid to speak to the press by Hamas.
Israel --- August 23, 2008 … Israel's PR has always been
lacking. One can find three very well substantiated reasons:
lack of professional public relations manpower in government,
lack of funds and lack of coordinated communications between
the Israel Prime Minister's Office, the Israel Ministry for
Foreign Affairs and Israel Defense Forces.
today was different.
The terror group Hamas tried to stage a media PR event and failed
big time.
knew about this Hamas attempt to create a PR event at sea for
weeks," Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesmen Arye Mekel
told the Israel News Agency.
knew who's on these boats and what they contain, and therefore
we decided weeks ago to allow them to come into Gaza. They were
not carrying weapons and had only a handful of equipment for
the hearing impaired."
appears that hearing aids for Hamas are needed. So are prescription
to the Israel Defense Forces,
approximately 300 humanitarian trucks filled with food, medical
supplies and fuel pass daily into Gaza. "Gaza has food,"
says Mekel. "They only thing they lack is freedom and democracy."
the security closure imposed by Israel in June 2007 after Hamas
violently attacked the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, Israel
has allowed tons of UN supplied humanitarian supplies into Gaza.
as Hamas failed to create an "Exodus" type event at
sea, they also failed to please their own people in Gaza. Since
leaving Cyprus on Friday, the failed PR event staged by the
US - based Free Gaza Movement had always been in doubt.
The residents of Gaza were disappointed by the total lack of
food supposed to have been brought in by the two Palestine boats
carrying international leftist activists.
people thought these boats would make a significant contribution
to break the siege, not only politically but also in terms of
bringing in goods, equipment, food, and medicine," one
Gazan said. "However, once it turned out these boats contained
no food and only activists, most people left the beach disappointed."
government sources state that tons of UN, US and Israel humanitarian
aid never even reach the citizens of Gaza. The food is confiscated
by Hamas, given to their own people, some of the UN and Red
Cross supplies are sold on the black market and about 30 percent
is simply destroyed to create a PR image of Gazans going hungry.
the same it was Pallywood, a Hollywood event which begged hundreds
of Gazans to come to the beach and greet the leftist activists
at the beach.
two Palestinian boats, carrying 46 international left-wing activists
who support Hamas suicide bombers and rocket attacks on Israel
towns and cities, reached the Gaza beach at around 6:00 pm today.
The 46 activists from 14 countries included an 81-year-old Catholic
nun and Lauren Booth, the sister-in-law of international Mideast
envoy and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
of Gazans headed out to sea in fishing boats to welcome the
Hamas supporters. Among these were a Tunisian, German, US citizens,
as well as an Israel activist.
confirmed that the failed PR stunt was staged by Hamas.
cannot place any responsibility on the Palestinian Authority
for these theatrics as the PA has no control of Gaza."
Mekel was stating was that this was not a "Palestinian"
public relations event. In fact, the PA and it's forces have
been at odds with Hamas for many months with much blood shed
between the two. The PA supports the Middle-East peace process,
while Iran backed Hamas continues to openly call for the destruction
of Israel and attacks Israel city and town with Qassam rockets.
The so called "peace activists" which were on their
way to Gaza illustrated a complete and total disregard for innocent
Israel terror victims, said MFA Frimet Roth.
The Israel Foreign Ministry exposed the foreign supporters of
Hamas saying that they did not deserve to be referred to as
"peace activists," labeling them as a "handful
of provocateurs seeking a public relations stunt who initiated
a political protest aimed at boosting Hamas' regime of horrors
in Gaza."
"How does such delusional journey promote peace?"
the Israel Foreign Ministry added. "What kind of contribution
does this journey make to the promotion of ideas of reconciliation
and compromise? None."
Hamas spokesman Sammy Abu Zuhri said that Israel's initial insistence
on torpedoing the arrival of boats carrying international activists
headed to Gaza "attests to the Israeli distress caused
by this international peace initiative." There were also
reports that the protesters radio equipment had been jammed
by the IDF.
of this was true," said Mekel. "They were looking
for anything they could find to make a news story out of thin
air. Not one IDF ship was ever seen by these protesters."
pointed out that the decision not to prevent the protesters
from reaching Gaza was "made at the highest level of government."
Which means that Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, his security
cabinet and Israel's Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs
were not going to allow another Pallywood production. In the
past, Palestinians have been filmed being shot and appearing
to be dead. During Operation Defensive Shield Israel video footage
clearly shows Palestinian actors either falling off or getting
off first aid stretchers.
Mekel would not admit that it was clearly a public relations
victory for Israel, one can clearly see that Israel has come
a long way in its professional and honest approach with the
media. Even if the IDF has made a mistake for which they could
easily take a spin on, senior officers at the Israel Defense
Forces Spokespersons Office will not allow any lies.
the end of the day, we do need to lie," said an IDF spokesperson.
"If we make a mistake we will be the first to admit it.
While the international media sees day after day pure propaganda
coming from Gaza. The international media has come to learn
the difference between democracy and free speech at work in
Israel and Hamas terrorism in Gaza. Journalists have long memories.
And many remember Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl
and the recent kidnappings of journalists in Gaza by Hamas."
officials made a point of highlighting that sincere humanitarian
groups could continue to provide humanitarian aid to the Palestinian
population with aid to the UN and International Red Cross through
existing land crossings. Israel has always drawn and respected
the distinction between the civilian population in Gaza and
Iran backed Hamas terrorists.
are very brave, they are very strong, I am proud of them,"
said Samira Ayash, a 65-year-old retired school teacher who
came to watch the failed Gaza PR event. An European reporter
followed Ayash as he returned to Gaza Port. He was greeted by
two young men in beards who shook his hand and then took out
a wallet and handed Ayash money.
are well paid to speak to the press by Hamas.
Technorati - Freedom "palestine" Hamas Chemical Weapons Genocide bombing Homicide bombing War on terror "palestinians" Human Shields Israel Israelis Raid War on terror "Palestinian" propaganda "Palestinian" lies Media bias Biased media Free Gaza boat CNN BBC NGO Anti Zionism Hatred Islamofascism Pallywood "Palestinian" fake Images "Palestinian" lies PA PALLYWOODLabels: free gaza boat, Pallywood