Monday, December 27, 2010

J'Accuse: Racist Arabs & Israeli left of/for "growing racism" in Israel

J'Accuse: Racist Arabs & Israeli left of/for "growing racism" in Israel

Dec. 2010


Let's not spin this blunt issue, aiming at Israeli Jews specifically to be killed or hurt, in their homes, in cars passing by, in a restaurant , at a bus stop, at kindergartens, is what it is: racial hatred against Jews. I don't know which racist part of it is difficult to comprehend to cast it as such.


Arab Muslim leaders such as the head of the Islamic movement was arrested and charged of racism and inciting violence, to assume that his 'deadly' influence doesn't "live" on among Israeli Arabs is beyond naive.

One of the icons of pushing racism is Arab MK Ahmed Tibi, whose inflammatory mouth has uttered the word "racist" and "apartheid" for almost as many days [in the decade or so] he's serving as an official in the Jewish-Democratic state.

Of course, everything Israel does is "racist," this ugly Arab racism's notion that dates from the infamous anti-Israel campaign in the UN by the Arab lobby in the 1970s to demean Zionism which is about a return of a people to its historic homeland as "racism," The very racist Arab nations that oppress or at least discriminate against non-Arab minorities (including: Kurds, blacks, Copts, Jews [where they haven't been ethnically cleansed], Assyrians, Berbers, etc.) had/have the audacity to condemn Israel that gives equal rights and freedom to its 25% Arab citizens, and at times giving preferential treatments to them, in employment, education, etc., those Muslim nations that practice Islamic apartheid in its supremacy status over/against non-Muslims, all have joined to call the very victim of Arab racism [which is the only bond that binds the divider Arab world who discriminates against Arab-Palestinians] as "racist."

Speaking of hypocrisy, Arab republics and Islamic Republics are also against the notion of a 'Jewish' state, even though Israel’s official laws are in fact anything but Jewish.

In addition, a fairly new pehenomenon follows this twisted line, a form of bigotry that doesn't even recognize in Jews' rights to defend themselves, the message basically is that if you are an Israeli Jew, you simply deserve to die -by default- and if/when you resist, you are a "racist." An underline message that is common to all those anti-Israel organizations that, though publicly, claim to "care" for the Palestinian-Arabs.


The political motivated left in Israel says, said some outrageous things in order to 'win' symbolic [and beyond] politics.

They make sure to use the "racism" slur at each right wing step it takes to deter it from advancing.

Preying on the weakness of the sensitivity to the charge, the Jewish people feel about - probably more than any other nation - the very victim of racism (most recent WW2's Nazis and the Arab-Islamic leaders like the Mufti of Palestine that joined them) they managed to use it or rather abuse it to advance their lefty ideology on the back of super-guilt ridden Jews, all the while successfully suppressing the real racism going on in the past and in the present, Arab racism that is, from outside or from inside Israel.

Try this, perform a search in Haaretz for 'Arab racism' see what comes up, if not the exact opposite, How come?

Why is an Arab on Jews attack described as [if at all] a "disturbance" or a "nationalist" incident and not 'Anti-Jewish racism' when selectively aiming at Jews only, yet, if anti-Jewish feelings and acts motivate a Jew to manage in voicing concern, it's then when the Jewish victim is depict as a "racist?"

The sad thing is, Haaretz writers and the like, never learned that exaggerated use of outrageous terminology does more of a serious damage than one might assume, and long after they might have forgotten about their political motivated hype language at a 'heated moment,' its disastrous effect continue to be deep and long in the nation's psyche, precisely because it uses the concept of intolerance, which Jews are so fiery against.


Can one really not able to understand a sincere parent in an ’under-constant-threat-country’ Israel who’s genuinely worried about the safety of the family? Is awareness, caring and responsibility all of a sudden now "racism?"

As goes the above factors and "racism pushers" as I like to call them, so does the overall tension.

The conclusive point is that the anxiety that Israeli Jews feel from a hostile intolerant Arab world that has fought to annihilate it and still can't seem to recognize this "stranger' in their midst, is only growing, add to that the behavior of Arabs inside Israel and to top it all with the Israeli- "Jewish" anti-Israel leftists‘-extremists such as 'Haaretz.'

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