RACIST ARAB SLAVERS: Arab league “upset” at S. Sudan’s willingness to ally with free and democratic Israel
RACIST ARAB SLAVERS: Arab league “upset” at S. Sudan’s willingness to ally with free and democratic Israel
Arabs Have a History of Enslavement of South Sudanese not the Jews
by Editorial – 16.01.2012
The above statement follows the sarcastic remark made by the current Secretary General of the Arab league Nabil Al-Araby that it would be to the benefit of South Sudan to join the Arab League instead of establishing diplomatic relations with the state of Israel. “From my end I regret that South Sudan took this step [Kiir visiting Israel] and it is part of Sudan from my point of view,” Al-Araby said in an interview with Qatar news agency..
Author explains (2011) the ”Baqt” agreement in Africa:
The Baqt in general was an Arab Muslim’s practice probably during the Islamic expansion which overran many countries including Syria, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania, Iraq, Egypt, Libya Sudan etc. And during those wars, the Arabs would conquer, occupy and take booties (i.e. slaves, land and movable properties) where they were victorious over their enemies or victims. And where they failed to conquer immediately, they would impose the baqt or the payment in slaves and other valuable properties, plus certain conditions intended to weaken the indigenous socio-economic and political systems and the people at large, so that when the Arab Muslims become strong again they would conquer and colonized them. For the Arab Muslims there would always be no permanent peace with infidels or non Muslims until they surrender and become the dhimmes under the Arab Islamic Apartheid, as the third class citizens in an Islamic State, or if they submit to conversion and assimilation into Arab Islamic culture and religion, yet they would still become third or fourth class citizens because they would be treated as non Asharaf (i.e. non true Arab race or a non relative of the Prophet), non Awalad el Bled or non members of the Brown Arab Muslim Sudanese tribesmen (BRAMS) which is usually consisting of two main prominent Arab nationalities which include Jaaleen, and el Shaageen and the Arabised Danagaleen or Nubians. Indeed the non Arabs Muslim converts are always treated as outsiders within the Arab based Sectarian communities who consider themselves as “Alaharaf” the relatives of the Prophet” or Awalad el Bled (the children of the Land etc).<ref>Sudan: Will the Republic of South Sudan Accept Another Baqt the Dilemmas of Post Independence Agreement
Deng Dongrin Akuany
6 January 2012,
Tags: "palestine", 2.5 million, Africa, al-Bashir, anti semitism, Arab apartheid, Arab Leauge, Arab slavery, Arabs, Darfur, Genocide, History, Islamic apartheid, Islamic bigotry, Islamofascism, Jews, Jihad, Muslims, racism, slavery, War on terror
Tags: "palestine", 2.5 million, Africa, al-Bashir, anti semitism, Arab apartheid, Arab Leauge, Arab slavery, Arabs, Darfur, Genocide, History, Islamic apartheid, Islamic bigotry, Islamofascism, Jews, Jihad, Muslims, racism, slavery, War on terror
Labels: Arab league, Sudan
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